ABC's Charles Gibson gets two day interview with Palin... No subject off limits...

It's only been, what, two weeks? And somehow its notable that "no subject is off limits?"


Yes, it's notable in that, for three days now, you have posted repeatedly, how Palin is being 'sequestered' and not allowed to speak to the media, and everything she has to say is scripted by the RNC. I guess the fact that she is giving an interview with Gibson, without restriction on the questions, completely destroys that lie.

Oh well, I'm sure you'll find plenty more where that one came from.
Yes, it's notable in that, for three days now, you have posted repeatedly, how Palin is being 'sequestered' and not allowed to speak to the media, and everything she has to say is scripted by the RNC. I guess the fact that she is giving an interview with Gibson, without restriction on the questions, completely destroys that lie.

Oh well, I'm sure you'll find plenty more where that one came from.

Fox had actually reported over the weekend that this was one of the rumors coming out of the McCain camp.

It was also reported that the intense reaction to the mere idea that she would be kept from the media forced the campaign's hand on this one.

As for everything she is saying being scripted, it is right now. I have heard the "community organizer," "small town" and "I told them thanks, but no thanks" lines from her speech no fewer than a half dozen times from various events they've been speaking at.
The McCain campaign admitted that she was purposely being kept from the media, saying that she would be kept from the media and wouldn't be doing any interviews or press conferences until they show her sufficient "deference."

I guess Charlie Gibson has finally show sufficient deference to Palin to get an interview, and I guess she gets two days so she can fix on the second the shit she fucks up on the first.
As for everything she is saying being scripted, it is right now. I have heard the "community organizer," "small town" and "I told them thanks, but no thanks" lines from her speech no fewer than a half dozen times from various events they've been speaking at.

And I've only heard Obama say "Hope and Change" once, and that was the time he clearly defined what kind of 'hope and change' he intended to implement as president. Righhhht!!!

Do they have to send you guys to spin school or lying school first?
It was also reported that the intense reaction to the mere idea that she would be kept from the media forced the campaign's hand on this one.

LOL.... Yes, that's it! She is only doing public interviews because of media pressure... the McCain campaign fully intended to keep her silenced until after the election because they were afraid of what she might say! But now that the watchdogs in the media have demanded she be made public, they may actually let her campaign with McCain and do interviews with the mainstream media and everything..... tell me you're not that retarded?
And I've only heard Obama say "Hope and Change" once, and that was the time he clearly defined what kind of 'hope and change' he intended to implement as president. Righhhht!!!

Do they have to send you guys to spin school or lying school first?

He doesn't repeat lines from rote the vast majority of the time. That's a lazy argument you're making there.
LOL.... Yes, that's it! She is only doing public interviews because of media pressure... the McCain campaign fully intended to keep her silenced until after the election because they were afraid of what she might say! But now that the watchdogs in the media have demanded she be made public, they may actually let her campaign with McCain and do interviews with the mainstream media and everything..... tell me you're not that retarded?

How else would you explain how, in 24 hours, they went from making a public statement about keeping her away from the media, to agreeing to an interview?


I know this is hard for you.
How else would you explain how, in 24 hours, they went from making a public statement about keeping her away from the media, to agreeing to an interview?


I know this is hard for you.

Just as they said! With the MSM jumping on the liberal bandwagon, repeating absolute vicious rumors as "truth" and attacking her personally, they weren't about to throw her out there to be made a spectacle of. Now that it seems the MSM has calmed down its tone a bit, they are more than happy to oblige. That makes a helluva lot more sense than.. McCain nominated a VP who has to remain sequestered during the campaign! What kind of idiotic notion would that be? How utterly ridiculous and absurd is that? I honestly don't think you 'fact checked' that idea with your own brain before you posted it.
Just as they said! With the MSM jumping on the liberal bandwagon, repeating absolute vicious rumors as "truth" and attacking her personally, they weren't about to throw her out there to be made a spectacle of. Now that it seems the MSM has calmed down its tone a bit, they are more than happy to oblige. That makes a helluva lot more sense than.. McCain nominated a VP who has to remain sequestered during the campaign! What kind of idiotic notion would that be? How utterly ridiculous and absurd is that? I honestly don't think you 'fact checked' that idea with your own brain before you posted it.

What rumors? Give me an example.
He doesn't repeat lines from rote the vast majority of the time. That's a lazy argument you're making there.

Lazy argument? How the fuck so, asswipe? You charged that Palin was repeating the same lines... well... Obama has said "Hope and Change" about 5 million times during this campaign, and has yet to tell us what that means! He gives speech after speech, interview after interview, saying the exact same platitudes and repeating the exact same empty phrases over and over! How many times does he have to say McCain is running for Bush's third term? Isn't that EXACTLY what you are charging of Palin? There's nothing whatsoever "lazy" about MY argument, there is however, TRUTH in what I said. I know that is hard for YOU to recognize!
Lazy argument? How the fuck so, asswipe? You charged that Palin was repeating the same lines... well... Obama has said "Hope and Change" about 5 million times during this campaign, and has yet to tell us what that means! He gives speech after speech, interview after interview, saying the exact same platitudes and repeating the exact same empty phrases over and over! How many times does he have to say McCain is running for Bush's third term? Isn't that EXACTLY what you are charging of Palin? There's nothing whatsoever "lazy" about MY argument, there is however, TRUTH in what I said. I know that is hard for YOU to recognize!

I think he has. Repeal of Bush tax cuts (different from current policy), withdrawl of troops from Iraq (different from current policy), dismantle CAFTA (different from current policy), etc. Does he need to publish these in a coloring book?

How specifically is McCain a reformer and not W 3.0?
What rumors? Give me an example.

That her daugher really gave birth to her DS child....
That she wore a 'fat suit' to pull off the cover-up....
That she was a member of some Independent radical group in Alaska...
That she wouldn't be where she is if she weren't attractive...
That she favors pork projects...
That she is an unfit mother who should've stayed home with her kids...
That she is not qualified for the job...
That she is just like Bush...
That she is an extremist wacko...
That she is a religious wacko...

You fucking name it, they've thrown it out there, in the desperate hopes it would gain traction and help to stop the momentum and groundswell of support she has gained over the past two weeks. I am ashamed of you, tanman, I thought you actually HAD some sense! I never figured you to be among the mass of idiots who prance around this board daily, refusing to admit reality and denying the truth as it slaps you in the face. I never figured you for the type to post stupid insinuations of 'innocence' on behalf of the Liberals, as if sugar just won't melt in your mouths! When did they get to you? When did you become completely brainwashed by the koolaid from the left? You've lost all respect from me, don't ask me any more of these stupid idiotic questions, and stop acting like you don't have any idea of what I could be talking about here... you know goddamn well what I am talking about, unless you've been living under a rock for the past week!
That her daugher really gave birth to her DS child....
That she wore a 'fat suit' to pull off the cover-up....
That she was a member of some Independent radical group in Alaska...
That she wouldn't be where she is if she weren't attractive...
That she favors pork projects...
That she is an unfit mother who should've stayed home with her kids...
That she is not qualified for the job...
That she is just like Bush...
That she is an extremist wacko...
That she is a religious wacko...

You fucking name it, they've thrown it out there, in the desperate hopes it would gain traction and help to stop the momentum and groundswell of support she has gained over the past two weeks. I am ashamed of you, tanman, I thought you actually HAD some sense! I never figured you to be among the mass of idiots who prance around this board daily, refusing to admit reality and denying the truth as it slaps you in the face. I never figured you for the type to post stupid insinuations of 'innocence' on behalf of the Liberals, as if sugar just won't melt in your mouths! When did they get to you? When did you become completely brainwashed by the koolaid from the left? You've lost all respect from me, don't ask me any more of these stupid idiotic questions, and stop acting like you don't have any idea of what I could be talking about here... you know goddamn well what I am talking about, unless you've been living under a rock for the past week!

I'm going to pick one of ridiculuous claims that I bet you can't source from a mainstream news outlet:

"That her daugher really gave birth to her DS child...."

You just named a list of rumors on the internet and are claiming that the "media" is dogging her for it. Go on though, source it and lets see. I'm going to go ahead and stake the claim that you can't find it. Your others are pretty ridiculous as well, but this one seems like it's the most obviously false claim your making.
I think he has. Repeal of Bush tax cuts (different from current policy), withdrawl of troops from Iraq (different from current policy), dismantle CAFTA (different from current policy), etc. Does he need to publish these in a coloring book?

How specifically is McCain a reformer and not W 3.0?

If he repeals the tax cuts, the economy completely tanks... he can't! Plans are already being made for withdrawal from Iraq, and CAFTA is an "Act" by Congress, which neither he or McCain control, so he can't "dismantle" it. He's telling you what you want to hear, and his repeating of the same line "hope and change" is what is being discussed and the issue raised here, not his actual policy plans, which are idiotic in of themselves. The charge was made that Palin is "repeating the same things" but Obama is also "repeating the same things" ...and guess what? So will Biden and McCain! It's what politicians do during an election! What's bogus is, trying to hold Sarah Palin to some unrealistic standard that no one else is expected to meet.
I'm going to pick one of ridiculuous claims that I bet you can't source from a mainstream news outlet:

"That her daugher really gave birth to her DS child...."

You just named a list of rumors on the internet and are claiming that the "media" is dogging her for it. Go on though, source it and lets see. I'm going to go ahead and stake the claim that you can't find it. Your others are pretty ridiculous as well, but this one seems like it's the most obviously false claim your making.

LOL... Did you miss the part where I said they had to withdraw it? How am I going to find something that has been withdrawn? The NY Times released a retraction yesterday, I think, on the bogus AIP story... you must not read the paper? As I said, shut the fuck up with your ignorant questions and put on's like you don't know what the fuck I am talking about, I don't have time for that bullshit. Unless you've been living on another planet the past two weeks, you know damn well the media has engaged in outright character assassination on Palin, if by nothing else, paying deference to the rumors and innuendo's reported by the left wing blogosphere. You want to try and find some drunk idiot who hasn't watched the news in the past two weeks and try to sell him the bullshit that they haven't, go for it, I am not ignorant or drunk.
If he repeals the tax cuts, the economy completely tanks... he can't! Plans are already being made for withdrawal from Iraq, and CAFTA is an "Act" by Congress, which neither he or McCain control, so he can't "dismantle" it. He's telling you what you want to hear, and his repeating of the same line "hope and change" is what is being discussed and the issue raised here, not his actual policy plans, which are idiotic in of themselves. The charge was made that Palin is "repeating the same things" but Obama is also "repeating the same things" ...and guess what? So will Biden and McCain! It's what politicians do during an election! What's bogus is, trying to hold Sarah Palin to some unrealistic standard that no one else is expected to meet.

So let me preface this, you're claiming Obama is not specific about change and I'm claiming he is. How you feel about the change is irrelevant to the argument at hand.

Obama can prevent Bush tax cuts from being repealed and it looks like your only defense is that he won't (even though that's a major point of his fiscal policy). So that's change for our current policy.

CAFTA is not an act, it's an CEA, which basically means it requires a simple majority to approve instead of a 2/3 majority. Obama has the authority to withdraw from treaties and the authority to withdraw from CAFTA. It's ridiculous to assert that congress is going to be conducting their own foreign policy.