A reminder about breaking news


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In the immediate aftermath, news outlets will get it wrong.

Don't trust "anonymous sources"

Be careful of stories that cite another media outlet as the source

There's almost never a second shooter

"we are getting reports", "we have learned" "we are seeking" Are all meaningless placeholders

Big news brings out the fakers, the photo shoppers, and the retweeters.

Compare multiple sources.

Look for sources close to the action.

Stay clear of sources known for hyperbole, like fox, msnbc, breitbart, and palmer report.

Keep your heads folks.
What ever happened to the claims that Crooks social media was leftist and environmentalist? That turned out to be a meaningless claim. The video of the living guy mocking the alt right, and saying he was the wrong guy, was real, but of as he said a living "wrong guy." More recently, they claimed Crooks' father was a Democrat with "many academic books."
And good advice.
Like Obama and Comey's Pee Pee tape.
Hunter's laptop is Russian
Biden is sharp as a tack behind closed doors
The great Sloped Roof hoax

And the Left's Race Hoaxes

Chauvin not guilty of racism/hate crime.
The Rittenhouse child
The Covington child
Jussie Smollet
Pres. Trump
Hands up don't shoot
Freddie Gray
Nascar Noose HOAX
Cambridge police (racist Obama's beer summit fiasco)
9 year old KC Chiefs' Fan

All fake racism stories.
Like Obama and Comey's Pee Pee tape.
Hunter's laptop is Russian
Biden is sharp as a tack behind closed doors
The great Sloped Roof hoax

And the Left's Race Hoaxes

Chauvin not guilty of racism/hate crime.
The Rittenhouse child
The Covington child
Jussie Smollet
Pres. Trump
Hands up don't shoot
Freddie Gray
Nascar Noose HOAX
Cambridge police (racist Obama's beer summit fiasco)
9 year old KC Chiefs' Fan

All fake racism stories.
And so many more. .
What ever happened to the claims that Crooks social media was leftist and environmentalist? That turned out to be a meaningless claim. The video of the living guy mocking the alt right, and saying he was the wrong guy, was real, but of as he said a living "wrong guy." More recently, they claimed Crooks' father was a Democrat with "many academic books."
Went the way of the dodo, Trump's morals, and (R) support for law and order? lol
They never back up their claims with reasonable sources, only with articles that do not say what they claim, or with bizarre articles on websites we have never heard of in broken, sort of Russian English.
"Shitholes" = anonymous source
'Fine people" = debunked by snopes

First CLEAN negro like a storybook, man = Joe Biden
I don't want my kids in a "Racial Jungle" = Joe Biden
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They never back up their claims with reasonable sources, only with articles that do not say what they claim, or with bizarre articles on websites we have never heard of in broken, sort of Russian English.
Ah, you noticed that too, eh? On some level they must have some awareness that they're being played by their Reichwing media masters. The fact that they joyfully repeat lies and propaganda doesn't speak well of their principles or honesty or intelligence. Evidently they possess little of those virtues.
I’m going to show my ignorance (again), what is the Palmer Report? I don’t recall anyone posting links from it. Am I way out of touch in not knowing it?
According to the rats on the left, only the MSM has the truth. Any other source of information is trash.
They live and breath with propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, gaslighting and psyop.
What ever happened to the claims that Crooks social media was leftist and environmentalist? That turned out to be a meaningless claim. The video of the living guy mocking the alt right, and saying he was the wrong guy, was real, but of as he said a living "wrong guy." More recently, they claimed Crooks' father was a Democrat with "many academic books."
Crooks father was a GUNTARD. He had over 12 firearms in his possession when his home was searched for evidence.

Let me just say, I know a lot of Fathers that are also Democrats, and I have yet to even known any Democrat that even owns an AR-15, or more guns than just one pistol maybe, a shotgun perhaps, and possibly a Deer Rifle- if they hunt deer!

Democrats are not Guntards, and they do not go to indoor Firing Ranges that use targets that depict human targets unless they are Policeman.

Democrats either purchase guns or have inherited them, but their intent to own them has to do with hunting animals- NOT HUMANS!

And, I have yet to know any Democrat that ever applied for a license to carry permit.
Like Obama and Comey's Pee Pee tape.
Hunter's laptop is Russian
Biden is sharp as a tack behind closed doors
The great Sloped Roof hoax

And the Left's Race Hoaxes

Chauvin not guilty of racism/hate crime.
The Rittenhouse child
The Covington child
Jussie Smollet
Pres. Trump
Hands up don't shoot
Freddie Gray
Nascar Noose HOAX
Cambridge police (racist Obama's beer summit fiasco)
9 year old KC Chiefs' Fan

All fake racism stories.
The only thing even remotely resembling reality is that deranged list is the Smollett thing.
I’m going to show my ignorance (again), what is the Palmer Report? I don’t recall anyone posting links from it. Am I way out of touch in not knowing it?
The left wing equivalent to breitbart.

Democrats tend to be smart enough not to post from places like that.
In the immediate aftermath, news outlets will get it wrong.

Don't trust "anonymous sources"

Be careful of stories that cite another media outlet as the source

There's almost never a second shooter

"We are getting reports", "we have learned" "we are seeking" Are all meaningless placeholders

Big news brings out the fakers, the photo shoppers, and the retweeters.

Compare multiple sources.

Look for sources close to the action.

Stay clear of sources known for hyperbole, like fox, msnbc, breitbart, and palmer report.

Keep your heads folks.
While that is mostly true, I think the bold texted phrases ^^^ are used with the assumption that the average reader understands that the reporting is all preliminary and subject to change as more facts come out.

IOW, I really don't think the mainstream media is involved in some secret cabal to put false information out just to fool or manipulate people.

Certainly take everything with a grain of salt, which is what most people of average intelligence do, but OTOH, it is not productive to look for reasons to demonize the mainstream media either.

And though this will come across as a partisan statement, it's the dedicated right-wing media like Fox and the other smaller ones, who you should not believe because they are the intentional liars.

I don't know about MSNBC because it's been a good couple of decades since I've watched them.

I used to think they were pretty good.
While that is mostly true, I think the bold texted phrases ^^^ are used with the assumption that the average reader understands that the reporting is all preliminary and subject to change as more facts come out.
I think they are massively overestimating the intelligence of the average reader.