A Lesson on Socialism

Apple, what you don't understand is that totalitarianism never leads to utopia, because success comes through connections and deceptions, instead of skill and innovation, ultimately shrinking total productive output. And human character is degraded as the connected rationalize their mistreatment of the productive ones, until their moral system is completely inverted, and they wake up and find themselves illuminati members, clinging to power through degradation and hatred, deception, propaganda, murder, enslavement, They even enshrine it as virtue in their illuminist religion.

"Do as though wilt". <-- Adults stuck in their terrible twos, but possessing wmd.

Down With The ascended Masters.

Benjamin Creme gives good head.
You are right, it is a necessary evil, especially when you get to the population that we now have on Earth.
You are right, it is a necessary evil, especially when you get to the population that we now have on Earth.

Chicks have need for order and an authority figure, so they feel safe, that's why the new world order is so anti-male. Males understand freedom; chicks seek security. Government is like a big dick for them.


Sexist or true? You be the judge.
Chicks have need for order and an authority figure, so they feel safe, that's why the new world order is so anti-male. Males understand freedom; chicks seek security. Government is like a big dick for them.


Sexist or true? You be the judge.
LOL So Obama's like a football stadium? In other words, a big pussy?
Now. it's not communist, it's openly fascist totalitarian. this is not an improvement, you hideous fascist.

So when I asked you to give an example of communism and you answered by asking what country I was in (meaning China) that was some sort of humour?
You litter this forum with terms of which you know absolutely nothing. Liberal? You have no idea. Socialist? No idea. Communist? Same again? and now ... (let the trumpets sound ... Ta- raaaaa) facism.
Just answer me one question if you wouldn't mind - just for the sake of saving a little respectability for yourself: Did you go to school? And if you did, did you pass ANYTHING?
As far as 'it' being an improvement I genuinely suggest you research the nation. You will find bad things (as you will for the US) and you will find good things (also as you will find for the US). Indeed you might be surprised at the similarities.
So when I asked you to give an example of communism and you answered by asking what country I was in (meaning China) that was some sort of humour?
You litter this forum with terms of which you know absolutely nothing. Liberal? You have no idea. Socialist? No idea. Communist? Same again? and now ... (let the trumpets sound ... Ta- raaaaa) facism.
Just answer me one question if you wouldn't mind - just for the sake of saving a little respectability for yourself: Did you go to school? And if you did, did you pass ANYTHING?
As far as 'it' being an improvement I genuinely suggest you research the nation. You will find bad things (as you will for the US) and you will find good things (also as you will find for the US). Indeed you might be surprised at the similarities.

China is textbook fascist. Communism is not relevant here, because it's a fairy tale. The leaders will always pay themselves more, so "to each according to his need" is already violated. Retention bonus, ya know.
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China is textbook fascist. Communism is not relevant here, because it's a fairy tale. The leaders will always pay themselves more, so "to each according to his need" is already violated. Retention bonus, ya know.

China is not 'text book' anything. And it was you who suggested that China is Communist. Don't you remember?
The leaders of China say it is Socialist with Chinese characteristics. I am not sure what that is supposed to mean except that the Chinese economy is, at present, healthier than yours and life for many Chinese is as good if not better than yours.
Should you ever pull yourself out of your obvious poverty why don't you visit China as a tourist. It is after all, one of the world's most populat tourist destinations.
China is not 'text book' anything. And it was you who suggested that China is Communist. Don't you remember?
The leaders of China say it is Socialist with Chinese characteristics. I am not sure what that is supposed to mean except that the Chinese economy is, at present, healthier than yours and life for many Chinese is as good if not better than yours.
Should you ever pull yourself out of your obvious poverty why don't you visit China as a tourist. It is after all, one of the world's most populat tourist destinations.

I know. The architects of the New World Order, OBama, Geithner, The Fascists, Goldman Sachs, Congress, etc. are destroying our economy to falsely grow yours. We are hated by our rulers. And your people are being fattened for the slaughter as well. Heed, my words, yellow_peril.

Materialism is not equal to freedom, Mr. Fascist-head.
I know. The architects of the New World Order, OBama, Geithner, The Fascists, Goldman Sachs, Congress, etc. are destroying our economy to falsely grow yours. We are hated by our rulers. And your people are being fattened for the slaughter as well. Heed, my words, yellow_peril.

Materialism is not equal to freedom, Mr. Fascist-head.

I guess you had better go and eat worms.
Oh and by the way, I have only ever had one name on this forum. Your holmesian attempts have failed you. But then, I guess you are getting used to failure by now, heh?
Mr. Fascist-head? LOL. There speaks a really mature American!
Where are people getting this idea of totalitarianism and communism and dictatorship and all the other trigger words when talking about Obama and universal medical?

What have we been told we must do? When universal medical is available no one is obliged to go to a doctor or hospital.

I don't understand what people are concerned about. Can you give me some concrete examples? Where does totalitarianism fit in? Why is it even brought up when discussing Obama and his plans?

Apple, what you don't understand is that totalitarianism never leads to utopia, because success comes through connections and deceptions, instead of skill and innovation, ultimately shrinking total productive output. And human character is degraded as the connected rationalize their mistreatment of the productive ones, until their moral system is completely inverted, and they wake up and find themselves illuminati members, clinging to power through degradation and hatred, deception, propaganda, murder, enslavement, They even enshrine it as virtue in their illuminist religion.

"Do as though wilt". <-- Adults stuck in their terrible twos, but possessing wmd.

Down With The ascended Masters.

Benjamin Creme gives good head.
China is not 'text book' anything. And it was you who suggested that China is Communist. Don't you remember?
The leaders of China say it is Socialist with Chinese characteristics. I am not sure what that is supposed to mean except that the Chinese economy is, at present, healthier than yours and life for many Chinese is as good if not better than yours.
Should you ever pull yourself out of your obvious poverty why don't you visit China as a tourist. It is after all, one of the world's most populat tourist destinations.

The Chinese economy is not healthier than the US, when the per capita income is a mere $3000 per year...
The Chinese economy is not healthier than the US, when the per capita income is a mere $3000 per year...

Many years ago there were two competing red tops (tabloids) in the UK, The Mirror and the Sun.
Cirulation of the former was (I think) about 4.5 million while that of the newly acquired Sun was less than 2 million. The Sun's ad campaign challenged the Mirror to a race. The winner being the paper that reached 3 million first.
Which was the healthiest?
So you admit there's no difference as well. I would rather have feudal lords, competing for my allegiance against one another, than a centralized government so elitist that they don't need me at all, and just consider me fodder for the "population control" program.

Which tangent of impossibility or feat of inanity did I reference? I don't remember doing that.

Feudal lords competing for your allegiance?

They don't compete for your allegiance. They tell you to comply and if you don't, they kill you. If you happen to be caught between two feudal lords they will argue over you. But that argument is of no benefit to you. The results are the same.
Feudal lords competing for your allegiance?

They don't compete for your allegiance. They tell you to comply and if you don't, they kill you.
No different than modern states.
If you happen to be caught between two feudal lords they will argue over you. But that argument is of no benefit to you. The results are the same.

Wrong. Competition always benefits the consumer. That's business 101. That's like saying nobody wins in a price war. Of course there's a winner, the consumer.