Adam Lanza Killed Mom While She Lay In Bed — Report

schools need to be armed with support staff like they used to be armed with.

metal health care professionals and counselors
Survivalist? Don't give people labels because they then think they are not alone in their insanity. People do not appear to be embarrassed or ashamed at being called a 'survivalist' in America. They should be. If America treated these weirdos as they should, that is as outcasts from society, fewer people would join the loony brigade. Once you have enough loonies to hold a meeting they will no longer see themselves as pariahs.

They make me ashamed of being an American, with their unhinged fantasies. These nuts with their tyranny delusions need to spend some time in North Korea or Iran, and then come back and kiss the ground when they get off the plane. No "tyrannical government" is preventing them from existing in a black and white world and deluding themselves that everyone's out to get them.
Imagine if this 20 year olds high school counselor had reported his need for mental healthcare to his paarent.

maybe she could have been talked into getting the boy treatment before he riddled her head with bullets from her own semi while she sleep.
The fact of te matter is that the overwhelming majority of gun owners are responsible.

Queers are more itresponsible and kill more people with their AIDS infested penises than guns do
They make me ashamed of being an American, with their unhinged fantasies. These nuts with their tyranny delusions need to spend some time in North Korea or Iran, and then come back and kiss the ground when they get off the plane. No "tyrannical government" is preventing them from existing in a black and white world and deluding themselves that everyone's out to get them.

No need to feel ashamed. I looked up 'preppers' as that nice person suggested I might, and found to my horror, that there are more than a few of these unfortunates in the UK.
It seems to me so sad that in a world of natural and man made wonder and beauty, there are people who honestly believe in the imminent ending of the world despite the science produced evidence that it just. Will. Not. Happen.
It must be the result of failed education (not education policy, but certain schools and their teachers).
I held a discussion based around the American Nightmare in my English Club yesterday. My poor students were agog at some of the comments to have made their way here. Their lifetime experience, which included the Japanese invasion and Mao's disastrous policies, coul not equip them with an understanding of a country that allows ordinary people to own guns.
The fact of te matter is that the overwhelming majority of gun owners are responsible.

Queers are more itresponsible and kill more people with their AIDS infested penises than guns do

None of the mass killers are part of the overwhelming majority. Why is your life so filled with fear?
None of the mass killers are part of the overwhelming majority. Why is your life so filled with fear?

You are the who is afraid otherwise you wouldn't want to take things that are constitutionally guarenteed

What are you so afraid of that you want to limit my freedoms?

It doesn't matter what you think I need. I will buy whatever the fuck I want for whatever the fuck reason I want and you can't donjackshkt about it.

He'll part of me hopes you ban the fuckers cause that will make more options available on the black market that you bitches will never be at to track.
I think it depends on the lengths to which they go to prepare. Having some supplies laid in to weather an emergency, having an alternate source of power ect, are not signs that someone is an "unhinged whacko".

I think people who do not prepare are unhinged whacko a who put their trust in an entity that has proven time and time again it cannot protect you.

The only reason they use the derogatory terms is because they are jealous.
he used her own guns to kill her and the kids with.

She taught him how to shoot them.

She told her friends her son was worrying her.

She did not seek help for him

She gave him access to power weapondry

more LIES...she did in fact seek help for him, he was either going or had gone to mental health therapy before the shootings

please stop posting your fictional bullshit
Imagine if this 20 year olds high school counselor had reported his need for mental healthcare to his paarent.

maybe she could have been talked into getting the boy treatment before he riddled her head with bullets from her own semi while she sleep.

Connecticut school shooting: Adam Lanza was assigned psychologist

Adam Lanza caused so much concern because of his social awkwardness at high school that he was assigned a psychologist, according to a former school official.

your ignorance is appalling