A simple question for Dixie.

Again, you have failed to answer my question.

The reason I posted it in several places was I felt your failure to answer might be more widely noticed...

Again were these munitions you keep calling Weapons of Mass Distruction capable of massive distruction?

Learn how to spell, I can't have intelligent conversation with an imbecile. And while you're at it, answer my question, please. thank you.
Again, you have failed to answer my question.

The reason I posted it in several places was I felt your failure to answer might be more widely noticed...

Again were these munitions you keep calling Weapons of Mass Distruction capable of massive distruction?
I'll ask you a question too, if I may. What is "massive" destruction. If I released these chemicals inside a hospital and many died would it be "massive" destruction?

Sarin gas, released in an enclosed environment in Japan barely managed to kill ten people and make another dozen or so sick. Could it only be considered a WMD if it were able to kill more readily or only if they pick the right place to release it for maximum killing advantage?

The whole concept of WMD seems to elude me at the moment. What exactly would make Sarin gas a WMD?
Learn how to spell, I can't have intelligent conversation with an imbecile. And while you're at it, answer my question, please. thank you.

1) Answer my question first, I asked first!

2) I always find that someone attacking my spelling is akin to admitting defeat.

Now, answer the simple question...

Are these munitions you keep refering to and calling Weapons of Mass Distruction capable of massive distruction?
tr.v. de·plet·ed, de·plet·ing, de·pletes
To decrease the fullness of; use up or empty out.

Arnold, I am not getting into a semantics word game with you over this, my dictionary has two distinctly different meanings for the words "degraded" and "depleted" and the later useage, is incorrect, in referring to the WMD's found in Iraq. They were not used up, they were not emptied out, there was no action taken to "deplete" the agents, they were "degraded" as is any Sarin agent over time. You asked me for my scientific source, but why don't you post your list of scientists who use the word "depleted" to describe the degraded weapons? I'm waiting!

And Jarhead, I'll answer your question with a question once again... would it be alright with you, if one of these degraded WMD's went off in an American mall or school? Would you be okay with that? It wouldn't be Bush's fault, would it?
I can't have intelligent conversation with an imbecile.

That's not very nice Dixie. We talk to you after all...
I'll ask you a question too, if I may. What is "massive" destruction. If I released these chemicals inside a hospital and many died would it be "massive" destruction?

Sarin gas, released in an enclosed environment in Japan barely managed to kill ten people and make another dozen or so sick. Could it only be considered a WMD if it were able to kill more readily or only if they pick the right place to release it for maximum killing advantage?

The whole concept of WMD seems to elude me at the moment. What exactly would make Sarin gas a WMD?

I think that Serin Gas can generally be a componant to a WMD.... But degraded Serin Gas that could at worse result in the equivelant to a bad rug burn cannot be a weapon of massive distruction.
I think that Serin Gas can generally be a componant to a WMD.... But degraded Serin Gas that could at worse result in the equivelant to a bad rug burn cannot be a weapon of massive distruction.

So, you would be okay with a terrorist setting off one of these degraded Sarin bombs in a school or mall, that wouldn't be any big deal for you, right? Just making sure I know where you stand on this.
Arnold, I am not getting into a semantics word game with you over this, my dictionary has two distinctly different meanings for the words "degraded" and "depleted" and the late use, is incorrect, in referring to the WMD's found in Iraq. They were not used up, they were not emptied out, there was no action taken to "deplete" the agents,

No action was taken? These agents don't need action taken to deplete them, they degrade over time.

And Jarhead, I'll answer your question with a question once again... would it be alright with you, if one of these degraded WMD's went off in an American mall or school? Would you be okay with that? It wouldn't be Bush's fault, would it?

No, you'll just ignore my answer as you usually do....

See my above...
Dixie, let me use spell check so you can’t use my spelling as an excuse to not answer my question...

Are these munitions you keep referring to and calling Weapons of Mass Destruction capable of massive destruction?
I think that Serin Gas can generally be a componant to a WMD.... But degraded Serin Gas that could at worse result in the equivelant to a bad rug burn cannot be a weapon of massive distruction.
I honestly believe that a weapon with as little efficiency as Sarin is not WMD, but is a Weapon of Terror because of the horrible death it brings when it does bring death...

I think this whole war was fought over weapons of terror, not WMD.
So, you would be okay with a terrorist setting off one of these degraded Sarin bombs in a school or mall, that wouldn't be any big deal for you, right? Just making sure I know where you stand on this.
I think it would be an attack of terror, and bring horrible pictures to mind, but the few deaths would not constitute "massive destruction". There is a difference between massive destruction and terror. To be effective one must have an efficient weapon to bring massive destruction, but not so for a weapon of terror.
So, you would be okay with a terrorist setting off one of these degraded Sarin bombs in a school or mall, that wouldn't be any big deal for you, right? Just making sure I know where you stand on this.

I never said such a thing... But using the munitions you keep calling WMD's would be the equivalent of using Windex with Ammonia, available to any terrorist at any Walgreen’s.

Now answer my question, are these munitions you keep refering to as WMD's capable of massive destruction?:cof1:
No action was taken? These agents don't need action taken to deplete them, they degrade over time.

Does your dictionary not have different definitions for "depleted" and "degraded"? Mine does, and I think most of the dictionaries do, because they are two different words with different meanings, yet you seem to be using them to mean the same thing. In order for something to be "depleted" it has to be used up, emptied out...an action has to be taken (see the definition).... The WMD's found in Iraq, were not used up, or emptied out, they were full and ready to use, the agent inside was degraded, not depleted.
I never said such a thing... But using the munitions you keep calling WMD's would be the equivalent of using Windex with Ammonia, available to any terrorist at any Walgreen’s.

Now answer my question, are these munitions you keep refering to as WMD's capable of massive destruction?:cof1:

I never said such a thing... But using the munitions you keep calling WMD's would be the equivalent of using Windex with Ammonia, available to any terrorist at any Walgreen’s.

Now answer my question, are these munitions you keep refering to as WMD's capable of massive destruction?:cof1:

Oh, but, yes, that IS what you are saying. These WMD's were degraded, thus they were no more harmful than a carpet burn... so if one of them exploded inside an American mall or school, the people would not be overly bothered with it, and it would be no big deal to you, like a carpet burn... that is the point you are making. I just wanted you to clarify it, so we know where you stand with regard to our national security.
No action was taken? These agents don't need action taken to deplete them, they degrade over time.

Does your dictionary not have different definitions for "depleted" and "degraded"? Mine does, and I think most of the dictionaries do, because they are two different words with different meanings, yet you seem to be using them to mean the same thing. In order for something to be "depleted" it has to be used up, emptied out...an action has to be taken (see the definition).... The WMD's found in Iraq, were not used up, or emptied out, they were full and ready to use, the agent inside was degraded, not depleted.

Dixie, have you ever heard of evaporation, or do they not teach such blasphmy at Alabama Public Schools, for fear of offending God?
Dixie, have you ever heard of evaporation, or do they not teach such blasphmy at Alabama Public Schools, for fear of offending God?

Yes, I've heard of evaporation. It is generally when a liquid transforms into vapor and disperses into the atmosphere. Can you explain how a sealed munition would enable this to happen?
Yes, I've heard of evaporation. It is generally when a liquid transforms into vapor and disperses into the atmosphere. Can you explain how a sealed munition would enable this to happen?

1) You have some evidence these munitions were sealed?

2) Why can you answer that question, but not the main question of this thread? (I think I know why, just want to hear you admit it!)
1) You have some evidence these munitions were sealed?

2) Why can you answer that question, but not the main question of this thread? (I think I know why, just want to hear you admit it!)

Uhm... that's how they make chemical and biological warheads, dufuss! they seal the chem/bio agent, inside the warhead itself. Did you think they just sit a cup full of Sarin on top of a bomb and light it off?
Uhm... that's how they make chemical and biological warheads, dufuss! they seal the chem/bio agent, inside the warhead itself. Did you think they just sit a cup full of Sarin on top of a bomb and light it off?

1) You dont think during 10 years buried and forgotten under a battlefield they could become unsealed?

2) 2) Why can you answer that question, but not the main question of this thread? (I think I know why, just want to hear you admit it!)