
Then you should not go out and whore around, and then decide oh crap I am not ready kill it, kill it, God said he knows before he forms you in the womb.

That's the spirit you're referring to and if you read the Bible you'll see the spirit returns to God upon ones death. Or the Devil if you've been a naughty boy. ;) The point being "you" survive or what the Bible considers "you" to be.
How about she not go out and whore around, that is in her control no.

Who says she's whoring around? It's most likely a steady boyfriend who gets her pregnant. Even during the Freedom Generation, 60's/70's with new-found birth control and women experiencing freedom for the first time, I don't recall the majority of women "whoring around". They may have participated in sex but from what I evidenced it was with steady boyfriends. Women, in general, had more sex or were more comfortable with sex. That doesn't mean they were having sex with anyone and everyone.
thus proving you're okay with some people messing with the bodies of others........just setting the bar for hypocrisy, you see.......

Ah, but the fetus does not have a complete body. That's the problem. If it was complete, such as working lungs, etc, it would be OUTSIDE the woman.

Please don't use your ignorance to set any bar.
So you are saying that a person really doesn't have a right to control their body then which is the entire premise of your argument. They don't need two kidneys. Who are you to tell them they can't sell one?

I don't think you have made a very compelling argument. You have just undermined your entire "people have a right to control their body argument".

You obviously think that they do not and you are very comfortable telling people what they can and cannot do with their bodies

I'm not comfortable telling people any such thing. I was explaining the rationale behind the law. Furthermore, all "rights" are not necessarily legal. People do not have a "right" to possess a fire arms. Americans do but the majority of people in the world do not. The citizens of certain countries have a right to determine if they wish to live or die. (Sweden, Switzerland and Holland.) Americans do not.

My position is people have a right to do as they wish to their body.
I answered that before regarding the California case where the man murdered the pregnant woman. They included the fetus in the charges knowing the jury would convict on two murders due to the horrendous crime committed. It set a precedent. That's how sneaky prosecutors do things. That's why we must be ever vigilant as they try to steal people's rights.
You see your doing it again!

I ask one question and you answer another!!

Read carefully , I will type slowly!

D O U G L A S K E N N E D Y.

Two crazed union members tried to snatch his infant child( I know you don't think it an infant until it gets home, it's a liberal thing, I get it), when he tried to protect his infant child from that murderous assault they pushed him and the child down a stairwell!( I know unborn fetus thst he was holding in his arms)!

Unionised police then arrested him for child endangerment!

Hold on unionised cops, it's not a child, it hasn't been born yet and has no constitutional rights until it gets home, which is the point of birth, when it becomes a life, according to liberals at least!!

Then the liberal prosecutors charged him with child endangerment, because he didnt hand over the non existent child to the two crazed screeching banshees that tried to kidnap it( though it didnt exist) !

So how could Kennedy have endangered a child that didnt exist?

You liberals make no sense!!!!

So answer THIS not some other question, the Douglas Kennedy question!!

Or is it another case of the government is all powerfull, they can do what they want, even if it is contradictory and illogical!
Actually I don't support abortion in any instance. Murder is murder.

But then you dot really think people have control over their bodies do you? You are fine with the gobblement telling people what they can and can't do with their bodies as long as YOU approve

You see abortion as a way of social engineering

You do write confusing posts. How do you consider NOT interfering in the choice a woman makes is telling people what they can and can't do?
Nope you are the ones engaging in risky business you pay for it, I will just have to disagree to pay for others sexual behavior

Well when that neglected child grows up to be a psycho and shoots your child you will learn the difference between "paying for it" and "paying for your decisions"

Notice Right Wingers hated FEMA until they needed it for Sandy? Notice they wanted to cut school funding calling it an entitlement until the school shooting, then they wanted school armed guards? Did you notice they have been cutting funding to Mental Hospitals up until someone mentally unstable massacred the children?
You see your doing it again!

I ask one question and you answer another!!

Read carefully , I will type slowly!

D O U G L A S K E N N E D Y.

Two crazed union members tried to snatch his infant child( I know you don't think it an infant until it gets home, it's a liberal thing, I get it), when he tried to protect his infant child from that murderous assault they pushed him and the child down a stairwell!( I know unborn fetus thst he was holding in his arms)!

Unionised police then arrested him for child endangerment!

Hold on unionised cops, it's not a child, it hasn't been born yet and has no constitutional rights until it gets home, which is the point of birth, when it becomes a life, according to liberals at least!!

Then the liberal prosecutors charged him with child endangerment, because he didnt hand over the non existent child to the two crazed screeching banshees that tried to kidnap it( though it didnt exist) !

So how could Kennedy have endangered a child that didnt exist?

You liberals make no sense!!!!

So answer THIS not some other question, the Douglas Kennedy question!!

Or is it another case of the government is all powerfull, they can do what they want, even if it is contradictory and illogical!

You keep bringing up the "taking the child home" statement when I explained to you Ms. Boxer was attempting to explain something to an ignorant, belligerent man. Much like trying to explain something to a spoiled, snotty nosed kid. Obviously you didn't read or understand msg #81 so here it is, again. I suggest you read it slowly and re-read it until you understand.

She gave an answer and he didn't accept it. In the end she had to use a story, an example, an explanation as one would give a child. That doesn't mean every word uttered is germane to the question.

For example, if we see a child mistreating a dog, pulling it's tail, we may ask the child if it would like to be treated that way. Only a fool would counter that a child doesn't have a tail. The tail is part of the story used as an example of mistreatment. It's unfortunate you're not able to understand that.

Take your time. I have confidence you will eventually understand it. :)
You do write confusing posts. How do you consider NOT interfering in the choice a woman makes is telling people what they can and can't do?
You do avoid answering difficult questions that challenge your Dogma!
Especially the dogma your boss , Barbera Noxer has set forth!
You keep bringing up the "taking the child home" statement when I explained to you Ms. Boxer was attempting to explain something to an ignorant, belligerent man. Much like trying to explain something to a spoiled, snotty nosed kid. Obviously you didn't read or understand msg #81 so here it is, again. I suggest you read it slowly and re-read it until you understand.

Take your time. I have confidence you will eventually understand it. :)
No she made this statement early in the debate, what she said was clear,
Though yes afterward she claimed to have been misquoted!!
But Barbera, the fucking video dosent lie!!
You lie, barbera , Obama lies , barbera!

Now, can any liberal tell me, how can douglas Kennedy endanger a child that dosent exist?
You keep bringing up the "taking the child home" statement when I explained to you Ms. Boxer was attempting to explain something to an ignorant, belligerent man. Much like trying to explain something to a spoiled, snotty nosed kid. Obviously you didn't read or understand msg #81 so here it is, again. I suggest you read it slowly and re-read it until you understand.

Take your time. I have confidence you will eventually understand it. :)
There was NO STORY, you liar!!
There was her statement that life begins when a child is born, when it gets home, then it belongs to its family.
No other story, just that statement. I posted the fucking video, no fucking story!!
Just her rules ! A child is not born until it gets home, that's what she said!
Stop fucking lying!!
Answer the fucking question!!
How can douglas kennedy have endangered a child who does not exist?
Well when that neglected child grows up to be a psycho and shoots your child you will learn the difference between "paying for it" and "paying for your decisions"

Notice Right Wingers hated FEMA until they needed it for Sandy? Notice they wanted to cut school funding calling it an entitlement until the school shooting, then they wanted school armed guards? Did you notice they have been cutting funding to Mental Hospitals up until someone mentally unstable massacred the children?
Real conservatives would fix it themselves and have gone off grid years ago!
Real conservatives would not send their kids to an indoctrination camp staffed by government agents'

Real conservatives are armed up, off grid and home schooling!!
I will not send my children to government death camp!
It's only just begun. I do not know the whole story. Obviously, there are conflicting accounts. Let's not rush to judgement. :)
He was found not guilty!
The story is over a year old !!!!

So , you, in your own fucking words tell me how the fuck can you endanger a child that does not exist???
It's a really fucking easy question!!
Answer it !!!
Lies lies and more fucking lies!!! That's all we ever get from liberal liars!!

It's only just begun you flicking liar!
The story is a year old !!
You can't help but lie you lying liberals!!
Liberalism is a house of lies and deception!

I fucking hate liberals!!
On every point , they lie!
I hate liars !
Huh? Did you or did you not imply distinct DNA proves the existence of a human being?

yes....and in this case, as in all others it proved to be true.....unless you were implying the fuctacularly stupid idea that she was two women.....oh wait.....you WERE being that stupid......fortunately, the more intelligent among our readers realized she simply a very unique individual......