ABC Ambushes Obama


The Force is With Me
ABC Ambushes Obama

Last nights debate between Obama and Clinton was an insult to the American people. At a time when this country is facing a recession .. or worse, when we are bogged down in two wars that has stretched our military to its limits and devastated the US economy, and while our trade deficit is breaking all records, the ABC moderators, John Gibson and Clinton loyalist George Stephanopolusn spent nearly an hour of the hour and a half debate focused on republican talking points and rehashing innuendo and insinuation., mostly concerning Obama.

The only winner of this contrived “debate” was John McCain, who will need all the help he can get, and which ABC was glad to attempt to deliver.
Obama is a big boy, I am sure he will be able to weather some moderator bias. Especially considering how much of an Obama bias was in the media not too long ago.

I agree that the Democratic Party appears to be handing the election to McCain, however.
Obama is a big boy, I am sure he will be able to weather some moderator bias. Especially considering how much of an Obama bias was in the media not too long ago.

I agree that the Democratic Party appears to be handing the election to McCain, however.

I never said the dems are handing the election to McCain. McCain will be easy.

The race to see who is going to be president is happening right now between the two democratic candidates.

My point in this thread is that ABC's bias was glaringly apparent.
In Pa. Debate, The Clear Loser Is ABC

When Barack Obama met Hillary Clinton for another televised Democratic candidates' debate last night, it was more than a step forward in the 2008 presidential election. It was another step downward for network news -- in particular ABC News, which hosted the debate from Philadelphia and whose usually dependable anchors, Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos, turned in shoddy, despicable performances.

For the first 52 minutes of the two-hour, commercial-crammed show, Gibson and Stephanopoulos dwelled entirely on specious and gossipy trivia that already has been hashed and rehashed, in the hope of getting the candidates to claw at one another over disputes that are no longer news. Some were barely news to begin with.

The fact is, cable networks CNN and MSNBC both did better jobs with earlier candidate debates. Also, neither of those cable networks, if memory serves, rushed to a commercial break just five minutes into the proceedings, after giving each candidate a tiny, token moment to make an opening statement. Cable news is indeed taking over from network news, and merely by being competent.

Gibson sat there peering down at the candidates over glasses perched on the end of his nose, looking prosecutorial and at times portraying himself as a spokesman for the working class. Blunderingly he addressed an early question, about whether each would be willing to serve as the other's running mate, "to both of you," which is simple ineptitude or bad manners. It was his job to indicate which candidate should answer first. When, understandably, both waited politely for the other to talk, Gibson said snidely, "Don't all speak at once."

For that matter, the running-mate question that Gibson made such a big deal over was decidedly not a big deal -- especially since Wolf Blitzer asked it during a previous debate televised and produced by CNN.

The boyish Stephanopoulos, who has done wonders with the network's Sunday morning hour, "This Week" (as, indeed, has Gibson with the nightly "World News"), looked like an overly ambitious intern helping out at a subcommittee hearing, digging through notes for something smart-alecky and slimy. He came up with such tired tripe as a charge that Obama once associated with a nutty bomb-throwing anarchist. That was "40 years ago, when I was 8 years old," Obama said with exasperation.

Obama was right on the money when he complained about the campaign being bogged down in media-driven inanities and obsessiveness over any misstatement a candidate might make along the way, whether in a speech or while being eavesdropped upon by the opposition. The tactic has been to "take one statement and beat it to death," he said.

---more at link
I didn't watch it. The fact that dem debates are still going on causes me to become angry, and I avoided it.

I guess now we will see what happens with the national polls, and in PA. So far, Obama's ability to shrug off all of the crap thrown at him, and have his poll numbers actually positively effected, has held out. I think it still will. I think the worm has turned out there among Democratic voters and it is only the Clintons and the media who don't see it yet.
Well these guys are the wealthy power elite, they were never going to go down without a fight. Imagine what they'll do when someone who is really one of them is on the stage. Imagine Obama vs McCain.
Bullshit Obama did better than fine, he didn't kiss ass to the religous and gun nuts.
Hillary was pathetic as usual with her weak ass attacks on his gaff's and mangled plea for forgivess of hers.
Obama gains after last night, he crushes hillary
Bullshit Obama did better than fine, he didn't kiss ass to the religous and gun nuts.
Hillary was pathetic as usual with her weak ass attacks on his gaff's and mangled plea for forgivess of hers.
Obama gains after last night, he crushes hillary

Hmm, interesting take top. I will not be at all surprised if you are right. I think the dem voters are sick of this brawl, and i think it's backfiring on Hillary big time. And if that big moron Gibson joined it, it will just look like a gang bang and there will be an even bigger backlash.
It's like high school bullshit the repubs to, ahh gottcha. They can't get him on issues or his obvious advantage in being more Presidential.
Just look at his rally vs the dead pan silence of Hillary's stops. She goes down then Mcfossil gets crushed. There's a reason for the record turn out, people want to throw the bumbs out and hill is one of them.
The only thing that could possibly work in his favor is the perception that he was ganged up on, a la Hillary before NH - because he WAS. You certainly won't hear Hillary whining about SNL or getting the 1st question now - that 1st hour was "tee off on Obama" time, from a guy who used to work in the Clinton admin & Charlie Gibson, who I can't stand.
There's a reason Obama is going up in the polls oncelor, the American people are smarter than most posters give them credit for.

I never said the dems are handing the election to McCain. McCain will be easy.

The race to see who is going to be president is happening right now between the two democratic candidates.

My point in this thread is that ABC's bias was glaringly apparent.

I do believe thats what Custer said at the Little Big Horn...yup sitting Bull should be easy...he was a old worn out warrior!
im going to have to read the transcript. im specifically interested anything related to whats the plan for the war and whats the plan for taxes.

i didnt see it all last night as the redsox yanks game was on but i flipped over during commercials
im going to have to read the transcript. im specifically interested anything related to whats the plan for the war and whats the plan for taxes.

i didnt see it all last night as the redsox yanks game was on but i flipped over during commercials

Chap, as much as I dislike Boston I spent two days last weekend at Casks & Flaggans outside Fenway during the Sox-Yankee games and it felt like a world series. The fans are definitely passionate which I respect. It's equivalent to how the South responds to college football.
Chap, as much as I dislike Boston I spent two days last weekend at Casks & Flaggans outside Fenway during the Sox-Yankee games and it felt like a world series. The fans are definitely passionate which I respect. It's equivalent to how the South responds to college football.

oh good times. was there last wed for the game. Got a nice burger there before the game along with some mich ultras. Nice waitresses ;)

wait till the season heats up.. i am going to 8games at least this year with the highlights being the 2 Saturday Yankees games 1 in july and one at the end of September.

boston will grown on you in the spring if your still around.
oh good times. was there last wed for the game. Got a nice burger there before the game along with some mich ultras. Nice waitresses ;)

wait till the season heats up.. i am going to 8games at least this year with the highlights being the 2 Saturday Yankees games 1 in july and one at the end of September.

boston will grown on you in the spring if your still around.

I just found out I leave on May 15th. I don't know if you were here last Thursday but it was like full blown spring or summer day. All of a sudden a million people were outside, clothes came flying off - I saw shorts and t-shirts and tank tops, I saw all these nice cars with their tops down. It was like I was transported to another city. Of course the weekend reverted back to the usual not so good weather.

I hear Patriot's day is pretty fun. Our office is right near the Marathon's finish line. We have to work that day (sucks!) but I still hope to sneak out early and start the afternoon drinking.
I just found out I leave on May 15th. I don't know if you were here last Thursday but it was like full blown spring or summer day. All of a sudden a million people were outside, clothes came flying off - I saw shorts and t-shirts and tank tops, I saw all these nice cars with their tops down. It was like I was transported to another city. Of course the weekend reverted back to the usual not so good weather.

I hear Patriot's day is pretty fun. Our office is right near the Marathon's finish line. We have to work that day (sucks!) but I still hope to sneak out early and start the afternoon drinking.

I work in hopkington right now where the marathon starts. they are encouraging us to take a day off because they are using our parking lot but I defiinitly am not taking some Monday off for no reason.. when i take days off work its for something good.

That should be fun to see the finish.
Liberals complaining about media bias. Gotta love it. How does it feel, fellas, to be treated like Republicans? :lolup:

There is a bias, of course. If there weren't, we would have had questions directed at both candidates such as, "Senator, you have advocated the Federal government controlling health care. However, no authority for such control can be found in the Constitution, and the 10th amendment specifically states that any power not found in the Constitution is reserved to the states or the people, meaning it's forbidden to the Fed. How do you explain your advocacy for Federal health care programs, in light of this?"

They could then move on to similar questions about Social Security, the EPA, OSHA, etc., and whether the candidates favored amending the Constitution to include any powers to legislate in these areas.

But for some reason, such fundamental questions were never asked. Would you like to guess why?