Abortion....According to KingRaw

Your interpretation of the constitution does not reflect the context in what it was meant. By using the word "born" that was not intended to be used to disqualify the unborn.
So you know that they meant for the unborn to be protected but just didn't mention it? Well they should have or made it clear some other way cause otherwise the 14th amendment is crystal clear. Further there is nothing in the common law of the US that shows that protections prior to "quickening" but after quickening aborting a fetus was considered a heinous act. Also for your edification quickening under the common law was at 4 months. (See Blackstone, William)
UNLESS it spontaneously aborts? Then it won't. You are dealing with possibilities and probabilities. At 12 weeks gestation they don't have the existent brain activity to save a born person in a hospital from being removed from life support. People in persistent vegatative states in very rare occasions come out of them. But if I am in that position I have a piece of paper that tells the docs to pull the plug and put coins on my eyes.

King is dealing with possibilities and probabilities when he sites the AIDS, and incest, and growing up in unloving households, and abusers, and molesters. Siting these as reason to kill the unborn.
What gives them the right to kill another human? How can you value everyones life when you don't oppose the death penalty?
I don't understand. You aren't against the death penalty if it's the law, but you are against abortion even if it's perfectly legal? All human life is valued the same according to you. No one has more rights to life than others so why is the death penalty different?
What gives them the right to kill another human? How can you value everyones life when you don't oppose the death penalty?

What gave the killer the right to kill? Like I said, they had a choice in direct conflict with societies laws, known laws. The unborn have done nothing.
I still don't understand. You aren't against the death penalty if it's the law, but you are against abortion even if it's perfectly legal? All human life is valued the same according to you. No one has more rights to life than others so why is the death penalty different?

"What gave the killer the right to kill?"

And that justifies us killing him how?

"Like I said, they had a choice in direct conflict with societies laws, known laws."

But abortion is perfectly legal!!! You are saying that it's ok to kill people if they break the law. Abortion isn't against the law! Why are you opposed to that?
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I don't understand. You aren't against the death penalty if it's the law, but you are against abortion even if it's perfectly legal? All human life is valued the same according to you. No one has more rights to life than others so why is the death penalty different?

Abortion is not law even though it's legal. Laws are made to protect society. Just because something is legal does not always protect society. The death penalty is the penalty for killing another human against the laws of society. It is also meant to deter crime. The death penalty is imposed on those that have committed a specific crime, murder. Just because I don't particularly oppose it does not mean that my case for abortion is not valid. Again, the unborn have committed no crimes yet we impose the death penalty. So your trying to catch me in a paradox is weak at best. Again, the question is the rights of the unborn. The person that committed the crimes lost his/hers by choice. Societies laws are supposed to protect the innocent.
So King, you say that a "fetus" (baby) is not "valuable) until the 7-9 month gestation period . Why? Last year a baby was born at 21 weeks and went home four months later. Do you think that she is "valuable" to her parents? Is "valuable" an objective word to you and if so how do you back that up?
Something else that is amazing to me is how pro-choicers are quick to kill the innocent (the unborn) yet raise hell when trying to ban the death penalty for the guilty. If you kill the egg of an eagle you do federal time, but if you kill the unborn all is good.
So these reasons justify killing? If that is the case then we should be able to kill our children at any stage if the fetus is considered human. Back to the question...What is human? Is all human life "valuable"?

"It is the penetration of the ovum by a spermatozoan and resultant mingling of the nuclear material that each brings to the union that constitutes the culmination of the process of fertilization and marks the initiation of the life of a new individual." (Bradley M. Patten, Human Embryology, 3rd ed., New York: McGraw Hill, 1968, page 43.)

"Every time a sperm cell and ovum unite a new being is created which is alive and will continue to live unless its death is brought about by some specific condition." (E. L. Potter and J. M. Craig, Pathology of the Fetus and the Infant, 3rd ed., Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, 1975, page vii.)

I think the laws we have now pretty well cover the issue if tissue or child. The first trimester gives the woman time to disscover the issue and make the best choice for herself. You see it would not exsist anywhere but in her body and she owns her body and gets to deside not you.

You want to force your religious beliefs down peoples throats and making abbortion illegal makes for more women dead. You see if the woman dies so does this tissue huh? You want to stop abortions then come up with the perfect birth control device or maybe figure out how to make a zygote turn into a child outside of the womans body. Then you could adopt all the zygotes people have removed from their body.

Your time and money would be much more honestly spent and you would not be fighting this unwinable batttle of trying to tell people what to believe when they dont agree with you.

Firemedic you are probably a nice guy but your religionis not the only belief in this world. I am serious about that you should raise money for research if you really cant stand by and watch the law as it is. The only way it will ever be stopped is to end the need for it in the ways I sugest.

It is the flat truth.
I think the laws we have now pretty well cover the issue if tissue or child. The first trimester gives the woman time to disscover the issue and make the best choice for herself. You see it would not exsist anywhere but in her body and she owns her body and gets to deside not you.

You want to force your religious beliefs down peoples throats and making abbortion illegal makes for more women dead. You see if the woman dies so does this tissue huh? You want to stop abortions then come up with the perfect birth control device or maybe figure out how to make a zygote turn into a child outside of the womans body. Then you could adopt all the zygotes people have removed from their body.

Your time and money would be much more honestly spent and you would not be fighting this unwinable batttle of trying to tell people what to believe when they dont agree with you.

Firemedic you are probably a nice guy but your religionis not the only belief in this world. I am serious about that you should raise money for research if you really cant stand by and watch the law as it is. The only way it will ever be stopped is to end the need for it in the ways I sugest.

It is the flat truth.

First of all I am not debating this on any "religious" views. Though I am a Christian I don't need to debate it on my Christian beliefs. I am arguing on a philosophical, moral, and scientific standpoint. Just because my Christian beliefs are in line with the point I raise does not mean my points are any less valid. Who is forcing beliefs down who's throat here? Abortion is currently legal. If it is the law that makes it a right and it's the state that gives the laws that allow it, then people should not get too upset if the state someday takes it away.

Second of all it is extremely ignorant to assume the "laws have determined what is tissue and what is child". That is the cop-out that alot of pro-choice people chose but have they ever seen what an 8 week gestation human "tissue" looks like? Seriously? How is it that "tissue" has a beating heart? How about the fact that that tissue will develop into a fully grown human someday. That "tissue" you speak of is a human in it's earliest stages is it not?

""The critical difference between a collection of cells and a living organism is the ability of an organism to act in a coordinated manner for the continued health and maintenance of the body as a whole. It is precisely this ability that breaks down at the moment of death, however death might occur. Dead bodies may have plenty of live cells, but their cells no longer function together in a coordinated manner."

See, this is the question that I have been raising...what is human? This is moral question because science reasons that the fertilized egg is a human in it's earliest stages of development. It has everything it needs cell-wise to develop. I don't need to raise money to prove to anybody what others already have.

Oh, and as far as "women dying", that is just smoke in mirrors. Women were not dying in the numbers that are touted before it was legalized anymore than they are now. Check the CDC stats. These "back alley" abortion numbers are a joke. Those illegal abortions were almost entirely done by physicians trained to do it. 95-97% of the abortions performed today are performed as contraception.

To review, pro-life advocates contend that from the earliest stages of development, the unborn are distinct, living, and whole human organisms. They are not parts of larger human beings (like skin cells are), but whole human entities capable of directing their own internal growth and development. Pro-lifers don’t look to theology to tell them these things, but to the science of embryology

Admittedly, science cannot tell us how we should treat unborn humans. It can’t tell us what’s right and what’s wrong. Is it wrong to torture toddlers for fun after beating your wife? Science can’t help you with that question. Nor can it tell us why the unborn human (or for that matter, any human) has a right to life. In short, science alone cannot justify the pro-life position, though it can give us the facts we need to draw moral conclusions on a host of controversial issues, including abortion, embryonic stem cell research, and cloning. Hence, the first step in resolving these issues is to state the proper scientific facts about the biological nature of the unborn entity. As we have seen, those facts are not in dispute: Embryology textbooks uniformly state that human life comes into existence upon completion of fertilization (or after a successful cloning process).
"No it is not currently AGAINST the law but at the same time it is not a law that says it's moral."

So what laws are determine the value of life to you? But you pro-lifers always preach that life comes first. Life is the most important thing. But you're not against the death penalty? You value laws over what you claim is the most important thing?

"Something else that is amazing to me is how pro-choicers are quick to kill the innocent (the unborn) yet raise hell when trying to ban the death penalty for the guilty. If you kill the egg of an eagle you do federal time, but if you kill the unborn all is good."

Actually I'm for the death penalty. More so than you I'd assume. I never said my personal opinion about it. Unlike you, my logic doesn't have hypocrisy when it comes to value of life.

"So King, you say that a "fetus" (baby) is not "valuable) until the 7-9 month gestation period . Why?"

Another example of you going around in circles. I have given you my answer several times in this thread already. It's not my fault you have ADD.

"Last year a baby was born at 21 weeks and went home four months later. Do you think that she is "valuable" to her parents? Is "valuable" an objective word to you and if so how do you back that up?"

It's obvious that the parents decided not to abort the 5 month old baby, hints the word "born". So yes, the baby is valuable to the parents in that case. Almost every abortion happens before the brain develops in the first 13 weeks. Your case is nearly twice that long in the pregnancy. Very premature births like that are rare, but if the baby is born and it survives then I guess it would be considered valuable life. It's a tough issue for me unlike you. I can't just sit there and say "Abortions for no one. End of debate murderers!" or "I want there to be abortions. HAHAHA! Take that Falwell!" I'm actually considerate.

"First of all I am not debating this on any "religious" views. Though I am a Christian I don't need to debate it on my Christian beliefs. I am arguing on a philosophical, moral, and scientific standpoint."

That may be the case on abortion, but what happens when you debate over how old the earth is?

I'm not going to read anymore of your responce to Desh because their's too much. He can stand up for himself.
Raw you can't given anything objective to the debate. All your points are subjective based on really nothing other than personal preference with no real morals attached. You place the term "valuable" on nothing but your own personal speculations. I have yet to find the term "valuable" in any scientific terms for the unborn. You have not offered anything scientific to back up your claims. I have backed it up with CDC facts and embryology text books. You have used terms like "blob" and others have used terms like "tissue" to describe humans. You like most pro-choicers haver reduced human life to these kind of terms and that is the tragedy. You try to compare the the death penalty to abortion in hopes that it creates some kind of hypocrisy in order to distract from the issue even though the two are not the same. You also like to drag religion into the debate especially since you have such a BONE TO PICK with Bill Keller. You have invited me on to this message board in order not to be out numbered two to one and yet you still have nothing to offer.

Looking forward to you offering something objective and philosophically sound if you in fact can.