A Liberty Based Society

philly rabbit

Verified User
We will have no federal income tax but rather we will have a flat tax where everyone pays into regardless of their employment status.

We will tax our citizens at no greater than a 10% rate of their total personal GDP and we will stipulate this in our republic's constitution.

There will be no foreign aid, we will invite our citizens to make private contributions to the foreign countries of their choosing if they wish to do so.

We will not have a social security type governmental system or a Medicare system and the sick and the disabled will be cared for by our communities. We will have plenty of money to care for our senior citizens and they will be able to stay in their own homes until they die.

Our police will be civilian police forces made up of civilians and they will not consist of any Para military organizations nor will they contain any para military swat teams.

Our military will only be large enough to guard our borders and defend our national security and it will not be used to march all around the world trying to save democracy or establish it.

Our government will not spy on or investigate our private citizens by any FBI or CIA type government organizations. Our president will have limited presidential powers and will not have executive privileges or any powers without the consent of congress. Our executive branch will not under the president have the authority to arrest and imprison any private citizen without due process of law. Our president will not have the authority to rage war in another country using our military without an official declaration of war from our congress. Our president will serve one six year term. Our congressmen (persons) will be honorable men and women and will be statesmen, people from business and from other honorable fields and they will be public servants and their service will be temporary and we won't have any career politicians in our congress.

We will have a private educational system and compulsory public education and any and all public unions will be forbidden as unconstitutional.

Our banking will be private and there will be no federal reserve ( a private bank controlled by the government) and our currency must always be backed by both the gold and silver standard at all times specified in our constitution.

We will have free trade with other countries and we will not impose tariffs on imports in order to increase profits on exports or goods manufactured in our republic. There will be no corporate welfare and no corporate tax rate, no property taxes, no luxury taxes, and no death taxes.

We will have no war on drugs. We'll have a prison system that is small but efficient and it will be populated by convicted criminals and not convicted drug users.
You're singing a lot of the same song I do, especially on ending our ridiculous war on drugs, dismantling public workers' unions, and ending our empire abroad. Otherwise, however, though many of your principles are solid, the proposed solutions are simply unworkable in a modern world.
You're singing a lot of the same song I do, especially on ending our ridiculous war on drugs, dismantling public workers' unions, and ending our empire abroad. Otherwise, however, though many of your principles are solid, the proposed solutions are simply unworkable in a modern world.

I gave you the vision of America that the founders envisioned when they drafted the constitution.

I don't see a single point on my list that isn't workable in the so called modern world.
Wow! Some really great ideas, no rights for labor, education for the rich only, private police forces... If you want to see where your thinking will lead just look at the great society Libertarianism created in Somalia.

Business men as statesmen, LOL!

Your ideas are Fascistic.
Wow! Some really great ideas, no rights for labor, education for the rich only, private police forces... If you want to see where your thinking will lead just look at the great society Libertarianism created in Somalia.

Business men as statesmen, LOL!

Your ideas are Fascistic.

Yes, because a government means no government. And to look at YOUR vision of America, we need only look at Nazi Germany.
Since I see all politics thru the eyes of labor I've been called socialist, communist, union thug and on and on, but never a Nazi because unlike you I don't believe in slave labor.

It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
Really, you can't preach liberty without preaching complete liberty. In order to have liberty, there can't property, nor a state not directly controlled by the people, there can't be a private sector nor god(s), nor religion and money. The highest authority must be the demos.

Since I see all politics thru the eyes of labor I've been called socialist, communist, union thug and on and on, but never a Nazi because unlike you I don't believe in slave labor.

It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

It's the same logical process used by you to say Libertarians are anarchists. Probably because you don't know what either word means.
Wow! Some really great ideas, no rights for labor, education for the rich only, private police forces... If you want to see where your thinking will lead just look at the great society Libertarianism created in Somalia.

Business men as statesmen, LOL!

Your ideas are Fascistic.

As usual the communist among us pretend there’s no difference between libertarianism, i. e. limited government and anarchy i. e. no government in all hope that they can brainwash the brain-dead into believing such fraudulent interpretations.
lol...How many forums has he posted this shit on?

The reactions here are hilarious!


As usual, no rational arguments from the Howey dealing with the actual issue of the actual subject matter. Seems his only response to anything and everything is a pea-brained attempt to discredit the messenger.

So how about attempting to actually discredit the premise of the OP Howey and tell us in your own words what problems you have with the OP’s perspective of freedom. Oh! That’s right you’re a leftist and every sane folk knows leftist are brain-dead, huh?
You're singing a lot of the same song I do, especially on ending our ridiculous war on drugs, dismantling public workers' unions, and ending our empire abroad. Otherwise, however, though many of your principles are solid, the proposed solutions are simply unworkable in a modern world.

Right! The ‘modern world” of crony capitalism, the legalized bribery system between government and the Wall Street bankers and the federal government’s unconstitutional bribery for votes system using socialist programs to bribe the vote of now nearly half of all Americans who pay no income taxes and many that receive more extorted loot from the federal government than they pay in taxes.

Changing that system would cause riots in the streets. The government tit suckers are almost 50% of the population now days. The socialist and communist have taken America without firing a shot.

Only when the bankruptcy happens will any real change be possible. The real issue is what’s next? We can restore the strict construction of our Constitution and demand politicians honor their oath to preserve, protect and defend it, or we can be taken over by even worse tyrannical authoritarians and become Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Russia.

Demand your Second Amendment rights! Buy Silver and Gold! Prepare yourself! The house of socialist cards and bribery is on its last legs.

“Don’t vote, it just encourages the bastards.” (P. J. O’Rourke)
I gave you the vision of America that the founders envisioned when they drafted the constitution.

I don't see a single point on my list that isn't workable in the so called modern world.

then lets discuss the founding documents.

the federalist paper could inform you you are wrong
then lets discuss the founding documents.

the federalist paper could inform you you are wrong

The federalist like Adams and Hamilton were BIG government wonks who thought that our new federal government should import a British Prince to become the American King and America should be ruled by a hereditary monarchy instead of having an American President with equal but no more powers than the Congress. But even the federalist like Adams and Hamilton couldn’t hold a candle to y’all lefties today when it comes to BIG authoritarian government.

If you want to discuss the founding documents, why don’t you start by providing your definition of the 10th Amendment to our Constitution? Does the 10th amendment actually limit the powers of the federal government to only those actions enumerated by the rest of the Constitution and guarantee all other constitutional actions as authority of the States and the people, or what does the 10th amendment actually say in lefty-Ville?
they created this country and its government

You hate the founders?

No! They created a great experiment in government. Unfortunately it like every form of government has its flaws. But the idea of a Constitutional Republic was the best idea ever and to this day.

they created this country and its government

But they weren’t all “federalist.” As a matter of fact most turned out to be “Republicans.” Of the traditional flavor. It was the Republicans like Jefferson and Madison among them that demanded and got the “Bill Of Rights” & established the Presidency, instead of a King.
The Federalist Papers are a series of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay promoting the ratification of the United States Constitution. Seventy-seven were published serially in The Independent Journal and The New York Packet between October of 1787 and August 1788. A compilation of these and eight others, called The Federalist; or, The New Constitution, was published in two volumes in 1788 by J. and A. McLean.[1] The series' correct title is The Federalist; the title The Federalist Papers did not emerge until the twentieth century. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federalist_Papers