A warm "hello" from Juche105

The army teaches people to hate Muslims? That's sick.

There's probably plenty of NCOs and officers in the Army who openly bash Muslims. Most, however, either don't care or don't agree, so the troops probably don't experience it is most units. We had a born-again captain who used to spew all sorts of stuff about Muslims. Even I was embarrassed, and you know what a fan of Islam I can be.
There's probably plenty of NCOs and officers in the Army who openly bash Muslims. Most, however, either don't care or don't agree, so the troops probably don't experience it is most units. We had a born-again captain who used to spew all sorts of stuff about Muslims. Even I was embarrassed, and you know what a fan of Islam I can be.

islam is the enemy though. Blacks whites browns etc arent.
How would he know? He's an Air Force puke, in the rear with the gear.

And if you believe ChoppedLiver was at Fort Hood shooting it out with Major Hassan, I have some Ohio beach property to sell you.

The Ft. Hood story was ridiculous but in my defense, I never saw a post from CL that didn't consist of a string of invectives, so the stuff written by Juche seemed way above CL's pay grade.
Im not sure this is chopped liver. Not that I know him, but youre going to believe a troll?

Reddit has threads asking to ban Juche105
The army teaches people to hate Muslims? That's sick.
We ask them to go to war, to kill people. If you think of your enemy in terms of being human and having a family then you will hesitate in killing them and you will die instead. Boot camp's purpose is to prepare these soldiers for war. They prepare these young people to kill. The psychology of war is not pretty and it isn't something these young people get over once they return to civil life.

This is why war should be the very last option, this is what we as civilians, who have never faced killing a another human will never understand, it is sick, but war is sick.
Chopped Liver was permabanned for a Rule 14 violation.

14.treatment of Incendiary Troll accounts. Definition: Posting solely for reaction, to harass, or stalk. Whether single or secondary, those accounts posting solely for reaction and/or harassment and not contributing to the discussion in any way post at the sole discretion of the JPP Admin Team and may be removed at any moment.

A recent review of Chopped Liver's posts has determined that this poster did not contribute to thread discussions and the sole purpose of his account was to stalk and harass the posters of this board.

Guess who groaned the announcement post?

banned for acting like Buckle?......
Chopped Liver was permabanned for a Rule 14 violation.

14.treatment of Incendiary Troll accounts. Definition: Posting solely for reaction, to harass, or stalk. Whether single or secondary, those accounts posting solely for reaction and/or harassment and not contributing to the discussion in any way post at the sole discretion of the JPP Admin Team and may be removed at any moment.

A recent review of Chopped Liver's posts has determined that this poster did not contribute to thread discussions and the sole purpose of his account was to stalk and harass the posters of this board.

Guess who groaned the announcement post?

Are you the JPP gossip queen?
We ask them to go to war, to kill people. If you think of your enemy in terms of being human and having a family then you will hesitate in killing them and you will die instead. Boot camp's purpose is to prepare these soldiers for war. They prepare these young people to kill. The psychology of war is not pretty and it isn't something these young people get over once they return to civil life.

This is why war should be the very last option, this is what we as civilians, who have never faced killing a another human will never understand, it is sick, but war is sick.

It's why I'm a pacifist.
Which war do you think was worthwhile for the US and why?

Like you, WWII. Also the Civil War, the south had to be crushed and brought to heel. I also believe the Korean war was worthwhile. That put a huge speed bump on Communism's growth. And of course any war that related to our freedom from the Sith Overlords who call themselves English.

I thought pacifists were opposed to all wars.