A point to ponder concerning Romney.

When someone is considered for a position on the Supreme Court or certain positions within the Federal Government there are usually hearings to gauge the way that person thinks. I believe it's just as important, if not more so, when it comes to selecting/electing a President.

I came across this video tonight and would like to hear opinions on the following excerpt from 1:07:00 to 1:09:00.

As mentioned....the bible has equally nutty claims. They say it wasn't written by known conmen, but the implementation of Christianity is carried out by them.
The mormon religion also believed they should take many wives.

then they changed that one

They aslo believed that black people were the mark of cain

then they changed that.

how much of their ideas are they allowed to change?

which ideas are they allowed to change?

They dont seem very convinced in their original doctorine which then opens the whole religion up for changing.

what will they believe tomarrow?

can we be sure the hand of power is safe in the hands of someone who will change what he or she believes when they will just believe whatever the church tells them to believe
Didn't you just vote for change the last time ? lol

How come Harry Reids mormanism has never bothered you and the changing of his religion...??

The change in the religions beliefs certainly has nothing to do with elective office, be it Senator, Judge or president...
I didn't say anything about Mormanism...I talk about ideas and many of them are religious orthodoxy and impact all of us. I want t secular government. Romney displays a very odd set of values, if you can't see it and support him so be it but don't call names and point to others when you have so little to support your views...so few actual facts.
Didn't you just vote for change the last time ? lol

How come Harry Reids mormanism has never bothered you and the changing of his religion...??

The change in the religions beliefs certainly has nothing to do with elective office, be it Senator, Judge or president...

because religion and issues only matter to evince when the person is a republican, if they are democrat, they get a complete pass
I didn't say anything about Mormanism...I talk about ideas and many of them are religious orthodoxy and impact all of us. I want t secular government. Romney displays a very odd set of values, if you can't see it and support him so be it but don't call names and point to others when you have so little to support your views...so few actual facts.

yet reid is also a mormon and you NEVER say boo about that
Do you feel it's information about Romney that one should consider?

not anymore than i would consider any other candidate's religion.

i'm really tired of partisan's like you always bitching about romney's religion, yet giving reid a pass and obama's religion a pass.
I didn't say anything about Mormanism...I talk about ideas and many of them are religious orthodoxy and impact all of us. I want t secular government. Romney displays a very odd set of values, if you can't see it and support him so be it but don't call names and point to others when you have so little to support your views...so few actual facts.

You mean extreme charitable giving, success in business, a loving family and a stable life, plus a successful term in office as governor ?

Yeah, I guess that would seem an odd set of values to liberal pinhead....

You rather see the your heros preaching to a room full of ministers under the guise of giving some sort of speech...
or sitting a congregation where the pastor is shouting "God damn America".....

Maybe it really you that has an odd set of values.
not anymore than i would consider any other candidate's religion.

i'm really tired of partisan's like you always bitching about romney's religion, yet giving reid a pass and obama's religion a pass.

Who's giving any religion a pass? What can be more important than ones most basic beliefs, the code, if you will, by which one lives? Where do we draw the line between a "bonafide" religion and a cult? Would you vote for an individual who believed in something similar to Heaven's Gate? (Excerpt) Heaven's Gate was an American UFO religion based in San Diego, California, founded in the early 1970s and led by Marshall Applewhite (1931–1997) and Bonnie Nettles (1928–1985). On March 26, 1997, police discovered the bodies of 39 members of the group who had committed suicide in order to reach what they believed was an alien space craft which was following the Comet Hale-Bopp, which was at its brightest.(End) (Dic.com)

Before one jumps to conclusions I am not comparing Mormonism to Heaven's Gate. What I am asking is do people feel it's important to know what a person believes regarding their religion? If one was considering voting for a Muslim would not they want to know if the individual was is a proponent of Sharia Law? Surely a thorough vetting of a potential President's religious beliefs or any deeply held personal beliefs for that matter is of the utmost importance considering the power they will hold in regards to the total destruction of the world.
You mean extreme charitable giving, success in business, a loving family and a stable life, plus a successful term in office as governor ?

Yeah, I guess that would seem an odd set of values to liberal pinhead....

You rather see the your heros preaching to a room full of ministers under the guise of giving some sort of speech...
or sitting a congregation where the pastor is shouting "God damn America".....

Maybe it really you that has an odd set of values.

do you understand the differance between a senator and leader of the free world?

I do.

Now I have to admitt I wouldnt worry so much about this mormon thing with robmoney if he didnt have such historally failed ideas he keeps flopping arround and that he is displaying a huge level of flopping and flipping.

I reall dont know if I would vote for ANY mormon to a leader of the free world.

I would have to see a man or woman who was mormon and what their charactor was like and what they wanted to do.

Them being a mormon I have to admitt would NOT be a plus for me.

but then neither would any religion be a plus for me

A scientologist would really scare the shit out of me.

A buddist might not bother me.

It really has to be paired with a real human being for me to deside.
Who's giving any religion a pass? What can be more important than ones most basic beliefs, the code, if you will, by which one lives? Where do we draw the line between a "bonafide" religion and a cult? Would you vote for an individual who believed in something similar to Heaven's Gate? (Excerpt) Heaven's Gate was an American UFO religion based in San Diego, California, founded in the early 1970s and led by Marshall Applewhite (1931–1997) and Bonnie Nettles (1928–1985). On March 26, 1997, police discovered the bodies of 39 members of the group who had committed suicide in order to reach what they believed was an alien space craft which was following the Comet Hale-Bopp, which was at its brightest.(End) (Dic.com)

Before one jumps to conclusions I am not comparing Mormonism to Heaven's Gate. What I am asking is do people feel it's important to know what a person believes regarding their religion? If one was considering voting for a Muslim would not they want to know if the individual was is a proponent of Sharia Law? Surely a thorough vetting of a potential President's religious beliefs or any deeply held personal beliefs for that matter is of the utmost importance considering the power they will hold in regards to the total destruction of the world.

have you ever discussed reid's religion with concern?
do you understand the differance between a senator and leader of the free world?

I do.

Now I have to admitt I wouldnt worry so much about this mormon thing with robmoney if he didnt have such historally failed ideas he keeps flopping arround and that he is displaying a huge level of flopping and flipping.

I reall dont know if I would vote for ANY mormon to a leader of the free world.

I would have to see a man or woman who was mormon and what their charactor was like and what they wanted to do.

Them being a mormon I have to admitt would NOT be a plus for me.

but then neither would any religion be a plus for me

A scientologist would really scare the shit out of me.

A buddist might not bother me.

It really has to be paired with a real human being for me to deside.

But you did and will again vote for a man that for 20+ years sat in a church where the minister shouted "God Damn American".....touts him as
a personal friend and mentor, then throws him under the bus like a Judas when he seemed to be a political liability.....

That says more about your F'ed up values no matter what religious label you give yourself.....
and now you admit to being a bigot....no different than a Jew hater or Muslim basher......
Called a “militant millennial movement” by renowned Mormon historian David L. Bigler, Mormonism’s founding theology was based upon a literal takeover of the U.S. government. In light of the theology and divine prophecies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, unamended by the LDS hierarchy, it would seem that the office of the American presidency is the ultimate ecclesiastical position to which a Mormon leader might aspire. So it is not the LDS cosmology that is relevant to Romney’s candidacy, but whether devout 21stcentury Mormons like Romney believe that the American presidency is also a theological position.

Since his first campaign in 2008, Romney has attempted to keep debate about his religion out of the political discourse. The issue is not whether there is a religious test for political office; the Constitution prohibits it. Instead, the question is whether, past all of the flip-flops on virtually every policy, he has an underlying religious conception of the presidency and the American government. At the recent GOP presidential debate in Florida, Romney professed that the Declaration of Independence is a theological document, not specific to the rebellious 13 colonies, but establishing a covenant “between God and man.” Which would suggest that Mitt Romney views the American presidency as a theological office."


Scary shit.
do you understand the differance between a senator and leader of the free world?

I do.

Now I have to admitt I wouldnt worry so much about this mormon thing with robmoney if he didnt have such historally failed ideas he keeps flopping arround and that he is displaying a huge level of flopping and flipping.

I reall dont know if I would vote for ANY mormon to a leader of the free world.

I would have to see a man or woman who was mormon and what their charactor was like and what they wanted to do.

Them being a mormon I have to admitt would NOT be a plus for me.

but then neither would any religion be a plus for me

A scientologist would really scare the shit out of me.

A buddist might not bother me.

It really has to be paired with a real human being for me to deside.

so you're ok with a senator being a mormon, but not a US president?


have you ever discussed reid's religion with concern?

I think Evince's response in msg #14 is appropriate, "Do you understand the difference between a senator and leader of the free world?"

Just as a note other commentators have stated elsewhere Americans, in general, tend to prefer/vote for people who believe in God. How many avowed atheists have been elected? According to statistics it's illogical to assume every member of Congress believes in God so it's logical to assume many people who profess to be "Christians" are Christians in name only. Of course, it's necessary to delve into how much of a Christian they are. What do they really believe? Again, going on assumptions or logical conclusions it's reasonable to believe anyone who donates a million dollars to a specific church (Romney ---> Mormons) believes in what their church is preaching.