A Query, for Every Obama Supporter.


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If Osama Bin Laden is captured tomorrow, do you support this Non-American Citizen Terrorist's "rights", to Habeas Corpus, and other Contitutional Guarantees? Do you support this man, who not only is responsible for tens of thousands of Deaths, many American, who has as his GOAL the Destruction of the United States of America, support his Access to the Constitution, as if he was a Citizen?

And if he IS brought here, should we Subpoena and Interrogate the American Soldiers who captured him, to make sure they read him his Miranda Rights, and Informed him of his Surrender and Capture Declaration Rights?

And if the Soldiers FAILED in any of those things, don't you support the RELEASE and DISMISSAL of his case? After all, that's what we did for William Ayers, Pentagon Bomber Terrorist, and his accomplice/wife Bernadine Dohrn, both Close Family Friends of Barack and Michelle Obama!
Hey, what's fair is fair, right?
If Osama Bin Laden is captured tomorrow, do you support this Non-American Citizen Terrorist's "rights", to Habeas Corpus, and other Contitutional Guarantees? Do you support this man, who not only is responsible for tens of thousands of Deaths, many American, who has as his GOAL the Destruction of the United States of America, support his Access to the Constitution, as if he was a Citizen?

And if he IS brought here, should we Subpoena and Interrogate the American Soldiers who captured him, to make sure they read him his Miranda Rights, and Informed him of his Surrender and Capture Declaration Rights?

And if the Soldiers FAILED in any of those things, don't you support the RELEASE and DISMISSAL of his case? After all, that's what we did for William Ayers, Pentagon Bomber Terrorist, and his accomplice/wife Bernadine Dohrn, both Close Family Friends of Barack and Michelle Obama!
Hey, what's fair is fair, right?

No I do not. The rules for criminal activities and military war are different.
1) False question because he would never be brought to the United States or one of its terratories or even Military Bases.

2) Yes, he is a person, and all people deserve protections of our constitution.

If our nation is not strong enough to provide even the worst amung us the rights and protections the constitution requires we are a very weak nation indeed.

Given the choice I would rather be less safe than less free.
1) False question because he would never be brought to the United States or one of its terratories or even Military Bases.

2) Yes, he is a person, and all people deserve protections of our constitution.

If our nation is not strong enough to provide even the worst amung us the rights and protections the constitution requires we are a very weak nation indeed.

Given the choice I would rather be less safe than less free.

The rules for a soldier firing his weapon and a police officer firing his weapon are different.

The rules for attacking an enemy combatant and arresting a criminal are very different.

The rules (as they are written) are different for a criminal trial and a military action. Osama masterminded an act against the USA, not against the building he blew up of the people who died in those acts.
No I do not. The rules for criminal activities and military war are different
Very Good. I'm glad to hear you say that. Very sensible. I don't even know where you are on the Political Spectrum, and it doesn't really matter, if you have common sense. But WHY do you think it IS, that Radical Blame- Evil America Liberals, Ron Kubee, ACLU, moveon.org, dailykooks, etc., WHY are they SO ANXIOUS to give the VERY PEOPLE WHO WISH TO DESTROY US, all the Rights of American Citizens, instead of treating them as the people they ARE, Enemy Soldiers, Captured on the Battlefield? What is WRONG with THIS Generation, that they do not know the DIFFERENCE, between Citizens, and Enemy Soldiers, like every OTHER Generation did?
The rules for a soldier firing his weapon and a police officer firing his weapon are different.

The rules for attacking an enemy combatant and arresting a criminal are very different.

The rules (as they are written) are different for a criminal trial and a military action. Osama masterminded an act against the USA, not against the building he blew up of the people who died in those acts.

True, and I am no expert on the difference, however I belive that even so he would legally be entitled to some constitutional protections, he would still be convicted and exicuted, and America will have given him the rights and freedoms he hates us for protecting.
Jollie, you loose any shread of creditability you muster when you start that shit about the Obama's and the Ayers being "Close Personal Friends" It makes me want to ignore the legitatmate question you present.
Jared, I have a serious question: Are you in High School, or College? And do you have a teacher, or Professor, the kind who wears sandals and no socks in the classroom, about 55, never shaves, starts shaking, when you mention Chicago, 1968, or Nixon?
"If our nation is not strong enough to provide even the worst amung us the rights and protections the constitution requires we are a very weak nation indeed."
Uh, first of all, "amung"? Don't they teach spelling anymore? But more important, you miss the WHOLE POINT! Bin Laden is NOT "AMUNG US", DUMMY! He is not "among" the American People! He is an ENEMY of the American People! Can you not COMPREHEND THAT?
What a load of fucking crap.

Even if you did give him the same rights as an American citizen just what the fuck do you think would happen?

He would be tried and convicted because the evidence against him is huge.

Now if we had a weak case and could not prove any of the claims against him in a court of law what do you think should be done?
Jared, I have a serious question: Are you in High School, or College? And do you have a teacher, or Professor, the kind who wears sandals and no socks in the classroom, about 55, never shaves, starts shaking, when you mention Chicago, 1968, or Nixon?
"If our nation is not strong enough to provide even the worst amung us the rights and protections the constitution requires we are a very weak nation indeed."
Uh, first of all, "amung"? Don't they teach spelling anymore? But more important, you miss the WHOLE POINT! Bin Laden is NOT "AMUNG US", DUMMY! He is not "among" the American People! He is an ENEMY of the American People! Can you not COMPREHEND THAT?

Were he brought to the United States he would be "among" us. You are a pittafull poster who I usually ignore, however I felt your question was a legit one and thus I responded... (Dont expect me to do that often with your posts)

You are a silly caracature of a Conservative in my view.
"THIS man is NOT FIT, to be President of these United States. He has CANT STRING 3 WORDS TOGETHER, WITHOUT A TELEPROMPTER!"

Are you talking about GWB here?
Solitary, jared, chapdog-I appreciate your answers. But I would REALLY appreciate it, if you would also give a legitimate answer to one more question: the one beneath, that starts, "Very Good. I'm glad to hear....... " I'm VERY interested, to find out what it IS, that DRIVES the current desire to HELP the people that wish to KILL us. Is it the INTENSE HATRED, at George W. Bush, for beating Al Gore in Florida, the REALLY beating John Kerry? Is THAT the main motivator? I'd really like to know.
I have no interest in "helping" OBL, but to give protections to all the Constitution requires makes our nation stronger. Holding firm to our freedoms in the face of danger and or adversity is the right thing to do.
Is anyone really concerned that Osama bin Laden, if captured and tried in a court (either military or criminal) would not be found guilty and sentenced to death? Seriously?

What are you afraid of jollie?
What a load of fucking crap.

Even if you did give him the same rights as an American citizen just what the fuck do you think would happen?

He would be tried and convicted because the evidence against him is huge.

Now if we had a weak case and could not prove any of the claims against him in a court of law what do you think should be done?

WRONG, desh baby. It's NOT a load of crap. Were he granted the Rights of an American Citizen, as the present Guantanmo Terrorists will have lawyers to fight for now, Bin Laden's Soldier Captors could be grilled on whether they used "proper procedure", if he was "given all his rights", etc., and if they DIDN'T, he would HAVE to be REALEASED, by LAW.

Load of Crap, INDEED.
Solitary, jared, chapdog-I appreciate your answers. But I would REALLY appreciate it, if you would also give a legitimate answer to one more question: the one beneath, that starts, "Very Good. I'm glad to hear....... " I'm VERY interested, to find out what it IS, that DRIVES the current desire to HELP the people that wish to KILL us. Is it the INTENSE HATRED, at George W. Bush, for beating Al Gore in Florida, the REALLY beating John Kerry? Is THAT the main motivator? I'd really like to know.

What fucking part of you makes it impossible to understand the intention of a country run on the rule of law?

You dont make differnt rules for people you dont like. You hold all people to the same high bar.

If you cant stand someone like this in a court of law and prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they are guilty them maybe you should consider you are wrong about who is guilty of said crime?

You people are so quick to give up the system our founders designed for a little fucking scary nutbag its just shameful.
Great men and women died for the protections our Constituton provides.

I, for one, am not willing to give them up because of hatrid for one individual.