A little Poll.. The Newsticker...

News Ticker! What of it?

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actually that would be cool to have your trading account balances run across the top of the screen.

(not that I'm suggesting it for this board) but that would be neat there was hardware that linked to like scott trade, e trade, ameritrade......and gave you a summary of your portfolios.
actually that would be cool to have your trading account balances run across the top of the screen.

(not that I'm suggesting it for this board) but that would be neat there was hardware that linked to like scott trade, e trade, ameritrade......and gave you a summary of your portfolios.
I can probably do that.
actually that would be cool to have your trading account balances run across the top of the screen.

(not that I'm suggesting it for this board) but that would be neat there was hardware that linked to like scott trade, e trade, ameritrade......and gave you a summary of your portfolios.

That kind of information would drive many people crazy. Especially given the volatility in the markets right now.
I can probably do that.

I wouldn't try to do it or anything. I know I suggested it, but I don't think I'd actually use it because I'd be paranoid about security breeches. But just a thought.

(that I stole from Darla, the Bowler)
actually you know what would be nice, instead of entering your account information you could select hte tickers and amounts that you have invested in each stock.
I wouldn't link to accounts. I don't want that kind of thing. I might be able to hook up a display of stocks that you could input your information into, what ticker you want, how many shares... That way nobody would be able to know anything like account info....
I wouldn't link to accounts. I don't want that kind of thing. I might be able to hook up a display of stocks that you could input your information into, what ticker you want, how many shares... That way nobody would be able to know anything like account info....

That would be cool if you could input your portfolios! Would anyone have access to them?
I could probably even do a thing where you get an on-board account with a set amount of "cash" to spend, then you purchase stocks with that... make a contest of it.
That would be cool if you could input your portfolios! Would anyone have access to them?
No. It would be linked to your login. If I can do it. It'll take me a bit of time... but I can picture the code already... I'll give it a try.
I could probably even do a thing where you get an on-board account with a set amount of "cash" to spend, then you purchase stocks with that... make a contest of it.

Wouldn’t it be funny if we had a contest like that, and all of the turbo-libs kicked Top’s and SF's asses? I would die laughing. Just die laughing!
No. It would be linked to your login. If I can do it. It'll take me a bit of time... but I can picture the code already... I'll give it a try.

serisously,don't make a lot of work for yourself. I was just saying it would be neat, not that I want you to take time away from your wife and kids this summer to code a brain fart.
Wouldn’t it be funny if we had a contest like that, and all of the turbo-libs kicked Top’s and SF's asses? I would die laughing. Just die laughing!


and we'd probably just trade on stupid whims and kick his A!
I can probably do that.
ok look dude, you are going overboard. This isn't yahoo. We know how to use google, we know how to get news. You are going down a very ugly path where you'll have links to "lifestyle" and "autos" .. I mean HELL, what if someone needs a new microwave, lets put links to an appliance retailer as well!

One thing that a lot of people CLAIMED to like about fullpolitics, and this site for a while, is the simplicity. You don't need 50 links going every which way. I love orange juice and I love pizza, but that doesn't mean they have to go together. You don't need every god damn idea under the sun splashed up on this page.

It reminds me back when websites first started out, idiotic newbies realized it was really cool to have a dancing jesus animated gif, flashing lights, midi files playing in the background, and the god awful pointless flash intro.

Now you may then state: "but grind, I'm just giving people what they want, what's wrong with that?" But what you and the members of this site don't realize, is that although each new stupid little idea sounds interesting, after adding more and more things you end up with a jumbled mess.

It's getting ridiculous I feel like I am going to have a seizure with the rotating header, the moving newsticker.. etc.. give it a rest.
