A better suggestion


There is an entertaining liitle TV prog called Room 101. (you may have something similar in the uS) where people choose the things that most annoy them to be banished forever into the room that contains everything they hate. (1984).
Just call it Room 101.
Here is a starter or two.

I hate people who walk slowly on pavements and prevent my seemless progress from where I have been to where I am going. If you walk at less than say 2mph (to be discussed) should be consigned to the oblivion of Room 101.

Next. Pictures of dogs with stupid captions. And the people who send these ridiculous bits of time wasting: 'this is Fido catching a frisby', 'this is Fido swimming the bloody Atlantic' are definitely candidates for the funny farm. Their sickening pictures of animals that consume money and produce shit should also be consigned to Room 101.

Just a suggestion. :)
Yup, plenty. People on bicycles should be open targets.

Not all people, just those that wear stretch budgie smugglers, dayglo helmets, and carry water and provisions enough for a triathlon ... just to go and buy a newspaper from the shop down the road.
Kids are OK on bikes.
Not all people, just those that wear stretch budgie smugglers, dayglo helmets, and carry water and provisions enough for a triathlon ... just to go and buy a newspaper from the shop down the road.
Kids are OK on bikes.

Any cyclist on the road should be hit and killed. And I should get a medal or some sort of commendation for doing so.
Any cyclist on the road should be hit and killed. And I should get a medal or some sort of commendation for doing so.

I honestly did almost hit and kill one the other day, who apparently didn't think a red light applied to him. Its honestly the only time I've ever regretted NOT killing someone.

cycling is an awesome sport. that you judge all of them and want to KILL them based on your interactions with a few speaks volumes of your attitude.
cycling is an awesome sport. that you judge all of them and want to KILL them based on your interactions with a few speaks volumes of your attitude.
Yes, its clearly my fault. I mean, I forgot that rules of the road don't apply if you are a dick head on a bicycle. Heaven frbid that they obey a red light at a 50 mph intersection.