a request on he special banning threads


Can you make it so I cant see them so I never accidently post in one of the threads that dont allow freedom of speach?

If I can be banned for merely not being liked or being too racy or funny I dont want to see the threads or even know they exsist so I dont have to look at them.

I am here to speak my mind NOT be sanctioned for saying something someone cant handle
I really dont want to have make the mistake of talking in a thread where I can be banned because someone can not defend their bullshiut with facts.
Can you make it so I cant see them so I never accidently post in one of the threads that dont allow freedom of speach?

If I can be banned for merely not being liked or being too racy or funny I dont want to see the threads or even know they exsist so I dont have to look at them.

I am here to speak my mind NOT be sanctioned for saying something someone cant handle

I don't believe there is a way to do that.

You won't be able to accidently post in them though, if you are banned from the thread, you can't post.

But I do appreciate your respect for freedom of speech here.

also keep in mind we are doing this for a trial month and if the community doesn't like it by the end of january we will remove it.
don't worry evince, only cowards like howey take the option seriously

people like you are not afraid to listen to counter points
Can you make it so I cant see them so I never accidently post in one of the threads that dont allow freedom of speach?

If I can be banned for merely not being liked or being too racy or funny I dont want to see the threads or even know they exsist so I dont have to look at them.

I am here to speak my mind NOT be sanctioned for saying something someone cant handle

You are mistaken if you think free speech applies in this forum. We post here at the sole discretion of Demo and his minions. That you don't understand that is beyond common sense.

I have been on numerous message boards and have never found one with so few guard rails. Many a site would have banned my happy ass for my exchange with BAC. Personally that is why I like it here, so I won't push my luck.

You aren't banned from my threads because you disagree with me. You are banned because you have as much deep political thought as a puddle.

If you don't like the rules, leave.
Can you make it so I cant see them so I never accidently post in one of the threads that dont allow freedom of speach?

If I can be banned for merely not being liked or being too racy or funny I dont want to see the threads or even know they exsist so I dont have to look at them.

I am here to speak my mind NOT be sanctioned for saying something someone cant handle

try the app forum
You are mistaken if you think free speech applies in this forum. We post here at the sole discretion of Demo and his minions. That you don't understand that is beyond common sense.

I have been on numerous message boards and have never found one with so few guard rails. Many a site would have banned my happy ass for my exchange with BAC. Personally that is why I like it here, so I won't push my luck.

You aren't banned from my threads because you disagree with me. You are banned because you have as much deep political thought as a puddle.

If you don't like the rules, leave.

I'd ban you just because you're an asshole troll.
i just want people to get along, or at the very least, not to troll each other. some people are beyond the point of being able to enter each others threads without resorting to personal attacks or trolling. I would say for almost 98% of everyone on JPP, hearing ideas one disagrees with isn't the problem, it's people being blatantly racist, or sexist and saying things like "i hope you get fist fucked" that has become a problem. When that type of stuff is going on, it's not a discussion or an exchange of ideas... their is no productive value to that type of stuff, and thus I don't think it's the end of the world to provide users with a tool to cut down their exposure to that type of language. As always, something like this has the potential to be abused. But I have faith in the JPP community to use it only for those that are really just not here for anything productive.
I don't know if desh is confused between the new thread banning thing or the app rules which have existed for years?
i'm not trying to insult desh in this thread.... sooooo that's not my angle. But she got banned from APP today so I honestly don't know if that's what she is meaning to complain about or if she is complaining about the thread bans. But if she is complaining about the APP stuff, everyone knows going in that that forum has a much stricter qualification for participation. It's been that way for years and isn't anything new.
i'm not trying to insult desh in this thread.... sooooo that's not my angle. But she got banned from APP today so I honestly don't know if that's what she is meaning to complain about or if she is complaining about the thread bans. But if she is complaining about the APP stuff, everyone knows going in that that forum has a much stricter qualification for participation. It's been that way for years and isn't anything new.

My mother is in her 80's and she is more compos mentis than Desh.