A Letter from one in 300 Million

No, you missed the root of my post and because of the total lack of comprehension you project something onto me personally. It is a regular pattern with you.

I guess you really did not understand the root meaning of my post. Some suprise on that.
16 years of championships pretty much tell me that being a "fake tough guy" isn't very realistic.

That being said, Chuck is only 1 in 300 million, as the title of the Thread said.

Yes hes a good athlete. Hes also an idiot.

I know someone who took classes next to him (not under him). That prerson said he is the biggest asshole you can imagine as a person.
Yes hes a good athlete. Hes also an idiot.

I know someone who took classes next to him (not under him). That prerson said he is the biggest asshole you can imagine as a person.
He probably is. However, he doesn't seem to be an idiot. Being a jerk does not equate to stupidity.

So far, the only person who seems to have caught why I posted this appears to be Charver. Your "thrust" was inane when taken with comprehension behind it.
in certain parts of america, chuck norris is considered an intellectual giant, and draws crowds awaiting his edicts, much like Foucault used to draw in France. whatever you do charver, don't cross the pond!


Don't worry, Darla, after consulting with the Great Oracle of Brussels, Jean Claude Van Dammes, i am staying here in my safe European home.
Maybe he realized that when he doesn't write the letter the President just doesn't know what to do and goes off on his own direction creating problems and mishandling wars and stuff. Instead of repeating the same mistake he rectified it.

Oh my god that was funny. The direction that Bush lacked was in a letter never sent to him by Chuck Norris. I see a Twilight Zone in this. What a great premise. The words of a B or C grade actor actually shape the direction that the president takes.:lmao:
He probably is. However, he doesn't seem to be an idiot. Being a jerk does not equate to stupidity.

So far, the only person who seems to have caught why I posted this appears to be Charver. Your "thrust" was inane when taken with comprehension behind it.

Oh yes, how good am i, eh? Eh?

I am wearing my smart hat today and no mistake.
He probably is. However, he doesn't seem to be an idiot. Being a jerk does not equate to stupidity.

So far, the only person who seems to have caught why I posted this appears to be Charver. Your "thrust" was inane when taken with comprehension behind it.

I will always think people who can not see themsleves in perspective to the other human beings that surround them is an idiot. Any intelligence they have is wasted on false thoughts.
2. Protect American life. Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1809, "The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government." Those are powerful and enlightening words – "first and only legitimate object of good government." Of course, such a role was created and secured in the very fabric of our nation – in the Declaration of Independence. The commitment to protect life should serve as a basis to all you do, even as a foundation for your national defense strategy or to protect human life from the womb to the grave. I'm sure the first of your secret briefings this last week on our global security threats have opened your eyes some to the extensive onslaught of our enemies. Don't allow your pride, partisanship, personal bias or political abilities to ever jeopardize the safety of Americans lives. As commander in chief, you are called to preserve American life. Quite frankly, that is why I'm surprised that a man like you, who professes to fight for minorities, would not recognize the clear value of a human life in the womb. Federal law should not decree the sacrifice of one human life for the preference of another. Both lives should be protected. Otherwise what do Jefferson's 1809 words mean? As president, you are called to protect (not destroy) human life – it is the "first and only legitimate object of good government.

He should have stuck "BTW I think we need to execute even more people, to extra-super-duper have respect for human life" at the end of this. I'm pretty sure Chuck Norriss isn't all the way pro-life.
The only time that Chuck Norris and Foucault should be used in the same sentence is when you write "Chuck Norris is in no way intellectually comparable to Michel Foucault." Otherwise the words should never exit your mouth in the same sentence.

I believe her post was meant to be an ironic comparison of the French and southeastern America cultures.
I will always think people who can not see themsleves in perspective to the other human beings that surround them is an idiot. Any intelligence they have is wasted on false thoughts.
I will always believe that those people who think that all who are jerks have no capacity for that are just naive. Some people are fully capable of both being a jerk and able to see themselves in relation to others.

Hopelessly naive people are nice, but not yet fully capable of seeing through others eyes.