9-11-06 Prediction....

The idea that we should somehow change our fundamental freedoms and way of life because some people might get killed is what Bush is using as a way to govern and a way to get votes for his party!
sad to say but people are always going to be killed becasue someone doesnt like the US.
what ways are we changing our way of life? the airlines being more stringent? i tell you what, if they want me to take off my shoes cause they want to see if im hiding something, no problem. safety is the word of the day( everyday). if you dont like it take a bus. wiretaps? i have nothing to hide. im willing to bet im so boring the local police would have a laugh at listening to my phone calls (hey honey whats for dinner? whatever you make is for dinner. well im not making nothiing for dinner, fine were go to olive garden again... blah blah blah).
sad to say but people are always going to be killed becasue someone doesnt like the US.
what ways are we changing our way of life? the airlines being more stringent? i tell you what, if they want me to take off my shoes cause they want to see if im hiding something, no problem. safety is the word of the day( everyday). if you dont like it take a bus. wiretaps? i have nothing to hide. im willing to bet im so boring the local police would have a laugh at listening to my phone calls (hey honey whats for dinner? whatever you make is for dinner. well im not making nothiing for dinner, fine were go to olive garden again... blah blah blah).

lol! johnny,i always love how to the point you are!

That sounds like a convo between me and my hubby
lol! johnny,i always love how to the point you are!

That sounds like a convo between me and my hubby
it gets worse! we will bicker back and forth and all we end up saying is "shut the fuck up... no you shut the fuck up..." if someone hears us they probably think were heading towards divorce...lol. couldnt be farther from the truth. thats just how we mess around.
How much you wanna bet the President and the GOP will SHAMELESSLY try to USE this upcoming 9-11 anaversary for political advantage!

Put the fear back into people so they can win elections. Its sad when they can only win using fear or sex scandals.

Hmmm, what I was thinking coming up to this awful anniversary was how it will be ignored or made trivial.

Since we haven't been 'hit', what is the point of Iraq? If we were, what would be the point of Iraq? What about our 'close relationship' with Israel? Isn't that the cause of all evil confronting us?
Hmmm, what I was thinking coming up to this awful anniversary was how it will be ignored or made trivial.

Since we haven't been 'hit', what is the point of Iraq? If we were, what would be the point of Iraq? What about our 'close relationship' with Israel? Isn't that the cause of all evil confronting us?
It will not be ignored but the administration will do their level best to trivialize it. They will trivialize it by commercializing it: their sole aim is to profit from it. That's been all they've been interested in since September 11, 2001.

The sad thing is that their political mendacity has side effects. Many, and none of them good. The lessons that people should learn from the event are obscured by the propaganda and emotional nonsense.
It will not be ignored but the administration will do their level best to trivialize it. They will trivialize it by commercializing it: their sole aim is to profit from it. That's been all they've been interested in since September 11, 2001.

The sad thing is that their political mendacity has side effects. Many, and none of them good. The lessons that people should learn from the event are obscured by the propaganda and emotional nonsense.

and your side? Pro Hizbollah and Hamas. So anti-Bush you'll advocate the entryway of the terror groups not only into Israel problems, but Iran into US:

and your side? Pro Hizbollah and Hamas. So anti-Bush you'll advocate the entryway of the terror groups not only into Israel problems, but Iran into US:

Neither. Simply neither anti-Arab nor anti-Muslim.

If the state of Israel is doing more wrong than those who oppose them then why should we support the policies that implement that wrong? Simply because they're "against" Hezbollah and Hamas? Not bloody likely. The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.

Terrorism is not the worst thing in the world. Not by a long shot.
Neither. Simply neither anti-Arab nor anti-Muslim.

If the state of Israel is doing more wrong than those who oppose them then why should we support the policies that implement that wrong? Simply because they're "against" Hezbollah and Hamas? Not bloody likely. The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.

Terrorism is not the worst thing in the world. Not by a long shot.

Pray tell, what is the worst thing? Conversions at gun point?
and your side? Pro Hizbollah and Hamas. So anti-Bush you'll advocate the entryway of the terror groups not only into Israel problems, but Iran into US:


thank you for this link runyon.

But we have to think even further... for instance, how do you know that Hizbollah is not what has kept southern lebanon in a fairly safe conditions to live in...(until this last fiasco) How do you know their presense isn't what is actually keeping law and order in place...though their "law" may be foreign to us?

Not that I am saying that they are not a terrorist group, or that possibly only some are real terrorists and others do the charity work that they do, or that they do not endanger Israel....

just that we need to learn from our mistakes...like what we have come across in Iraq, with the lack of law and order there since the removal of Saddam...and the dismissal of the Iraqi guard mistake that we made early on in the Iraq conflict....without having enough boots on the ground ourselves to prevent the civil war like conditions that have come in to play now?

So, imho, before we supposedly dismantle Hizbollah, we should be looking down the road to see any of these FORESEEABLE negative consequences of doing such, without knowing their complete scope of involvement within the communities they live in.... Who will man the hospitals and pay for them if hizbollah is gone? Who will provide the schooling for the children in these regions? Who will prevent Lawlessness?

There are many questions to ask oneself regarding these issues, and then after those are answered one has to start asking, what are the REGIONAL middle eastern affects of getting rid of them. And of course the question of what exactly is getting rid of them and exactly how does one plan to do that? And can you really "get rid of them"?
and so on and so forth....

let me say again, thanks for that link...this site seems useful and beneficial to anyone that wants to know more about the rest of the world....
