A Complaint

I'm Watermark

Can you, the active members of the moderation team, really excuse the fact that you consist entirely of right wingers? We need leftist mods! :bang:
Can you, the active members of the moderation team, really excuse the fact that you consist entirely of right wingers? We need leftist mods! :bang:

Do you have an actual issue with moderation, especially one which would have been dealt with "correctly by a lefty? I didn't think so. There are no fairer mods in the Galaxy.
Can you, the active members of the moderation team, really excuse the fact that you consist entirely of right wingers? We need leftist mods! :bang:

first, most of us are libertarian. I know that doesn't really mean all that much to you. But I am not a right winger on many issues.

Secondly, the vast vast vast majority of modding is really basic simple stuff regarding blatant rule violations, where politics doesn't really come into play.

Thirdly, most people accuse us (me) of being swayed by darla and crew at every available opportunity. So we are actually biased towards liberals.

More conservatives have been banned (perma and otherwise) from our site than liberals have. Again, so much for bias.

In conclusion, this isn't a representative republic where we get equal representation of the board demographics. The most important things for a mod here are activity level, knowledge of how to use mod tools (it's easy but believe it or not some people would still be too dumb to know how to do certain things), and how long they have been with this community. If I were ever considering a new mod, politics would probably be one of the last things I would think of that would be relevant.
they're on Howie's board.....besides, most of our mods are a-political assholes who haven't watched a news broadcast since they graduated from high school.....last year......

Actually, my bff Grind, has been promoted to Admin on my board. Just in case you decide to visit again.

ekg got really pissed off when your apologist for sexual predator rapists showed up the other day...
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first, most of us are libertarian. I know that doesn't really mean all that much to you. But I am not a right winger on many issues.

Secondly, the vast vast vast majority of modding is really basic simple stuff regarding blatant rule violations, where politics doesn't really come into play.

Thirdly, most people accuse us (me) of being swayed by darla and crew at every available opportunity. So we are actually biased towards liberals.

More conservatives have been banned (perma and otherwise) from our site than liberals have. Again, so much for bias.

In conclusion, this isn't a representative republic where we get equal representation of the board demographics. The most important things for a mod here are activity level, knowledge of how to use mod tools (it's easy but believe it or not some people would still be too dumb to know how to do certain things), and how long they have been with this community. If I were ever considering a new mod, politics would probably be one of the last things I would think of that would be relevant.

All hail Grind!
The last thing we need is for our moderation to suddenly get really incompetent. That said, Sycamore, if you have the technical skills and the time to step forward, I'm sure Damo would invite you onto the staff, and I would support having you as a new moderator.
first, most of us are libertarian. I know that doesn't really mean all that much to you. But I am not a right winger on many issues.

Secondly, the vast vast vast majority of modding is really basic simple stuff regarding blatant rule violations, where politics doesn't really come into play.

Thirdly, most people accuse us (me) of being swayed by darla and crew at every available opportunity. So we are actually biased towards liberals.

More conservatives have been banned (perma and otherwise) from our site than liberals have. Again, so much for bias.

In conclusion, this isn't a representative republic where we get equal representation of the board demographics. The most important things for a mod here are activity level, knowledge of how to use mod tools (it's easy but believe it or not some people would still be too dumb to know how to do certain things), and how long they have been with this community. If I were ever considering a new mod, politics would probably be one of the last things I would think of that would be relevant.

Grind, you are not a libertarian. I don't know which plutocrat dubbed neo-liberalism libertarian, or in any way left wing, but it's clear you don't read "alternative voices". You're not a bad moderator, but you don't belong on a political board.

The last thing we need is for our moderation to suddenly get really incompetent. That said, Sycamore, if you have the technical skills and the time to step forward, I'm sure Damo would invite you onto the staff, and I would support having you as a new moderator.

I doubt I'd have an issue with it, but I haven't been here for too long, so Damo would likely see a problem with it. In any case, it wasn't the purpose of this thread.
Actually, my bff Grind, has been promoted to Admin on my board. Just in case you decide to visit again.

ekg got really pissed off when your apologist for sexual predator rapists showed up the other day...


I never knew that he was your

Well I can give you the lowdown.

Grind is very sensitive to women's issues, and their thoughts and their feelings. He has a nearly psychotic hatred for 6 year old kids of any sex though. I have sensed some confusion on his part, not all of it gender confusion. To be honest I am not convinced he knows wtf he is and he would probably do better over on the the Days of our Lives board, so I think you have sussed out something there.

Damo used to be nice but he has grown old and bitter, and his ongoing battles with nicotine and OCD disorder have taken their toll. I avoid talking to him in pm about board issues ever since he told me my signature about libertarians made him think about skinning me alive and how long he could keep me alive during it. All true.

And billy, well he goes through a lot of ointment leading me to believe he's got a lot of places he's applying it to. Make of that what you will...