A.C.O.R.N strikes at home.


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Today my best friend got a call on his phone from the ACORN office in Denver, They told him that his voter registration was incomplete and that he needed to come in to THEIR local office to fill out a new registration. They did not tell him to go to the county clerk's office to fill one out. So he went to their office which ended up being a non-furnished office. When that happened he got suspicious so he went to the country clerk's office and checked on his registration. He discovered that his registration was fine and they actually gave him his card. So tomorrow I am calling the attorney general's office and reporting an attempt at voter registration fraud. This organization needs to be put out of business.
Sounds like maybe they were trying to get his personal info for identify theft more than trying to do some sort of registration fraud.

What did they ask him to do that would have jeopardized his vote? I'm curious. Did they want him to attempt registering in two places so they could report him and have him removed and unable to vote at all?
Were they hoping to remove his registration from the rolls by him walking into their office? Gee golly gosh, this just makes so much sense. You're a true crusader Soc. You're going to be the next Andrew Jackson.

Par-a-noia, par-a-noia...
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Sounds like maybe they were trying to get his personal info for identify theft more than trying to do some sort of registration fraud.

What did they ask him to do that would have jeopardized his vote? I'm curious. Did they want him to attempt registering in two places so they could report him and have him removed and unable to vote at all?

Don't ask the crusader. He's going to bring down this whole organizaion, and all the families that depend on it be damned. He is like Joan of Arc.
sound more than a bit weird

i like the one where if the person to be registered was of the wrong party they threw away the registration and the person would think that they were registered...

but then the reps will try anything they think that they can get away with
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If his registration was correct, and they called him down to "fix" it, then they were being dishonest at the very least.

ACORN has already been caught committing fraud. This is not a surprise.
If his registration was correct, and they called him down to "fix" it, then they were being dishonest at the very least.

ACORN has already been caught committing fraud. This is not a surprise.

I have no idea what they would be trying to do. All the other times ACORN employees (ACORN itself has never been caught committing fraud) have committed fraud, they've been registering extra name. Are you guys entirely sure this WAS ACORN? Or just someone pulling and ID theft scam?
If his registration was correct, and they called him down to "fix" it, then they were being dishonest at the very least.

ACORN has already been caught committing fraud. This is not a surprise.

Or a mistake.

what would they gain by doing this?

ACORNs work has never resulted in one false vote.

They have repetedly had temporary employees (out of millions) fake registrations by using names like famous football players to get paid for their quota. What this means is these employees are defrauding ACORN.

1.3 million legal voters are on the rolls due to ACORNs work to registar poor people.

Two of the fired DOJ lawyers where fired for refusing to prosecute false charges against ACORN.
Oh and that Nevada office of ACORN being raided the other day.

ACORN was the one who brought them the falsified registration docs that started the investigation.

Its a pollitical hack job to stem the bleeding because our state has gone for Obama recently.

We have a pack of corrupt peices of shit in our top offices right now. Go goggle Jim Gibbons our gov.
It's kind of sad how ACORN attempts to portray itself as non-partisan yet is affiliated with a political action committee that has endorsed Democrat Barack Obama in the presidential election.

Has it tried to portray itself as non-partisan? What's so great about being non-partisan anyway?

They are signing poor people in the ghetto up to vote. Who do you think those guys are going to vote for?
Has it tried to portray itself as non-partisan?

What's so great about being non-partisan anyway?
Trust in signing them up to vote rather than how to vote.

They are signing poor people in the ghetto up to vote. Who do you think those guys are going to vote for?
So of course that makes whatever they do ok for you.
Yes Watermark, I grew up in a project for part of my life, people there do vote for government goodies. It's too bad you think that making them see government more as the source of how to move up in life is better than old fashioned values of hard work and trying.

Trust in signing them up to vote rather than how to vote.

So of course that makes whatever they do ok for you.
Yes Watermark, I grew up in a project for part of my life, people there do vote for government goodies. It's too bad you think that making them see government more as the source of how to move up in life is better than old fashioned values of hard work and trying.

Well I dunno Dano. My dad works in a plywood plant, and with production of houses going way down they are kind of in bad financial straits. If he lost his job, we'd go from about 20k per a person in the family to about 4k.

But we'd be cushioned in the fall because we wouldn't be taxed as hard anymore and we'd get food stamps and unemployment insurance.

You'd get rid of those things right? Get rid of unfair taxes for the poor, oppressed rich class who produces everything in society and gets none of the benefits? Well I guess we could just cut off the electricty and running water under your rule Dano. It would give us character. Especially since its my fault for being where I'm born. If I wanted to go to college, I should've been born in a rich family, and that's that.
ACORN was a non partisan group until the Republicans attacked it over and over again for registaring poor people.

This admin fired DOJ lawyers for refusing to falsely prosecute ACORN.

They are not expected to endorse the people who attempt to dstroy them are they?
ACORN was a non partisan group until the Republicans attacked it over and over again for registaring poor people.

This admin fired DOJ lawyers for refusing to falsely prosecute ACORN.

They are not expected to endorse the people who attempt to dstroy them are they?

non-partisan my ass. I see they got busted in Vegas a couple of days ago.
And Guess who brought the first evidence on this case to the attemtion of authorities?


My state is run by Jim Gibbons and he is a corrupt piece of shit.

This is an attempt to stem the tide of Democratic takeover of our state in the election.

Go goggle this piece of shit gov of mine.
Well I dunno Dano. My dad works in a plywood plant, and with production of houses going way down they are kind of in bad financial straits. If he lost his job, we'd go from about 20k per a person in the family to about 4k.

But we'd be cushioned in the fall because we wouldn't be taxed as hard anymore and we'd get food stamps and unemployment insurance.

You'd get rid of those things right? Get rid of unfair taxes for the poor, oppressed rich class who produces everything in society and gets none of the benefits? Well I guess we could just cut off the electricty and running water under your rule Dano. It would give us character. Especially since its my fault for being where I'm born. If I wanted to go to college, I should've been born in a rich family, and that's that.
My Dad lost his job or had to move to get a different job because things were going to get bad.
We moved lessee - 7 times.

I've also lost my job twice, I found another and it ended up better both times. And wow we did it without government benefits.

Do you know how I paid for college? I went to private computer college during the day that I alone paid for most of it (with small regular loan for the other third of it) and then right after ran to a pizzeria downtown to work a fulltime job. Served a lot of pizza to the nearby university where rich whiny college Liberals would call up high or drunk and be protesting the next day about government needing to do more to help them with higher education.

If you can't find a job in your field, you move or get one where you can.

And unemployment insurance should be optional too, as should any insurance. I'd certainly never pay it, nor have I used it.