A Case For Carter

cancel2 2022

I can't help but agree with this article, there has been an orchestrated campaign to rubbish Jimmy Carter, he wasn't anywhere near as bad as he is often painted.

August 27, 2010 (Source)

Score another one for Jimmy Carter. The former president marked another landmark humanitarian achievement yesterday by bringing home American school teacher Aijalon Mahli Gomes from North Korea. Gomes had been sentenced by the North Korean government in April to 8 years of hard labor. It is the latest in a long list of humanitarian efforts by Carter.


Here’s the thing about Jimmy Carter: The right has been so successful in their depiction of Carter as a tremendous failure that even most Democrats have bought into the idea. He was recently voted the worst American in history by right-wing bloggers. But the truth is that he was one of our county’s best leaders. In a time when many southern Democrats were transitioning into Republicans, this Democrat from Georgia was able to truly reach across party lines and bridge some of the partisan rifts caused by Watergate.

Like the current president, Carter inherited one of the worst financial situations a modern President could expect. There were myriad reasons for the dismal state of the economy, and none of them were of his doing. However, by the time Carter left office, the double-digit inflation that is unfairly attributed to him was going, going and almost gone. And while he has been accused of being too liberal, he in fact continued the deregulation policies initiated by Nixon and Ford.

His accomplishments as president include an energy policy that is responsible for today’s more fuel-efficient cars and home appliances, creation of the Superfund to clean up dangerous environmental situations caused by corporations, and he played a strong role in bringing about a meaningful peace to the Middle East for the first time since the founding of Israel through his Camp David Accords. It is for his peace-keeping efforts that he enjoyed a higher popularity overseas than he did at home.

Faced with the no-win hostage situation in Iran, the Navy veteran used every option ethically available to a president, including the ill-fated rescue attempt that unfortunately came to define his administration. A heavier hand would have risked war and the lives of the hostages; a lighter touch had been ineffective.

The Reagan campaign allowed the American public to believe that the mere intimidation of the stronger, more manly Bedtime for Bonzo actor was enough to secure the release of the 52 embassy staffers. In fact, it was the illegal and un-American arms-for-hostages policy of the Reagan administration that did the trick. Reagan and his advisors knew instinctively that the actions were wrong. Why else hide them from the American people? There is even very strong circumstantial evidence suggesting that the Reagan campaign had negotiated a deal delaying the release of the hostages until after the election, thereby perpetrating their portrayal of Carter as weak and ineffective in safeguarding our nation and its citizens. And while all this has been brought to light, the myth about Reagan’s strength and Carter’s weakness still persists 30 years later.

But despite all of this, what is really important about Carter was and is his character and how that honor and integrity reflected on our country and on us as a people. Despite the successes or failures of all our presidents since (excluding Obama, for whom the jury is still out), not one has represented the USA on the world stage with the same virtues for which we were once admired – for doing the right things for no other reasons than because they are right and because we can.

It is a conviction and a calling that Carter has continued even after the electorate made it clear that the nation preferred the swagger of a cowboy and the right to be a world leader because no one could stop us from doing so. We should count ourselves quite fortunate indeed to have citizen Carter speaking on our behest and showing the global community that despite some of our recent activity, America is still a country with people who do good and ask for absolutely nothing in return.
all the bad hype about carter attribitued to the 'right' is a scam. It's purposefully being orchestrated by the Obama camp so he doesn't come off as the worst president in history.
The one thing that stands out to me about Carter is he got challenged in the '80 primary by Kennedy. Unless things aren't going well you rarely see a sitting President get challenged in the primary. Didn't Buchanan challenge Bush in '92 or am I mistaken on that?
LOL...yeah, its a right wing conspiracy that carter was bad....i mean just look how well he did in the 1980 election....

Carter wasn't all bad. I voted for Reagan in that election and the impression I had during his debate with Carter got his ass handed to him by Reagan but then a year ago I watched that debate with 30 years of hindsight and I was shocked how on virtually every policy position they discussed Carter was right and Reagan was wrong and who when Reagan would make take a position Carter would say "Well if you do that then this would happen." and he was right on nearly all accounts. So as a President and a chief executive Carter did all right. He was hardly the miserable fucking divisive failure that W was. On the other hand, if Carter was guilty of anything it was of being politically inept and that's why his reputation has been so thoroughly villified by the right. The winners write history and Carters political ineptitude cost him big time. W, on the other hand, may have been a total fucking loser as a chief executive and an administrator but he was politically brilliant. I doubt theirs a single right wing politician in this nation today who could win the presidency using the electoral calculus that W used.

Be that as it may. There have been 3 failed Presidencies in my life time and Carter wasn't one of them. Johnson blew his with Vietnam, Nixon was certainly the worst in my life time and he blew his with Watergate and W...well what didn't W fuck up? The debate most modern historians have is who was the wost two term President ever, Grant or W?
The one thing that stands out to me about Carter is he got challenged in the '80 primary by Kennedy. Unless things aren't going well you rarely see a sitting President get challenged in the primary. Didn't Buchanan challenge Bush in '92 or am I mistaken on that?
Oh Carter certainly screwed up politically. He operated as the consumate beltway outsider with his gang from Georgia and ended up alienating nearly everyone inside the beltway. He seriously damaged his own political coalition, as evidenced by Kennedy running against him, and it sabotaged his own legislative agenda and gave him the appearance of being both weak and wishy washy. A perception that Regan capitalized on big time.

When it came to public policy and government administration Carter was a very capable President. Light years better then Regan who had to delegate virtually everything but Regan was light years ahead of Carter in both political and modern communication skills.
I can't help but agree with this article, there has been an orchestrated campaign to rubbish Jimmy Carter, he wasn't anywhere near as bad as he is often painted. ....
Holy shit you retard. Carter sucked! Inflation at 14%, mortgage rates at 18%. The misery index. Only a fool would think that Carter was anything other than a complete failure. :palm:
Carter wasn't all bad. I voted for Reagan in that election and the impression I had during his debate with Carter got his ass handed to him by Reagan but then a year ago I watched that debate with 30 years of hindsight and I was shocked how on virtually every policy position they discussed Carter was right and Reagan was wrong and who when Reagan would make take a position Carter would say "Well if you do that then this would happen." and he was right on nearly all accounts. So as a President and a chief executive Carter did all right. He was hardly the miserable fucking divisive failure that W was. On the other hand, if Carter was guilty of anything it was of being politically inept and that's why his reputation has been so thoroughly villified by the right. The winners write history and Carters political ineptitude cost him big time. W, on the other hand, may have been a total fucking loser as a chief executive and an administrator but he was politically brilliant. I doubt theirs a single right wing politician in this nation today who could win the presidency using the electoral calculus that W used.

Be that as it may. There have been 3 failed Presidencies in my life time and Carter wasn't one of them. Johnson blew his with Vietnam, Nixon was certainly the worst in my life time and he blew his with Watergate and W...well what didn't W fuck up? The debate most modern historians have is who was the wost two term President ever, Grant or W?

that is really a great way to intro your defense of carter


you're pissy about bush because the economy ended on a sour note, when it was all good you had something else to bitch about...the left HATED bush, period...he never did a single thing right for the left...admit it