Administration scrambled to abort


Loyal to the end
Please get this out ASAP. Want specific people to know we know.

RE Osama Bin Laden.
Significant push to take him out months ago. Senior WH staff resisted. This was cause of much strain between HC and Obama/Jarrett. HC and LP were in constant communication over matter – both attempted to convince administration to act. Administration feared failure and resulting negative impact on president. Intel disgusted over politics over national security. Staff resigned/left. Check timeline to corroborate.
Now Intel already leaking to media facts surrounding how info obtained. Namely from enhanced interrogation efforts via GITMO prisoners. Obama administration placed in corner on this. Some media aware of danger to president RE this and attempting protection. Others looking for further investigation. We are pushing for them to follow through and already meeting with some access.

Point of determination made FOR Obama not BY Obama. Will clarify as details become more clear. Very clear divide between Military and WH. Jarrett marginalized 100% on decision to take out OBL. She played no part. BD worked with LP and HC to form coalition to force CoC to engage.

IMPORTANT SPECIFIC: When 48 hour go order issued, CoC was told, not requested. Administration scrambled to abort. That order was overruled. This order did not originate from CoC. Repeat – this order did not originate from CoC. He complied, but did not originate.

Independent military contacts have confirmed. Stories corroborate one another. This is legit.

The killing of Osama Bin Laden was in fact a Coup within Obama WH.

Speaking with additional contacts RE info.

Stay safe.
I was told – in these exact terms, “we overruled him.” (Obama) I have since followed up and received further details on exactly what that meant, as well as the specifics of how Leon Panetta worked around the president’s “persistent hesitation to act.” There appears NOT to have been an outright overruling of any specific position by President Obama, simply because there was no specific position from the president to do so. President Obama was, in this case, as in all others, working as an absentee president.
Same link as post 2:

It is disturbing that the safe-house was discovered last August and that we risked losing OBL over the course of the past nine months. The courier's name who led to Bin Laden through Bush's CIA interrogations was leaked in the latest WIKILEAKS dump. So it was only a matter of time.

"Osama bin Laden had 500 Euros in cash and two telephone numbers sewn into his clothing when he was killed, CBS News has confirmed." It was a miracle we got there in time.

But OBL appeared not to be worried. OBL was at the compound without armed guards or any sort of organized unit of protection. OBL was so confident, so safe, so assured. He lived there for some time (as opposed to moving from cave to cave under Bush). Clearly he was not worried under an Obama administration, and it's a miracle he was still there.
It amazes me the lengths that some people are willing to go to avoid the fact that they are bat-shit fucking crazy and the avoidance always involves ever more crazy shit. I thought Pam Geller's theory that Barack Obama was the love-child of Malcolm X was the height of her lunacy, but that was years ago. As compared to Pam Geller today, that Pam Geller is a paragon of sanity.
Great.... just what is needed right now.... bullshit conspiracies.

1) While they found out the location of the safehouse in August.... even on the day of the raid they were not certain Osama was in there.
2) Obama SHOULD have been reluctant to act given the nature of the mission.... invading sovereign air space without permission, launching an attack on a civilian structure, putting the Seal and CIA teams in extreme danger given the lack of knowledge on who/what was inside that building.
3) To pretend that Obama simply 'complied' rather than taking the time to evaluate and weigh the risk/reward of such a mission is simply partisan hackery.
4) In every major decision like this, I would HOPE there is a divide among top officials. It means we have someone at least playing devils advocate. It means it isn't all 'yes' men/women in the cabinet.
Great.... just what is needed right now.... bullshit conspiracies.

1) While they found out the location of the safehouse in August.... even on the day of the raid they were not certain Osama was in there.
2) Obama SHOULD have been reluctant to act given the nature of the mission.... invading sovereign air space without permission, launching an attack on a civilian structure, putting the Seal and CIA teams in extreme danger given the lack of knowledge on who/what was inside that building.
3) To pretend that Obama simply 'complied' rather than taking the time to evaluate and weigh the risk/reward of such a mission is simply partisan hackery.
4) In every major decision like this, I would HOPE there is a divide among top officials. It means we have someone at least playing devils advocate. It means it isn't all 'yes' men/women in the cabinet.

Or he could have done what Reagan would have done and bombed the place.
Or he could have done what Reagan would have done and bombed the place.

Tell us.... what would that have accomplished?

"hey, we bombed a building we think was a target. Not really sure who was inside. We are awesome!.... oh, and sorry about invading your air space"
We went in personally to gain evidence that we now won't show because it would be "spiking the football", yet we get an 8 minute tape of "How Great We Are" basically dancing in the middle of the field Sander's-style, then they open up our film research and tell them everything we know about them in order to do some more dancing.

Quit friggin' telling them what we know. I'd prefer a release of a picture to all this nonsense they're playing with now.
Another great Dumb Yankee thread.

Face the facts; your butt boy Bush II dropped the ball. Obama picked it up and ran with it.

Bush let us all down because he was an idiot-puppet, like you.
We went in personally to gain evidence that we now won't show because it would be "spiking the football", yet we get an 8 minute tape of "How Great We Are" basically dancing in the middle of the field Sander's-style, then they open up our film research and tell them everything we know about them in order to do some more dancing.

Quit friggin' telling them what we know. I'd prefer a release of a picture to all this nonsense they're playing with now.

Yes or you believe Bin Laden is dead?
Yes or you believe Bin Laden is dead?

He's dead. Just don't tell me you won't release the picture because it would be "spiking the football" at the same time you've run to the middle of the field for a Sander's-style celebratory dance. And quit releasing intel, just fricking quit it. It's like watching CNN help them with the missile telemetry all over again during the first Iraqi Conflict. Just shut up.
Tell us.... what would that have accomplished?

"hey, we bombed a building we think was a target. Not really sure who was inside. We are awesome!.... oh, and sorry about invading your air space"

The same thing we accomplish whenever we bomb a building that a terrorist is hiding: a dead terrorist.
WOW...that's a gigantic pile of evidence you've got to back up your ridiculous allegations.

Nothing like unfounded, anonymous third party hearsay to really corroborate a piece of fiction like DY's!

The same thing we accomplish whenever we bomb a building that a terrorist is hiding: a dead terrorist.

Still waiting on DY to provide some of that evidence to back up the allegations in his OP...perhaps the mountain of evidence is so massive he's needed all weekend to dig through it...