94.5% Employment is not that bad.

I'm not saying that Clinton was the cause of job creation. I was responding to a specific comment from klaatu, specifically:

"Presidents help create an environment that is friendly to entrepreneurs... not hostile. Like keeping taxes in line ... something I have trouble thinking Obama will do... considering all the Cradle to Grave programs he wants to create."

It seems clear that Clinton's policies were not "hostile" to job creation. It seems equally clear the Bush's policies are not necessarily "friendly" to job creation. Obama's proposals are more akin to Clinton's policies whereas McCains proposals are a continuation of Bush's policies.

I was working in the Silicon Valley during the tech boom of the late '90's and it was freaking awesome. I don't know that we'll see something like that again for awhile. I've been to several business conferences that discuss what led to that boom from a business perspective. When politics are discussed it of course usually turns into a partisan fight. I don't know what policies led to the tech boom. Its possible no real political policies led to it that it was going to happen regardless. Whatever it is I would love to see it come back.
yeah but I saw it coming, was not hind sight on my part. My mind asked once we had survived Y2K, what was going to replace all those billions spent on Y2K prep ?

Hmmm...which candidate is proposing more Bush and which candidate is proposing more Clinton?

And pray tell, what are all of these "Cradle to Grave" programs he wants to create? I haven't heard much of them.

Exactly how did Bill Clinton create these jobs? What policies did he initiate that caused this employment? What effect did the Republican takeover of Congress in 1994 have on this employment growth?

Hmmm...which candidate is proposing more Bush and which candidate is proposing more Clinton?

And pray tell, what are all of these "Cradle to Grave" programs he wants to create? I haven't heard much of them.

And if you place the graph properly on a total employment, you would have to start the Bush line at the end of the Clinton graph. What policies did President Bush implement in the first 6 months that caused the downfall shown on the graph? Did you forget the effects that 9-11 had on the economy and Wall Street?
You guys keep saying this. I haven't heard anyone on the left proclaim Obama the Messiah.

Are we allowed to get excited about a candidacy anymore? I know you idiots feel self-conscious because you voted twice for one of the most incompetent Presidents in history, and you're giving "detached cynicism" a try now, but that's not our fault.

No you're not. We learned that when your kind smeared Ron Paul.

If you're excited about your candidate, you will be bombarded with propaganda until you are disillusioned.
Exactly how did Bill Clinton create these jobs? What policies did he initiate that caused this employment? What effect did the Republican takeover of Congress in 1994 have on this employment growth?

Bill clinton is not running for president.

Are all you going to do is talk about Bill Clinton ?

We are waiting.
In hindsight.

Lots of things are predictable once they happen.

Come on Dungheap. I am out of this discussion. But a fellow liberal is actually calling you out on the facts. With all due respect sir can you answer a fellow liberal on the facts?
No one wants to admit that someone else saw something coming that they did not.
That applies to either side.