A democrat I'd vote for

Manchin and Sinema torpedoed much Dem legislation and moves. He is a Repub in a blue suit. He is as pro-corporate and pro-wealthy as the Repub party is. He may run 3rd party to help Trump.
When someone like Bernie Sanders claims Democrats have sold out the working class and only want to cater to their wealthy donors, is he lying?
You must love the future of fossil fuels.
What's a fossil fuel? Is that a fuel for fossils or is that a fossil sold commercially as fuel?

I wasn't aware that there exist people who love the future of any fossil fuel, whatever that might be.
Manchin and Sinema torpedoed much Dem legislation and moves. He is a Repub in a blue suit. He is as pro-corporate and pro-wealthy as the Repub party is. He may run 3rd party to help Trump.
Why are you and the DNC so HATEFUL towards successful people who add value to society?
You’ll find a large number of #MAGA folks who claim Paul Ryan isn’t a Republican because he didn’t push for Trump’s signature issue, a border wall.
Nope. You will not find a large number who cite that explanation for Ryan being a RINO.

Ryan is a RINO because he is a Republican in name only, and is all too willing to do the DNC's bidding. Ryan is a Democrat operative, poised to usher in tyranny and to run any interference against Trump that the DNC orders. His refusal to fund the border wall (with less than budgetary rounding error) was merely a matter of course to his OBEDIENCE to the DNC.

Now, feel free to ask any MAGA whose explanation is accurate.
The bolded makes me LOL. It's essentially saying that if you don't vote with your party 100% of the time you aren't a member of that party. It's like Republicans that complained about people like Susan Collins.

It also ignores reality that not every state is Mississippi or California yet people expect Senators to vote as if their state is. But I suppose that won't stop people from demanding ideological purity.
Good post. You highlight well one of the inherent problems with political parties. They become their own tyrannical organizations.

When someone like Trump comes along and dares to defy the entirety of existing political parties in order to represent We the People, We the People are going to defy the entirety of existing political parties and support him.

The DNC is currently hemorrhaging in all demographics that no longer wish to be abused and taken for granted. The DNC has been reduced to stealing elections as it's only path to victory. The RNC is facing a hostile takeover by Republican voters who want the RNC to end it's Uniparty agreement with the DNC.

Your second point is spot on as well, and is precisely why we have the electoral college.
I think the sentiment is accurate even if not precisely correct. Manchin was the classic blue dog Dem. They are becoming less and less common. And failing to eliminate the filibuster is, IMHO, malpractice that has opened the door to a potential Trump adminstration who WILL eliminate the filibuster if they have the numbers in the Senate. And that wouild be nothing short of a disaster. Senate Republicans have already shown a willingness to violate their constitutional mandate for partisan politics. If Trump is charge, God help us all.

As for Paul Ryan, well, HE is the one being punished for not being idealogically pure. There has been no party in the last 100 years that has demanded the blind fealty of the current Republican party.
Teabaggers were close
Would you prefer Trump or Manchin to be your ruler?
We don't have a ruler in this country. Although Trump desperately wants to be one. I would prefer Manchin over Trump, if that was the choice. But the votes that are needed for Dems to win isn't the 'disenfranchised libertarian' demographic. They need women and minorities and blue collar union workers. Manchin contributes absolutely nothing for those demographics. Bottom line, against Manchin, Trump wins and the Democrats struggle down ballot. I can name 30 or more Democrats I would rather run against Trump than Manchin. So your question is a false choice.