Absolutely un-bloody-believable!

Why can't you read ?

He didn't blame workers....he said, " it didn't work as planned, the corporations and factories went under, they couldn't survive the increased burden placed on them by Democrat Liberal pinheads who wanted to try and implement socialists policies in a capitalist system".

Is this not true.....?

It certainly wasn't Conservative Republican policy at work.....Democrats (Liberals) controlled our Congress....both houses (thats total government control)...a total of 32 out of 36 years ....from 1945 until 1981
From 1955 until 1981 an unbroken run of power,... 26 years.....

R's and Con's had no real voice for those years.. its fact.....its history
I thought those were some of the greatest years in American history, when we grew up! The 50's through the 70's when the middle class was at its strongest! The Beaver Cleever years, what are you old koots going on about? The democrats controlled Congress, men were able to live and then corporate America took over politics. It started in the 70's, greed was the absolute best in the 80's and the the slide just kept going downhill! Reagan led the charge and you guys still salute the ditzy old fart!
I thought those were some of the greatest years in American history, when we grew up! The 50's through the 70's when the middle class was at its strongest! The Beaver Cleever years, what are you old koots going on about? The democrats controlled Congress, men were able to live and then corporate America took over politics. It started in the 70's, greed was the absolute best in the 80's and the the slide just kept going downhill! Reagan led the charge and you guys still salute the ditzy old fart!

Apparently, they weren't so great, did you watch the video?

This was BEFORE Ronald Reagan took office in 1980.
We're being conned...?...God man, look around you....you government takes all your money, most of you live off the dole like parasites, and the Muslims are taking over your country right before your eyes....

Obviously, the UK has its share of pinheads too....If Lowaicue, had a higherIQ, he/she would first and formost realize the left, liberal, Democratic Party leanings of the media in the US....
Meaning that any coverage of the "tea party" will not be shown in a fair and unbiased manner.....that the "tea party" will always be portrayed in the worst possible light.....even it that means lying and creative camerawork....

You don't understand the nuances of the issues and think our style of dress is odd ?....well, old man,....pip pip and cheerio,...you blokes are more than a bit odd to me too....say, old boy.....
Now put your roomies wanker back in your pie-hole and shove off.....

Well sir, it is your country. You are free to fuck it up as you wish. Enjoy.
Then, I guess we are all just nostalgic on our times. Yes, there have always been some terrible things that happen in the USA, then and now and it is how we as a country react to these dire times that make us great or not so great!

Right... Well, the point that seems to have skipped over your pinhead, is the 'empty factory' video is something that happened in 1977, before Ronald Reagan took office, before Republicans had majorities in Congress, when Democrats controlled both houses and were implementing Democrat plans and initiatives. So, how do Republicans take the blame for this? To carry that further, how can the Republicans be blamed for ANYTHING from the past century? Not one single piece of legislation has ever been passed by Republicans without Democrat support....EVER!
Then, I guess we are all just nostalgic on our times. Yes, there have always been some terrible things that happen in the USA, then and now and it is how we as a country react to these dire times that make us great or not so great!

Bethlehem Steel struggled for years also....Company officials were raping the profits and the some union workers were enjoying 13 weeks vacation every couple of years....many of my friends that worked there laughed about sleeping for 8 hours a shift and stealing anything not nailed down...

In 1982, Bethlehem reported a loss of US$1.5 billion and shut down many of its operations. For all practical purposes, that was it for Bethlehem Steel. They never recovered....through they did manage to hang around until 2001 when they officially claimed bankruptcy.....
And then the pinheads blame Republican policies....the propaganda machine of the unions and Democrats worked miracles then and still does to this day.
Yeah....the good ole days.....
Bethlehem Steel struggled for years also....Company officials were raping the profits and the some union workers were enjoying 13 weeks vacation every couple of years....many of my friends that worked there laughed about sleeping for 8 hours a shift and stealing anything not nailed down...

In 1982, Bethlehem reported a loss of US$1.5 billion and shut down many of its operations. For all practical purposes, that was it for Bethlehem Steel. They never recovered....through they did manage to hang around until 2001 when they officially claimed bankruptcy.....
And then the pinheads blame Republican policies....the propaganda machine of the unions and Democrats worked miracles then and still does to this day.
Yeah....the good ole days.....

It is an extremely small world that you inhabit, sir. The production of steel and its attendant industries started moving out of the developed world not long after the war. Even Japan to whom much of it went had to watch as it subsequently moved to Korea and elsewhere. It had nothing to do with party politics either in Europe or the US, unless, that is you support massive subsidies and the taxes that would be necessary to support them.
The banking crisis of 2008, similarly, was not just your problem. It was a problem that circled the world. Certainly the suggested remedies did follow party lines but the problem was created by unbridled, corrupt capitalism. I think I read somewhere that your Republican Party supports capitalism in all its unpleasant guises.... or am I misinformed?
It is an extremely small world that you inhabit, sir. The production of steel and its attendant industries started moving out of the developed world not long after the war. Even Japan to whom much of it went had to watch as it subsequently moved to Korea and elsewhere. It had nothing to do with party politics either in Europe or the US, unless, that is you support massive subsidies and the taxes that would be necessary to support them.
The banking crisis of 2008, similarly, was not just your problem. It was a problem that circled the world. Certainly the suggested remedies did follow party lines but the problem was created by unbridled, corrupt capitalism. I think I read somewhere that your Republican Party supports capitalism in all its unpleasant guises.... or am I misinformed?
It had nothing to do with party politics either in Europe or the US?

Surely you jest....I won't speak about Europe but here in the US...

The U.S. steel industry operated with little foreign competition until foreign firms were rebuilt with modern techniques such as continuous casting, while profitable U.S. companies resisted modernization. Meanwhile, U.S. steelworkers were given rising benefits. By the 1970s, imported foreign steel was generally cheaper than domestically produced steel. And that never changed.

Like the bio for Bethlehem Steel reads...
Protectionist steel trade policies contributed to the lack of competitiveness of American steel producers like Bethlehem.

Having been shielded from foreign competition by quotas, voluntary export restraints, minimum price undertakings, and antidumping and countervailing duty measures which were in effect for the three decades preceding Bethlehem Steel's collapse.

In short 30+ years of Democratic liberal economic policy...
certainly not 30 yrs of conservative free market ideology as your buddy Crashk would have us believe....
It bears repeating and reiterating for the pinheaded idiots....

Like the bio for Bethlehem Steel reads...
Protectionist steel trade policies contributed to the lack of competitiveness of American steel producers like Bethlehem.

Having been shielded from foreign competition by quotas, voluntary export restraints, minimum price undertakings, and antidumping and countervailing duty measures which were in effect for the three decades preceding Bethlehem Steel's collapse.

In short 30+ years of Democratic liberal economic policy...
certainly not 30 yrs of conservative free market ideology as your buddy Crashk would have us believe....

Thanks bravo!
quotas ...implemented by Democrats!
voluntary export restraints ...implemented by Democrats!
minimum price undertakings ...implemented by Democrats!
antidumping regulations ...implemented by Democrats!
countervailing duty measures ...implemented by Democrats!

Yet.... somehow, someway, it was REPUBLICANS who killed the jobs?
quotas ...implemented by Democrats!
voluntary export restraints ...implemented by Democrats!
minimum price undertakings ...implemented by Democrats!
antidumping regulations ...implemented by Democrats!
countervailing duty measures ...implemented by Democrats!

Yet.... somehow, someway, it was REPUBLICANS who killed the jobs?
Well, we can go back to dumping, how about your back yard and city's water supply?

There was a crazy old koot named Grace, go read about her!
Well, we can go back to dumping, how about your back yard and city's water supply?

There was a crazy old koot named Grace, go read about her!
Whose idea was NAFTA? Who wrote the bill? Please refresh my memory, thanks
Well, we can go back to dumping, how about your back yard and city's water supply?

There was a crazy old koot named Grace, go read about her!

No need, there's nothing more to dump... all the industry closed down and the steel jobs went to Japan. Oh well, at least our water is clean, right?
Whose idea was NAFTA? Who wrote the bill? Please refresh my memory, thanks

NAFTA passed in both houses of Democratically controlled Congress in 1993. In the Senate, it passed with 61 yeas and 38 nays. In the House, it was much closer at 234 yeas to 200 nays. The Republicans in the House really came through for Clinton by providing 132 Yeas to counter 156 Democratic nays. Still, 40% of the Democrats in the House voted for NAFTA.

Clinton signed it into law.
NAFTA passed in both houses of Democratically controlled Congress in 1993. In the Senate, it passed with 61 yeas and 38 nays. In the House, it was much closer at 234 yeas to 200 nays. The Republicans in the House really came through for Clinton by providing 132 Yeas to counter 156 Democratic nays. Still, 40% of the Democrats in the House voted for NAFTA.

Clinton signed it into law.
Yep, looks like it was the whole mess of them and not just Democrats! The blame lies all around, correct!
Good thread that illustrates just how ill-informed, mis-informed, and Koolade saturated
the lefties are about some issues and the all important WHY things happened rather that who was President at some given time.