73% of New Jobs Created in Last 5 Months Are in Government

(CNSNews.com) - Seventy-three percent of the new civilian jobs created in the United States over the last five months are in government, according to official data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In June, a total of 142,415,000 people were employed in the U.S, according to the BLS, including 19,938,000 who were employed by federal, state and local governments.

By November, according to data BLS released today, the total number of people employed had climbed to 143,262,000, an overall increase of 847,000 in the six months since June.

In the same five-month period since June, the number of people employed by government increased by 621,000 to 20,559,000. These 621,000 new government jobs created in the last five months equal 73.3 percent of the 847,000 new jobs created overall.


Are you on PF too? Some loon posted the exact same post there.

Here's my answer:

How do they come up with this number when the total was 20616 in Dec 2011, more than November 2012?

Just because CNS, a veritiable rag, professes to "tell the truth", doesn't mean it does.


So I did a little more checking...seems like the new hires weren't the above (natch ), the government plans to hire over the next FIVE YEARS:

Security, Protection, compliance and enforcement (62,863 new hires)
Medical and Public health (35,350 new hires)
Accounting, budget and business (21,248 new hires)
engineering and Sciences (17,477 new hires)
Program Management/Analysis and Administration (14,305 new hires)

Golly gee, doesn't that add up close to my 20k number above spread out over five years? Not only that, but these jobs were authorized by Congress in various appropriations bills and include:

Driving the hiring rush are the impending retirement or resignation of nearly one-third of the 1.6 million current federal workers, along with stepped-up efforts to secure the U.S. against terrorism and illegal immigration. The Departments of Defense and Homeland Security alone are expected to offer more than 83,000 new jobs.

More than 15,000 new Customs and Border Patrol agents and 22,000 Transportation Security Agency airport screeners are expected to be hired over the coming three years.

Do those of us with brains a favor, guys...before you start screaming about something you read on CNS or FOX how about checking the claim out first?

Then you won't have to be made to look like tin hat wearing dimwits.
Do you not realize that the millions of jobs the 1% creates also pay taxes?

What're you, their puppet? On average they pay less than in taxes percentage rate wise than an elderly couple making two hundred thousand bucks a year (12% - 15% contrasted to their 28%)...so it's that you don't make more than two hundred thousand plus a year nor are you a part of the 1%, the next best thing is that you're a gullible dipshit that's told what to do via the internet.

High employment is the best way to generate real revenue. If you took every dime duh rich possess, it would run the govt for like 9 days.

Yeah, you're their bitch alright.
Ballgazer says jump and you jump, it's that simple.

lol, your flip'n houses and fifty thousand miles a year being everywhere at once lies were funny...now that you've turned yourself out for a fat chick they're funnier...

Flipped one over the weekend, won 5k at the boat, it was a great weekend, thanks for you concern idiot.
Do you not realize that the millions of jobs the 1% creates also pay taxes?

High employment is the best way to generate real revenue. If you took every dime duh rich possess, it would run the govt for like 9 days.
Here I was thinking that the demand of consumers for products created the jobs....
But with consumers having less money to spend.... More workers/consumers are laid off and demand drops more...

Can anyone say "auger in economy"?
but...but....but the government is EVIL!

those people will kill the country by having jobs with money to spend into the economy.

How the Hell can Grover kill the government in the bath tub if these government jobs kill the government first?
but...but....but the government is EVIL!

those people will kill the country by having jobs with money to spend into the economy.

How the Hell can Grover kill the government in the bath tub if these government jobs kill the government first?

Dear dipshit broad

You miss the salient point that in order for the gobblement to "spend money into the economy" it first has to remove it from the economy