A better suggestion

You and Johny Rotten need to learn more tolerance. I am particularly surprised at you, you seem pretty moderate for an extremist.

You seem pretty coherent for an idiot, but bikers on the road are one of the most irritating features that the road has to offer.
You seem pretty coherent for an idiot, but bikers on the road are one of the most irritating features that the road has to offer.

Must suck for you being a mental infant still. Do you get angry at babies for crying in church?
Bycycles are more deserving of road space than most cars at this point.

If individual riders are problematic, they should be delt with swiftly and harshly.
Must suck for you being a mental infant still. Do you get angry at babies for crying in church?
Bycycles are more deserving of road space than most cars at this point.

If individual riders are problematic, they should be delt with swiftly and harshly.

Please try to refrain from mis-spellings while calling me stupid. It is most undignified of you.