A Black Woman's View ~ No He Can't

So it must follow that articulate Caucasians critical of bush would have been equally valid in their opinions of him. Why is the fact that the woman is Black the point of your post? What would be said of a thread titled: "A White Woman's View-No bush can't"? It seems you must view Blacks as one vast monolith with a single, and less articulate, view than the author's but in support of Obama. I could have a similar view regarding the Solid South, how would that differ?
Apparently race consciousness must have an effect on some folks feelings towards our newly elected President. Could it be?

It wasn't the point of my post, it was "a" point she made in her editorial. As a black woman who was among the 5% of black voters that did not vote for a black president, she apprently thought it gave her a unique perspective. You disagree? Take it up with her.
Now what will you do about the false bullshit being spewed by your right wing Heros which has already been involved in getting three cops killed?
The guy who killed those three cops listened to Beck and buddies and thought the gubment was coming to take his guns.

Mark one up to the right wing nut bags.
The guy who killed those three cops listened to Beck and buddies and thought the gubment was coming to take his guns.

Mark one up to the right wing nut bags.

so that obviously means that ALL of us rightwing nutbags are cop killers waiting to pull a murrah, right? damn, you're a fucking moron.
No my verbally challenged one.

If you condsider yourself one of the right wing nut bags then it applies to you.

If you think Obama is coming after all your guns it applies to you.

If you support the idiots on the right like Beck , Hannity and Rush then it applies to you.

Again stop with your lies, I do not whorship ANYTHING.

Every time you say that idiot shit you prove you are a lying sack of taintwallow
so that obviously means that ALL of us rightwing nutbags are cop killers waiting to pull a murrah, right? damn, you're a fucking moron.
Clearly the guy had some issues that needed a Psychologist/Psychiatrist and his political ideology is an unwarranted addition.

It's like saying that Ozzy caused suicides because he sang "Suicide Solution", it's preposterous at its face.
No my verbally challenged one.

If you condsider yourself one of the right wing nut bags then it applies to you.

If you think Obama is coming after all your guns it applies to you.

If you support the idiots on the right like Beck , Hannity and Rush then it applies to you.
talk about verbally challenged. You just confirmed everything I said by grouping everyone together by all of those sentences.

Again stop with your lies, I do not whorship ANYTHING.
yes, you do worship the party and people. admit it.
No my verbally challenged one.

If you condsider yourself one of the right wing nut bags then it applies to you.

If you think Obama is coming after all your guns it applies to you.

If you support the idiots on the right like Beck , Hannity and Rush then it applies to you.

Again stop with your lies, I do not whorship ANYTHING.

Every time you say that idiot shit you prove you are a lying sack of taintwallow

loooool, your left winger DNC claims that is true....i don't see you speaking out against DNC....hmmmmm