A Liberty Based Society

We will have no federal income tax but rather we will have a flat tax where everyone pays into regardless of their employment status.

We will tax our citizens at no greater than a 10% rate of their total personal GDP and we will stipulate this in our republic's constitution.

There will be no foreign aid, we will invite our citizens to make private contributions to the foreign countries of their choosing if they wish to do so.

We will not have a social security type governmental system or a Medicare system and the sick and the disabled will be cared for by our communities. We will have plenty of money to care for our senior citizens and they will be able to stay in their own homes until they die.

Our police will be civilian police forces made up of civilians and they will not consist of any Para military organizations nor will they contain any para military swat teams.

Our military will only be large enough to guard our borders and defend our national security and it will not be used to march all around the world trying to save democracy or establish it.

Our government will not spy on or investigate our private citizens by any FBI or CIA type government organizations. Our president will have limited presidential powers and will not have executive privileges or any powers without the consent of congress. Our executive branch will not under the president have the authority to arrest and imprison any private citizen without due process of law. Our president will not have the authority to rage war in another country using our military without an official declaration of war from our congress. Our president will serve one six year term. Our congressmen (persons) will be honorable men and women and will be statesmen, people from business and from other honorable fields and they will be public servants and their service will be temporary and we won't have any career politicians in our congress.

We will have a private educational system and compulsory public education and any and all public unions will be forbidden as unconstitutional.

Our banking will be private and there will be no federal reserve ( a private bank controlled by the government) and our currency must always be backed by both the gold and silver standard at all times specified in our constitution.

We will have free trade with other countries and we will not impose tariffs on imports in order to increase profits on exports or goods manufactured in our republic. There will be no corporate welfare and no corporate tax rate, no property taxes, no luxury taxes, and no death taxes.

We will have no war on drugs. We'll have a prison system that is small but efficient and it will be populated by convicted criminals and not convicted drug users.

I understand your perspective and know why you admire it...but it's simply uninformed...

The Fair Tax is cool. I actually thought of it when I was 18 or so. Yet no one has been able to answer my questions about it"
A) There is no sales tax on the internet. Are we supposed to force the rest of the world to charge an American sales tax on Online purchases?
B) "Shopping" boarder jumpers. Canadians jump the boarder to shop in America because the prices are so low since they carry a similar "Fair Tax" We favor a bigger military. Would we boarder jump Mexico and Canada? Absolutely..
C)There are tax deductions now that inspire the Rich to donate to charities. Charities receive most of their funds from these donations. Yet the Fair Tax website states that most of the donations to charity are not tax deductible, such as Church.........The funny thing is that Church IS tax deductible and even my small town Church let us know how to do it....(also...Churches use their money for charity...(R)ight?.........Well since Churches are considered a charity, and they use the donations to "spread the word" then it's charity. The helping of the disabled and the retired and the needy is minimal in churches)

"No foreign aid' good. Our power of military is enough to make nations want to friend us.

My Community tried to care for my family. My daughter has CP. They didn't have a clue what it was. They said they could POSSIBLY get us into an appointment with someone 150 miles away (only one person, a good hearted Right Winger)

Meanwhile the government has a program set up that gave her (and me) speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy. They even bought her medical walker and foot braces. But I have no doubt you haven't picked up on the compliment yet........................(and won't probably)

"Civilian Police" really? We train specialists to have an organized fight against situation. I am a communitarian and I can barely run a park in my free time. How the hell would anyone run an organized police force in their free time. NONE of my park "board" actually helps! It's all me doing the work!

Private Education.....Even though most responsible adults have admitted that the major reason for all the mass shootings and current wicket nature of America is EDUCATION.....why not dial it back a bit? "You can only get the education you can afford" You don't see any recoil from that decision?

So you think the Federal Reserve is "Federally Controlled".......That is your BIGGEST mistake. The FR is controlled and operated by Corporate America/Big Banks. The Federal Reserve/Corporate America controls our government........not the other way around..:palm:

No tariffs means we will always employ the lowest paid worker in the World. The notion to "compete" with workers that are 12 years old and will work for peanuts is a joke.

Drug users should get a penalty of "WORK" not prison. Money/prison life does not build a strong person.

Liberty is awesome. But "United We Stand" is also Awesome..The problem is this new Libertarian movement never, ever, ever thinks about other people and what they need or are capable of.
the free and equal right of every person to participate in a system of government, often practiced by electing representatives of the people by the majority of the people

What don’t you understand about the word “REPRESENTATIVES” Goober? Where does the definition of “democracy” say that the rule of law is produced and enforced by a majority of the people?”

Actually Goober the rule of law is produced and enforced by the ”REPRESENTATIVES” democratically elected by the people and said representatives are SWORN to preserve, protect and defend the CONSTITUTION they have never been sworn to preserve, protect and defend the whims and prejudices of any majority of the people. Thus Goober, America was created to be a ”CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC” by our founders.

The Constitution was written to adapt with the people..................

The Constitution isn't "final say".........The Constitution isn't , "you can't have that thought, it does not align with the Constitution"

The Constitution is a Document that changes throughout history given the correct procedure as it was meant to be.

Who the hell are you to tell the majority of the people they are wrong?.................Classic Dicatator.......

noun \di-ˈmä-krə-sē\

Definition of DEMOCRACY


a: government by the people; especially: rule of the majority

b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

What you fail to understand Goober is the FACT that “government by the people; especially: rule of the majority” or ”a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly,” Isn’t what America is or ever was intended to be by our founders. The proof of that is our founders writing of and our States ratification of OUR CONSTITUTION which takes precedent OVER the whims and prejudices of the mob rule democracy majority. You need to take note that : “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them INDIRECTLY through a system of REPRESENTATION in America, said REPRESENTATION is sworn to preserve, protect and defend THE CONSTITUTION and not the whims, prejudices and desires of any majority of the people. Thus Goober America is a ”CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC." Even if the ‘majority” of the people want to prohibit the private ownership of guns, or wants to eliminate free speech, or wants to prohibit abortion, or wants to establish a government sanctioned religion, they are prevented from it by the Constitution Goober!!!!!!
The Constitution was written to adapt with the people..................

Of course, it has an ”AMENDMENT PROCESS not obeyed, not honored and totally ignored by modern day bastards in our government these days.

The Constitution isn't "final say".........The Constitution isn't , "you can't have that thought, it does not align with the Constitution"

The Constitution is the American population’s guarantee of human and individual rights and a yoke around the neck of bloated tyrannical government. If its NOT the final say then what fucking good is it Junior Goober? When you buy a car do you want the guarantee to be worthless? When the bank guarantees your deposits safety do you want that guarantee to be worthless? Why the fuck would you argue that your GUARANTEE of individual and human rights and limits to what the government can do to you is worthless Junior Goober?

The Constitution is a Document that changes throughout history given the correct procedure as it was meant to be.

The Constitution cannot be change without ”AMENDMENT” Junior Goober!!!!

Who the hell are you to tell the majority of the people they are wrong?.................Classic Dicatator.......

I’m not telling “the majority” of the people they are wrong Junior Goober. I’m telling the fools assholes and idiot the truth. It’s up to assholes like you to prove “the majority” is as stupid as you. I’m simply arguing the simple truth and perfectly apparent realities that should be perfectly evident to any educated and sane folk. Sadly that leaves you out of the intellectual loop.
CL why would anyone discuss anything with a person like you who wont even accept the dictionarys definitions of words?

to you there is no such thing as a fact if it dosent back your historically failed ideas
Really, you can't preach liberty without preaching complete liberty. In order to have liberty, there can't property, nor a state not directly controlled by the people, there can't be a private sector nor god(s), nor religion and money. The highest authority must be the demos.


Property is the physical manifestation of liberty. Liberty is also easily threatened by majority rule, so direct democracy is not something to be desired if you truly love liberty.

I would encourage the morons who attacked property to give all of theirs away, and see how liberated they feel.
CL why would anyone discuss anything with a person like you who wont even accept the dictionarys definitions of words?

to you there is no such thing as a fact if it dosent back your historically failed ideas

Which dictionary and which definition do you refer?

“Democracy” has several definitions relative to the ”degree of it.” Absolute democracy is more equivalent with anarchy since its so often mob rule. The limited democratic process of the people electing representation/representatives, to follow and take an oath to a constitutional rule of law as opposed to majority public opinion, is hardly a realistic definition of a democracy, but a very, very rational and truthful definition of a ”Constitutional Republic.

Of course you can always refuse to “discuss” those facts with me if you choose. However that won’t change the facts I’ve presented. Actually, it will only make you appear to be a Wussy.