A Letter from one in 300 Million


Staff member

Dear President-elect Obama:

First, congratulations on your victory. The historical magnitude of your presidential win is nothing short of stupendous and a colossal fulfillment of the American dream (an achievement embedded long ago in the equality clauses of the Declaration of Independence). Your life has served and will serve as an example to countless millions, and I pray that you will live up to that honorable position and responsibility.

Now that Democrats have a virtual monopoly over our land, with control of the White House, both houses of Congress, a majority of gubernatorial positions, state legislatures, the courts, the news media, the unions and the entertainment and educational fields, it would be relatively easy for you to rule as king, casting liberal edicts in any direction. But now will come your biggest test: Will you be able to lead the other half of the country that doesn't agree with your vision, views and policies?

It's no big surprise that I don't see politically eye-to-eye with you. Actually, I stand in stark opposition to most of your politics. Still, even in our differences, I realize that we must learn to work together if we are to see our country get back on track. After Election Day, I asked myself, despite the outcome, how can I work for our new president to help better America? Then the thought occurred to me, the first question that should be answered is: How will you work for me? After all, it is "We, the People" of the Constitution for whom you are employed, correct?

So I outlined a few ways you might begin to gain the respect of those who oppose you and show that your campaign pledges to bridge the divides were not empty promises to get you into office. And these requests I make are based upon the inaugural oath you will make on Jan. 20, "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." No doubt these won't be my only suggestions through the years, but they serve as a good beginning:

More at the link...
I don't pretend to understand this fascination with Chuck Norris in America but then again i don't suppose Americans understand our fascination with tea.

Anyways, i think Chuck Norris should stick to kicking people in the face and catching Mexicans on telly rather than offering dodgy advice to a candidate who was elected on a platform in direct contradiction to most of Chuck Norris' ideas.
Why should Obama suck up to thos who opposed him. They are obviously wrong.

Charver, it is the hollywood/telly worship thing in America.
I don't pretend to understand this fascination with Chuck Norris in America but then again i don't suppose Americans understand our fascination with tea.

Anyways, i think Chuck Norris should stick to kicking people in the face and catching Mexicans on telly rather than offering dodgy advice to a candidate who was elected on a platform in direct contradiction to most of Chuck Norris' ideas.

in certain parts of america, chuck norris is considered an intellectual giant, and draws crowds awaiting his edicts, much like Foucault used to draw in France. whatever you do charver, don't cross the pond!
Chuck Norris is such a dweeb.

Hes the phoney tuff guy who kicks eveyones ass and wouldnt last a day in south central.

Hes exactly what is wrong with the republican party.

Obama will be everyones president but he will not cave into stupidity. That is now the main tennant of what is left of the republican party.

64% of republicans what Sarah Palin in 2012.

My god that should make any thinking republican weep for the death of their party.
Chuck Norris is such a dweeb.

Hes the phoney tuff guy who kicks eveyones ass and wouldnt last a day in south central.

Hes exactly what is wrong with the republican party.

Obama will be everyones president but he will not cave into stupidity. That is now the main tennant of what is left of the republican party.

64% of republicans what Sarah Palin in 2012.

My god that should make any thinking republican weep for the death of their party.
16 years of championships pretty much tell me that being a "fake tough guy" isn't very realistic.

That being said, Chuck is only 1 in 300 million, as the title of the Thread said.
16 years of championships pretty much tell me that being a "fake tough guy" isn't very realistic.

That being said, Chuck is only 1 in 300 million, as the title of the Thread said.

Hmm so the question is why did you pick that one out of the 300 million to post Damo?
in certain parts of america, chuck norris is considered an intellectual giant, and draws crowds awaiting his edicts, much like Foucault used to draw in France. whatever you do charver, don't cross the pond!
The only time that Chuck Norris and Foucault should be used in the same sentence is when you write "Chuck Norris is in no way intellectually comparable to Michel Foucault." Otherwise the words should never exit your mouth in the same sentence.
Damo, you understand the root of my question, but seem to be ignoring it.
No, you missed the root of my post and because of the total lack of comprehension you project something onto me personally. It is a regular pattern with you.
Wonder if chuck wrote bush holding him to his promise to be a "Uniter, not a divider." I know he said it, it's on the internets.
Wonder if chuck wrote bush holding him to his promise to be a "Uniter, not a divider." I know he said it, it's on the internets.
Maybe he realized that when he doesn't write the letter the President just doesn't know what to do and goes off on his own direction creating problems and mishandling wars and stuff. Instead of repeating the same mistake he rectified it.
