A developer, his deals and his ties to McCain


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Story about an Arizona developer and all the help McCain gave him to make millions of dollars AFTER Keating 5 and his pledge "not to intercede with government authorities on behalf of a donor or take other official action that serves no clear public interest".

My favorite quote from Diamond is this one:

"I think that is what Congress people are supposed to do for constituents," he said. "When you have a big, significant businessman like myself, why wouldn't you want to help move things along? What else would they do? They waste so much time with legislation."

Guess once Keating 5 was far enough behind him he forgot his vow.
It's these kind of facts that aren't getting much attention right now and which makes the polls that declare McCain even with the democrats so false and misleading.

Story about an Arizona developer and all the help McCain gave him to make millions of dollars AFTER Keating 5 and his pledge "not to intercede with government authorities on behalf of a donor or take other official action that serves no clear public interest".

My favorite quote from Diamond is this one:

"I think that is what Congress people are supposed to do for constituents," he said. "When you have a big, significant businessman like myself, why wouldn't you want to help move things along? What else would they do? They waste so much time with legislation."

Guess once Keating 5 was far enough behind him he forgot his vow.

Socro-tease. I like that name. Do you want to go into the chat room? Do you have any pics to post?

Lordy Johnie boy has got bigger problems than hanging out with grandpa here. Have you seen that boy’s suits? They are almost as bad as Mrs. Huckabee’s outfits. Oh why did you put the picture of that woman into Sean’s head? Now it won’t get out for two days. Two days of pictures of Hortense in her Kohl’s outfits. Have Mercy!

Story about an Arizona developer and all the help McCain gave him to make millions of dollars AFTER Keating 5 and his pledge "not to intercede with government authorities on behalf of a donor or take other official action that serves no clear public interest".

My favorite quote from Diamond is this one:

"I think that is what Congress people are supposed to do for constituents," he said. "When you have a big, significant businessman like myself, why wouldn't you want to help move things along? What else would they do? They waste so much time with legislation."

Guess once Keating 5 was far enough behind him he forgot his vow.

Funny, my favorite part was this one...

"McCain rejected that request as "inappropriate at that time" because he was poised to regain the chairmanship of the Senate Commerce Committee, Diamond said in the deposition. "John said that he would rather not get involved. He didn't think that it was right."
Funny, my favorite part was this one...

"McCain rejected that request as "inappropriate at that time" because he was poised to regain the chairmanship of the Senate Commerce Committee, Diamond said in the deposition. "John said that he would rather not get involved. He didn't think that it was right."

Since we're picking our favorite parts, this was mine:

But associates say he revels in his ability to "work the system," as his friend and sometimes partner, Stanley Abrams, put it: "Nobody is as connected as Donald."

Diamond is close to most of Arizona's congressional delegation and is candid about his expectations as a fund-raiser. "I want my money back, for Christ's sake. Do you know how many cocktail parties I have to go to?"
My favorite:

Diamond, 80, met McCain when he was a former prisoner of war running for Congress in 1982. "I liked him right away because I respected what he went through in Vietnam," Diamond recalled. When he got to know McCain and his wife, Cindy, Diamond said, "it became a love fest."

A LOVE FEST? Wtf? The Dems should throw a spotlight on this guy for the general.
In a fucked up kind of way you have to respect the guy's straightforwardness.

I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with this guy spreading money around to members of Congress and seeking their influence in return, provided he is operating within the law. He's a businessman conducting business.

My problem is with members of Congress, like McCain, using their influence to push through the sale of public lands for $250,000 which is turned around and sold for $20,000,000 for the benefit of campaign donors.
In a fucked up kind of way you have to respect the guy's straightforwardness.
He lets you know that his only concern is "what can you do for me personally without regard for your constituency". Not so much wrong with that as there is McCain fetching this guys water. Especially AFTER Keating 5. I mean McCain isn't doing this for this guy out of the goodness of heart. This guy has bundled 250k for McCain this go round. If you see one hand lathering the other up with soap you know that soon the other hand will wash back.
I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with this guy spreading money around to members of Congress and seeking their influence in return, provided he is operating within the law. He's a businessman conducting business.

My problem is with members of Congress, like McCain, using their influence to push through the sale of public lands for $250,000 which is turned around and sold for $20,000,000 for the benefit of campaign donors.
Can anyone say "cattle futures"?
He lets you know that his only concern is "what can you do for me personally without regard for your constituency". Not so much wrong with that as there is McCain fetching this guys water. Especially AFTER Keating 5. I mean McCain isn't doing this for this guy out of the goodness of heart. This guy has bundled 250k for McCain this go round. If you see one hand lathering the other up with soap you know that soon the other hand will wash back.

Seems that way.
I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with this guy spreading money around to members of Congress and seeking their influence in return, provided he is operating within the law. He's a businessman conducting business.

My problem is with members of Congress, like McCain, using their influence to push through the sale of public lands for $250,000 which is turned around and sold for $20,000,000 for the benefit of campaign donors.

Actually, Diamond sold the property for $30 million, not $20 million. I regret the error.
How about one of the two of you show where McCain set the value of the land or pushed it through. Your article states that his aide set the meeting, not that she set the value of the land.

I love this shit. You set the bar pretty low there Superfreak, particularly when your pal McCain pretends to be above the fray on this stuff.

McCain can be bought and sold. A lifetime in Washington will do that to you. He is not, however, dumb enough to have it papered up sufficient to satisfy your exacting standards.
Actually, Diamond sold the property for $30 million, not $20 million. I regret the error.

Yes, and how many times do developers take vacant land or land with buildings to be demolished and then turn around and develop the land and sell for a profit.

Note the article said he made $20mm. He bought the base for $250k and sold everything for about $30mm. Which means what? That he invested another 9.75mm into the land to develop it.

The article says he "soon turned it over". Anyone know the authors definition of "soon"??? Because I am going to go out on a limb and guess that he did not develop the land overnight.

Did he get a sweetheart deal on the land? Without question.... and the price was set by???? McCain? No.

Could someone please tell me what the values of beachfront property did in CA from 1999 (when he bought it) and over the next couple of years. I am betting it went up. Especially when you take a military base and develop homes on the land.
I love this shit. You set the bar pretty low there Superfreak, particularly when your pal McCain pretends to be above the fray on this stuff.

McCain can be bought and sold. A lifetime in Washington will do that to you. He is not, however, dumb enough to have it papered up sufficient to satisfy your exacting standards.

Yeah, I love this shit too... making it appear as though he turned $250k into a $20 million profit.... which would be a return of 80 times his investment. When in reality it was a $10mm investment with a return of $20mm for a return of 3 times his investment. Quite a big difference.

Bought and sold? Please. I am guessing you simply ignore the article when it states that Diamond didn't like the fact that McCain wouldn't simply fold and play ball with him all the time. That there were times when McCain told him no. Yeah, lets just skip over that part and pretend Diamond had McCain in his pocket all along.
Yeah, I love this shit too... making it appear as though he turned $250k into a $20 million profit.... which would be a return of 80 times his investment. When in reality it was a $10mm investment with a return of $20mm for a return of 3 times his investment. Quite a big difference.

Bought and sold? Please. I am guessing you simply ignore the article when it states that Diamond didn't like the fact that McCain wouldn't simply fold and play ball with him all the time. That there were times when McCain told him no. Yeah, lets just skip over that part and pretend Diamond had McCain in his pocket all along.

There is no limit to your ability to rationalize on behalf of John McCain.
There is no limit to your ability to rationalize on behalf of John McCain.

There is no limit to your ability to try to pull shit out of your ass in a desperate attempt to say...."see McCain does it too"

I note you didn't provide any substance to your critic of my response. Just the vague implication that I would blindly defend McCain.

I am guessing you have nothing to say on the remainder.... right?