Account Cleanups...


Staff member
About every 3 months or so (at least that is what I try to keep up) I work through the accounts and purge users that have created an account, but never posted for more than 30 days.

I will try to announce it each time so that folks who like to read all the posts but do not post can rebuild, I just want to clean up the ones that use my site to backlink to stupid pill sites, etc. but never are here to participate or read.
About every 3 months or so (at least that is what I try to keep up) I work through the accounts and purge users that have created an account, but never posted for more than 30 days.

I will try to announce it each time so that folks who like to read all the posts but do not post can rebuild, I just want to clean up the ones that use my site to backlink to stupid pill sites, etc. but never are here to participate or read.

Will this affect my recipe exchange?