A board question

No, it was gramatically incorrect. I only point it out because these things are important to you.

In fact it was grammatically correct. Your spelling however... perhaps we should just leave well enough alone at this point, hmm?
In fact it was grammatically correct. Your spelling however... perhaps we should just leave well enough alone at this point, hmm?

I left off an "m" thanks for the fix, but then I wasn't the one throwing rocks in a glass house.

Your grammar, and misuse of the comma in the sentence I put in bold, was still grammatically incorrect.
don't sweat them

they are no big deal

I'm more concerned about your opinions than your spelling

So poor spelling, punctuation, or grammar can't make something appear in a manner other than the way the person posting something intended it to appear?


I posted a thread entitled "Is healthcare a right?"

Rana - "healthcare is a subset of the right to life and happiness"

reason10 - "Jefferson would spit on you for saying that"

Rana - "I doubt that Jefferson was a gentleman"

I know what Rana was trying to say despite her poor use of punctuation. There should have been a period after "that". Since there isn't and those three responses had multiple posts between them respectively, someone reading that post would think Rana believed Jefferson wasn't a gentleman as that is what it says without the proper punctuation.

In other words, it makes a difference.