ABC's Charles Gibson gets two day interview with Palin... No subject off limits...

LOL... Did you miss the part where I said they had to withdraw it? How am I going to find something that has been withdrawn? The NY Times released a retraction yesterday, I think, on the bogus AIP story... you must not read the paper? As I said, shut the fuck up with your ignorant questions and put on's like you don't know what the fuck I am talking about, I don't have time for that bullshit. Unless you've been living on another planet the past two weeks, you know damn well the media has engaged in outright character assassination on Palin, if by nothing else, paying deference to the rumors and innuendo's reported by the left wing blogosphere. You want to try and find some drunk idiot who hasn't watched the news in the past two weeks and try to sell him the bullshit that they haven't, go for it, I am not ignorant or drunk.

Then you're simply lying. You have no integrity. You can't prove the claim you've made (so obviously you're terrible at justifying yourself). Show me the retraction please. Basically your only argument is speaking very generally with absolutely no sources and when you get called on it claim that you can't find it. Stop me if I'm wrong here. Also, I do watch the news and I'm calling you on your bullshit.

I am making the specific claim that you cannot prove this rumor was published in a mainstream media outlet. Your proof can't simply be "fuck you I watch the news and saw it but it's since been withdrawn".
Then you're simply lying. You have no integrity. You can't prove the claim you've made (so obviously you're terrible at justifying yourself). Show me the retraction please. Basically your only argument is speaking very generally with absolutely no sources and when you get called on it claim that you can't find it. Stop me if I'm wrong here. Also, I do watch the news and I'm calling you on your bullshit.

I am making the specific claim that you cannot prove this rumor was published in a mainstream media outlet. Your proof can't simply be "fuck you I watch the news and saw it but it's since been withdrawn".

Correction: September 5, 2008

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: September 5, 2008

An article on Tuesday about concerns over Senator John McCain’s background check of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, his choice of running mate, misstated the history of her political party affiliation. As The Times has since reported, she has been a registered Republican since 1982; she was not for a couple of years in the 1990s a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, which advocates a vote on whether her state should secede.

A version of this article appeared in print on September 2, 2008, on page A1 of the New York edition.

Correction: September 5, 2008

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: September 5, 2008

An article on Tuesday about concerns over Senator John McCain’s background check of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, his choice of running mate, misstated the history of her political party affiliation. As The Times has since reported, she has been a registered Republican since 1982; she was not for a couple of years in the 1990s a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, which advocates a vote on whether her state should secede.

A version of this article appeared in print on September 2, 2008, on page A1 of the New York edition.


So it looks like you're backing off providing evidence of your claim that media outlets were asserting Sarah Palin's daughter was the mother of her DS child. We can come back to that.

The NYTimes issued a retraction because the AIP (specifically their chair Lynette Clark) provided them with incorrect information. Are you really dishonest enough to equate that to a vicious attack, spreading rumors, or an intentional distortion of the truth?
So it looks like you're backing off providing evidence of your claim that media outlets were asserting Sarah Palin's daughter was the mother of her DS child. We can come back to that.

No, let's finish it now, I am tired of your stupidity, it bores me.
I don't need to provide evidence to what every American watched on their nightly news for two days. Where the fuck were you? The "rumor" started at Daily Kos... kept being repeated in the blogs... the actual releasing of the information about her daughter's pregnancy was done in an attempt to end the boiling rumors that kept floating around on the internet. When that happened, and the mainstream news reported the personal and private information about her daughter's pregnancy, they ALL told about the "rumor" in their reports. You must have slept trough all of this, it was on every major news network in America! None of it was anybody's goddamn business!

The NYTimes issued a retraction because the AIP (specifically their chair Lynette Clark) provided them with incorrect information. Are you really dishonest enough to equate that to a vicious attack, spreading rumors, or an intentional distortion of the truth?

We are not debating your spin on why the NY Times retracted, you specifically asked me to provide it, and I did. They DID report, AS TRUTH, something that was FALSE! YES, THAT IS A VICIOUS SLANDEROUS ATTACK! They did retract it, they did have a good excuse (*cough*) for why they made the error, but the damage had been done already! My statement is validated! You can retract all you like, AFTER it's put out there! Ask CBS!
Yes, it's notable in that, for three days now, you have posted repeatedly, how Palin is being 'sequestered' and not allowed to speak to the media, and everything she has to say is scripted by the RNC. I guess the fact that she is giving an interview with Gibson, without restriction on the questions, completely destroys that lie.

Oh well, I'm sure you'll find plenty more where that one came from.
Oh wow. She get's two days of being interviewed by a Republican partisan. She might as well be interviewed by Chris Wallace. Charlie will serve her one soft ball question after the other.

Besides, who gives a rats ass. It's McCain I want to hear......not some hockey mom.
Lazy argument? How the fuck so, asswipe? You charged that Palin was repeating the same lines... well... Obama has said "Hope and Change" about 5 million times during this campaign, and has yet to tell us what that means! He gives speech after speech, interview after interview, saying the exact same platitudes and repeating the exact same empty phrases over and over! How many times does he have to say McCain is running for Bush's third term? Isn't that EXACTLY what you are charging of Palin? There's nothing whatsoever "lazy" about MY argument, there is however, TRUTH in what I said. I know that is hard for YOU to recognize!

Ease way town there. I'm talking about EXACT phrasings. All Palin has done so far is read from a text, and I gave 3 examples of exact lines that she keeps repeating.

Does Obama really say "hope and change! hope and change! hope and change!" And he does talk about what he would specifically change, from education, to Iraq, to the economy, to the tone in Washington (general, yes, but imo, he has led by example w/ his campaign).

There is no truth in what you said. The fact is, it IS a lazy argument, because Obama does not just say "hope & change, hope & change, hope & change." If you google 2 speeches from yesterday, he made very specific proposals about education in one, and laid out a fairly specific critique of Bush's new Iraq policy in another.

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Just as they said! With the MSM jumping on the liberal bandwagon, repeating absolute vicious rumors as "truth" and attacking her personally, they weren't about to throw her out there to be made a spectacle of. Now that it seems the MSM has calmed down its tone a bit, they are more than happy to oblige. That makes a helluva lot more sense than.. McCain nominated a VP who has to remain sequestered during the campaign! What kind of idiotic notion would that be? How utterly ridiculous and absurd is that? I honestly don't think you 'fact checked' that idea with your own brain before you posted it.

So...within 24 hours, the media "calmed down its tone" enough for the McCain campaign to completely switch their position on granting interviews?

Can you hear yourself?
It's only been, what, two weeks? And somehow its notable that "no subject is off limits?"


No doubt--Obama has been on the trail for 19 monhs, and we still hear nothing about his radical associations---with terriorists and criminals who hate the USA.

I am not worried about Palin going head to head against ony of the communists. They simply--are not sharp enough for her.
And by the fucking way.... WHEN is Obama scheduled to go on Hannity? Limbaugh? Savage? Hmmmmm???? Is the DNC keeping him "sequestered" from the media???

What a fucking moron.

Tonight's the last in a 4-night run w/ O'Reilly.

I don't think he's going to be doing Savage anytime soon, though.
What a fucking moron.

Tonight's the last in a 4-night run w/ O'Reilly.

I don't think he's going to be doing Savage anytime soon, though.

I thought doing O'Reilly was smart. There is no benefit from talking to any of the other named.
What a fucking moron.

Tonight's the last in a 4-night run w/ O'Reilly.

I don't think he's going to be doing Savage anytime soon, though.

Darn it--Has O'Reilly asked him about his association with William Ayres? Ya know--his buddy who helped him kick off his political career? tyhe giuy who bombed the Pentagan, killed our cops, and said "he did not do enough"? Nope? hmmm. Pretty big subject to be off limits.

Don't worry though---while your disecting a word of a disgruntled busted corrupter from (like that cop) Alaska--trying to find dirt with over 60 laywers, and a host of investivators attending her old church and home town--looking for anything they can find on the clean lady---she will be asking Biden and Obama about William Ayres and other assoications of organazations who plan attacks on our own soil, and kill our own people.

Palin will show the media how to do their own job--and the people will love it.

I love it--she can do anything she wants--cause she is only VP--and because people (real citizens mind you) agree with her. lol
"Darn it--Has O'Reilly asked him about his association with William Ayres? Ya know--his buddy who helped him kick off his political career? tyhe giuy who bombed the Pentagan, killed our cops, and said "he did not do enough"? Nope? hmmm. Pretty big subject to be off limits."


What an idiot. The 1st night was foreign policy, the 2nd was economy, and all they talked about on the 3rd was Ayers, Wright, DailyKos, etc.

They spent a good 5 minutes on Ayers; the link for the interview should be on Fox later today, if you want to "fact check" me.

What an imbecile.
"Darn it--Has O'Reilly asked him about his association with William Ayres? Ya know--his buddy who helped him kick off his political career? tyhe giuy who bombed the Pentagan, killed our cops, and said "he did not do enough"? Nope? hmmm. Pretty big subject to be off limits."


What an idiot. The 1st night was foreign policy, the 2nd was economy, and all they talked about on the 3rd was Ayers, Wright, DailyKos, etc.

They spent a good 5 minutes on Ayers; the link for the interview should be on Fox later today, if you want to "fact check" me.

What an imbecile.


Just wanted to make sure you didn't miss this.
"Darn it--Has O'Reilly asked him about his association with William Ayres? Ya know--his buddy who helped him kick off his political career? tyhe giuy who bombed the Pentagan, killed our cops, and said "he did not do enough"? Nope? hmmm. Pretty big subject to be off limits."


What an idiot. The 1st night was foreign policy, the 2nd was economy, and all they talked about on the 3rd was Ayers, Wright, DailyKos, etc.

They spent a good 5 minutes on Ayers; the link for the interview should be on Fox later today, if you want to "fact check" me.

What an imbecile.

I would love to see that link. I did miss that interview (most of it). FOX did a story on Palin and Obama the next day--and they missed tons on Obama that I know of. CNN did not report it on their life story eigher. I miss the O'Rileitup show, and I assumed he became a puppet also. If yoiu also see a link to the story--I would love to see it, and find out what they intentially missed. Do you think you got the whole story? If so, why would you think so, this time? Do you think Obama is suddenly telling the truth?