A left-wing protester at an antifa Denver rally shot and killed a conservative


The ABA has a left slant, so I'm not surprised they would label some on the right as "not qualified."

I should have clarified my original post, however. I was focused on the part of your post that mentioned ideological bias. Both parties have played politics with the courts for a while now.

Only one has done so by stacking the lower courts with right wing ideologues some of whom have never held a trial session.
They have been for everyone else, just not for right wing ideologues.

From my previous source: "For example, the ABA gave Ronald Reagan's judicial nominees Richard Posner and Frank H. Easterbrook low "qualified/not qualified" ratings; later, the ABA gave Bill Clinton judicial nominees with similar resumes "well qualified" ratings. Meanwhile, Judges Posner and Easterbrook have gone on to become the two most highly cited judges in the federal appellate judiciary."

So yeah, they clearly miss the mark with their ratings.
Only one has done so by stacking the lower courts with right wing ideologues some of whom have never held a trial session.

And Elena Kagan spent most of her career as a professor rather than as a judge or lawyer before becoming a Justice. She was the Solicitor General for just over a year before that.