
Dogs Rule!

Was it a schnauzer?
My wife had a little schnauzer that used to chase the bears out of the berry patch. I'd tell her the dog was going to get killed but he died of old age!
That would be big for a schnauzer. No mine's half rat terrier, a local breed (related to the Jack Russell, bred to catch rats) and half something else, probably beagle.
Well I don't have anymore rodents around the house. Or anywhere withing 100 years for that matter. Plus we used to have stray cats wander through the pet door into the house at night, and that will never happen with her around.
It is impossible to make a law that will not be abused. Abortion Law in this country was so commonly abused that even the American Medical Association demanded an end to Abortion Law. I'm old enough to remember the abortion debates. Roe v Wade didn't just pop up out of nowhere. There were years of legal battles. Innocent women were persecuted all over the country by religious crackpot prosecuters. Any woman who miscarried was in danger of prosecution. She should have known that riding that bike would cause her to miscarry! Every man my age remembers schoolgirls dying from botched abortions. I don't want to return to those barbaric times.

I know you have good intentions and believe you're saving lives. You're not saving. You're trading and that is playing God. I will not play God and I will not vote for anyone who will order a woman to bear a child against her will.
Where does the killing more children than we'd save come in? All I see is a bunch of emo bullshit "memories". You will need to provide more than your "memories" (ie: lies with the intention to induce an emotional response) about false prosecutions for miscarries, etc.

As far as women dying from botched abortions - they died from botched legal abortions back then, too, as well as complications from "normal" abortions. People also died from simple appendectomies. Medical science has come a long way, including that directed toward prenatal homocide. Not only that, but the horror stories of back alley coat hanger abortions was a thing of the past before Roe v Wade.

And a 1.2 MILLION abortions annually, if you think making elective abortions illegal would not save lives, it is only because you continue to believe your own lies about the status of unborn human children. If you want to call creating laws to protect the lives of 1.2 million children every year, "playing God", go for it. Once again, when push comes to shove, the only arguments pro-abortionists have in support of their position is lies and emo bullshit.
Kill 'Em All And Let God Sort It Out

Where does the killing more children than we'd save come in? All I see is a bunch of emo bullshit "memories". You will need to provide more than your "memories" (ie: lies with the intention to induce an emotional response) about false prosecutions for miscarries, etc.

As far as women dying from botched abortions - they died from botched legal abortions back then, too, as well as complications from "normal" abortions. People also died from simple appendectomies. Medical science has come a long way, including that directed toward prenatal homocide. Not only that, but the horror stories of back alley coat hanger abortions was a thing of the past before Roe v Wade.

And a 1.2 MILLION abortions annually, if you think making elective abortions illegal would not save lives, it is only because you continue to believe your own lies about the status of unborn human children. If you want to call creating laws to protect the lives of 1.2 million children every year, "playing God", go for it. Once again, when push comes to shove, the only arguments pro-abortionists have in support of their position is lies and emo bullshit.

I never said "killing more" than you'd save. Hopefully you'll kill less than you save but the fact remains that you will kill at least one and you will have that blood on your hands. You will justify that by saying that you "saved" millions. You're playing a numbers game. You decide how many lives will be traded. That is playing God any way you cut the cheese and I'll have no part of that.

I knew two girls who died of fatal pregnancy in my senior year. The Catholic died after her boyfriend took her to one of those fly by night abortionists who were as common in the fifties as pot sellers are now. The Baptist blew her brains out.

Emo bullshit?
Call it that if you like but I still will not vote for anyone who will force a woman to bear a child against her will. I'll leave playing God to you.
I never said "killing more" than you'd save. Hopefully you'll kill less than you save but the fact remains that you will kill at least one and you will have that blood on your hands. You will justify that by saying that you "saved" millions. You're playing a numbers game. You decide how many lives will be traded. That is playing God any way you cut the cheese and I'll have no part of that.

I knew two girls who died of fatal pregnancy in my senior year. The Catholic died after her boyfriend took her to one of those fly by night abortionists who were as common in the fifties as pot sellers are now. The Baptist blew her brains out.

Emo bullshit?
Call it that if you like but I still will not vote for anyone who will force a woman to bear a child against her will. I'll leave playing God to you.

Numbers do kind of matter... I'll leave playing Satan to you, in which case I might be able to justify playing God, or hero, or even just Good Samaritan, or just settle for decent human being.
I never said "killing more" than you'd save. Hopefully you'll kill less than you save but the fact remains that you will kill at least one and you will have that blood on your hands. You will justify that by saying that you "saved" millions. You're playing a numbers game. You decide how many lives will be traded. That is playing God any way you cut the cheese and I'll have no part of that.

I knew two girls who died of fatal pregnancy in my senior year. The Catholic died after her boyfriend took her to one of those fly by night abortionists who were as common in the fifties as pot sellers are now. The Baptist blew her brains out.

Emo bullshit?
Call it that if you like but I still will not vote for anyone who will force a woman to bear a child against her will. I'll leave playing God to you.
Yes, emo bullshit because not one of your claims is true. You use praseology with the focused intent to promote an emotional response. You do so because every scientific and moral fact is against your position. You use anecdotes (probably lies also), somehow trying to imply that a person who blew his GF's brains out was due to anti-abortion laws. LOL your brains truly are pudding. With a BF like that, he'd undoubtedly have killed her for some other reason, but NO, it's ABORTION LAW that is the CAUSE of a man shooting his pregnant GF. Like I said: emo BULLSHIT.

There is a huge difference between actively killing a living human and making a law which slightly increases risk of death from natural causes. (And before you question that, YES, dipshit, childbirth is a NATURAL event.) You support the former because the latter is "playing God"? You are totall y without morals, yet try to play the "playing God" card. You lie, you repeat lies, you promote lies.

Tell me, when you support the ACTIVE KILLING of humans, what the fuck are you playing at? When people claim the RIGHT to kill because the human they claim the right to kill might cause us some inconvenience WHAT THE HELL IS THAT if not "playing God"? YOU and your baby-murdering ilk are the ones "playing God" by deciding who dies - even when who lives isn't at issue. You say we're
playing God" by promoting laws which protect the unbron. How is letting nature take its course "playing God"?

In short, as is usual for pro-abortionists, you lie, try to turn things around, and accuse pro-life of the very negative attributes of pro-abortion.
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A Simple Matter of Faith

trying to imply that a person who blew his GF's brains out was due to anti-abortion laws.
You have a serious reading comprehension problem. Were did I imply that? Where did I say that? I said SHE blew her brains out. That's called suicide.

I said that the Catholic girl died AFTER her boyfriend took her to a fly by night abortionist. She bled to death but she was sixteen and I guess you only care about the preborn, or sperm or whatever silly shit you're crusading against.

Look, it's a simple matter of faith. You have yours and I have mine. Mine forbids me from speaking for God and mine forbids me from voting for anyone who will force a woman to bear a child against her will.
Kill 'em all and let God sort it out!

Numbers do kind of matter... I'll leave playing Satan to you, in which case I might be able to justify playing God, or hero, or even just Good Samaritan, or just settle for decent human being.
Decent human beings care about all children, not just the preborn and while it's true that I'm an agent of Satan, my duties are largely ceremonial.
Decent human beings care about all children, not just the preborn and while it's true that I'm an agent of Satan, my duties are largely ceremonial.

I think Watermark is a master of ceremonies, or something. Its good that you know how we care about all children, as I'm sure it helps you do your job...
Decent human beings care about all children, not just the preborn and while it's true that I'm an agent of Satan, my duties are largely ceremonial.
And one more time, the pro-abortionist brings out the typical pro-abortion lie.

Under what kind of logic does caring for the unborn preclude caring for all children?

And while I did misinterpret a part of your earlier post, the point remains the same: it does nothing to support the idea that abortion laws were the direct cause. "The Baptist blew her brains out". (I erroneously read it as having a BF like the Catholic) The problem is, young women today, with abortion fully legal, protected, and in some places even subsidized, still commit suicide after discovering they allowed themselves to get pregnant. So how is your anecdote proof of harm of abortion laws?

As for the botched abortion - the incidence of death from injuries caused by botched abortions had dropped by over 90% between 1960 and 1973. Again, your horror stories are irrelevant, and obviously designed to promote an emotional ("Oh, the POOR little girl!!") response. And, though it seems callous, I wonder what you expect when people commit crimes. Should we make robbery legal because of the number of criminals who get hurt committing a robbery? When you break the law, bad things happen. However, that does not make the law bad - it makes breaking the law in spite of the consequences a stupid decision.

Does this mean I do not care for the girl who dies? Not at all. However, I do not blame the abortion laws of the time. I blame society for not having a better attitude about the incidence of unplanned pregnancy - an attitude that prevails to this day in spite of legalized abortion. In fact abortion rates are, without a doubt, at their high levels BECAUSE of this self same negative attitude toward unplanned pregnancies.

But societal attitudes aside, the idea that the unborn do not deserve to live because some people may choose (yes CHOOSE - something available to us that is NOT available to the unborn) to put themselves in harms way is a bullshit argument. You may as well argue that I have no rights to protect myself if someone CHOOSES to put my life at risk, and the law has no authority to act on my behalf if some criminal does me harm. The idea is top protect ALL human life from the actions of others. If people CHOOSE to break the law, then they CHOOSE the consequences of breaking the law. Compare that to the "offense" of the unborn, for the unmitigated gall of existing without permission.
Thanks For Proving My Point

If people CHOOSE to break the law, then they CHOOSE the consequences of breaking the law.

Yes and that is always what happens with zealots. The Muslim Taliban just stoned to death a young couple for falling in love. I don't believe you're any different. You can't be happy unless there are plenty of laws to break and sinners to stone. May God have mercy on your soul.