A little praise for McCain


New member
He struck a few great notes in Europe this past week, talking about the pressing need to address climate change, and the need to once again work in concert w/ our allies...


I am heartened that, at the very least, whoever becomes our next President will be light years better than Bush.
Onceler, i've got a bridge you might want to invest in, and some land in Fla. Trust me.

Ever notice how you never see Cheney and grandpa McCain at the same time?
He struck a few great notes in Europe this past week, talking about the pressing need to address climate change, and the need to once again work in concert w/ our allies...


I am heartened that, at the very least, whoever becomes our next President will be light years better than Bush.

It's to be expected I guess in partisan politics but it is rather ironic that those who say 'why can't the Republicans nominate someone who will be respectful to our allies, not offend them etc.' are now saying its not good enough when the Republicans do.

One doesn't have to like McCain or vote for him but what he is saying here is exactly what Bush didn't. It doesn't seem to hard to say something along the lines of what you did Oneceler which is (paraphrasing) he may not be my first choice but I would much rather see this than what we have rather than just reflexively dismissing it.
No there wasn't. It wasn't until recently that Bush even recognized CO2 as pollution and then only because the courts forced him to.

Remember her M.O. is "John 'W' McSame" so she is going to spend from now to November trying to convince the board that is the case.

Yes We Can!
Ultralibs unite around your shared wilfull ignorance!

My favorite new far-left talking point: Bush = John McCain
He struck a few great notes in Europe this past week, talking about the pressing need to address climate change, and the need to once again work in concert w/ our allies...


I am heartened that, at the very least, whoever becomes our next President will be light years better than Bush.
Hmm I wonder how fox and the rightwingnuts have played this up ?
I know it won't sell very well with their fans...

I really do not know how they played it up as I do not watch fox.
there was talk like this from Bush at one time too.

Yep McCain was just pandering to the locals.
Talk is cheap, Mr. we should not be the police force of the world and I am not into nation building Bush proved that very well.
Limbaugh hates the guy; that has to count for something. So does Coulter.

He has a track record of bipartisanship, and one thing the man is not is a warmonger. At the very least, we'll have more sensible foreign policy, and someone more willing to work with Congress.
Limbaugh hates the guy; that has to count for something. So does Coulter.

He has a track record of bipartisanship, and one thing the man is not is a warmonger. At the very least, we'll have more sensible foreign policy, and someone more willing to work with Congress.

true dat. A smarter Bush lite version. All the corporatism but less neioism.
McCain isn't a leap of faith and he isn't playing the "Religous Right Card". He is far from the Bush-Cheney doctrine that did so almost daily and that is what has Talk Radio and the far "Hard Right" nervous.

Yes he wants to leave Iraq with a victory (however long that takes) and if you did a poll of military and military veterens, you would find a very high percentage of those that fight the war agree with him. McCain and Veterens don't want a generation of military vets reliving the pain of a lost war for the rest of their lives. Maybe War in Iraq was a bad call by President Bush, but leaving without victory would be worse. In any event, the next President will decide how this War ends and the military will salute and execute the orders given them. Just as important, is taking care of vets when their battle is over.

McCain still has significant differences with both Clinton and Obama on the War and many other critical issues. Those differences will decide our next President. If he wins or loses, it won't be for a "Bush-like" character. He is better than Bush and his downfall might be that we as Republicans picked Bush over him when we had a choice.
I was listening to a Colonel last night on the radio doing an interview where he pretty much has stated everything that I have said.

This war was so terribly mismanaged that the Iraqis never had a chance, too few soldiers, no MPs with those who entered Baghdad, too many villages and cities ignored afterward... Sending home the military.

Just too many stupid "strageries", Bush is a mess.

McCain isn't a leap of faith and he isn't playing the "Religous Right Card". He is far from the Bush-Cheney doctrine that did so almost daily and that is what has Talk Radio and the far "Hard Right" nervous.

Yes he wants to leave Iraq with a victory (however long that takes) and if you did a poll of military and military veterens, you would find a very high percentage of those that fight the war agree with him. McCain and Veterens don't want a generation of military vets reliving the pain of a lost war for the rest of their lives. Maybe War in Iraq was a bad call by President Bush, but leaving without victory would be worse. In any event, the next President will decide how this War ends and the military will salute and execute the orders given them. Just as important, is taking care of vets when their battle is over.

McCain still has significant differences with both Clinton and Obama on the War and many other critical issues. Those differences will decide our next President. If he wins or loses, it won't be for a "Bush-like" character. He is better than Bush and his downfall might be that we as Republicans picked Bush over him when we had a choice.

Been there done that!
No doubt that when Bush started this War, he had all the freedom to run it how he saw fit. The next President will have one hand tied behind his or her back. But that doesn't mean that a "stable Iraq" can not be attained. The Military can't complete the stability on their own. We need a lot of help from diplimatic efforts. But without Military Strength on the ground, diplomatic efforts will be much "weaker".

As far as some officers speaking-out about how wrong the war stategy was, I am sure we could trade those all day long (those for and against). I do believe that those in support of finishing the job would come in close to 90% compared to the 10% of those ready to accept failure (retreat). Even if it were more like 60% to 40% among military, I would let them continue the effort.

I am now retired, but my oldest son and daughter now serve. I would rather they be a part of victory instead of a story that ends with our enemies dancing triumphantly in the streets of baghdad. If the Military still has the will to fight this war, then let them fight it. In reality American civilians have sacrificed very little to this War when compared to the Wars of our Grandfathers.

Our men and women in uniform would honor the blood sacrifices of their comrades (their fathers, brothers, sisters and friends) by finishing the war with Victory. Do not tell them that it is impossible. Our military does not understand "impossible", they do what most would consider impossible every day. Let them fight.
McSame has cowtowed when he would not have in the past to the Bush admin.
He is a shell of his former self. I just dont trust him any more. There was a time years ago I would have actually considered voting for him.
I still admire McCain. I do not agree with him on every issue, but I do believe he will be true to himself and America. I also recognize that a less than united party behind him does not hold well for Republican chances.

McCain needs a VP candidate that will help hold the party together, and inspire Independents and Dems to cross-over. That's a tall order and I'm not sure that this man or woman exists or is willing to step up to the task. I wait and hope like others while McCain prepares to make the most important choice of his Campaign. The VP choice is perhaps more critical than McCain's stand on the Iraq War.
With a country that feels that Bush is a failed president I dont think there is anyone he can pick that will make him appear like he is not in the Bush pocket. He is and however he got there makes no differance.