Administration scrambled to abort

There was no coup and there was no treason. SM just can't deal with the fact that Obama got Bin Ladin and that his Saint and Messiah Bush didn't. Republicans are fools if they try to make this a partisan issue. They will come out on the shit end of that stick.

I made a resolution after 9/11 that I would not vote for the re-election of a US President who had not captured or killed Bin Ladin by the end of his first term. Unless Republicans nominated Romney I was pretty much planning on not voting for President if Obama had not captured or killed Bin Ladin by the end of his first term. Now it's a horse race (or at least I hope it will be one).

No surprise you've jumped in on Solitary's straw man. It's not treason because the players are simply doing what was planned ten years ago. And I'm hardly a fan of Bush for a lot of reasons.
No surprise you've jumped in on Solitary's straw man. It's not treason because the players are simply doing what was planned ten years ago. And I'm hardly a fan of Bush for a lot of reasons.
Dude, your OP has as much truth and fact supporting it as Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny and Leprochans sitting by that pot of gold under the rainbow. I don't know what you've been smoking......but I'm pretty sure Topper would like some! LOL

Face it. Obama pulled the trigger and got his man and your Massiah Bush didn't and nothing you can say and no outrageous conspiracy theory you can pull out of your ass will ever change that fact. You'd better get off the partisan hackery if you don't want to be made a fool of.
What that picture shows is The Obama clueless, afraid, and "outside the loop", which corroborates the other evidence of him trying to abort the mission. Contrast his expression with the others in the room. With the possible exception of Clinton, these folks all look confident.

ROFLMAO.... you have to be joking. You are reading into that photo many many things that are not there. If anything, Obama looks extremely focused on what he is viewing. Hillary is the only one who you might be able to proclaim looks 'scared' though I personally wouldn't even go that far. How you can say he is 'outside of the loop' goes beyond reason. It is complete absurdity based on what you WANT to believe rather than based on ANY semblance of reality.
Dude, your OP has as much truth and fact supporting it as Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny and Leprochans sitting by that pot of gold under the rainbow. I don't know what you've been smoking......but I'm pretty sure Topper would like some! LOL

Face it. Obama pulled the trigger and got his man and your Massiah Bush didn't and nothing you can say and no outrageous conspiracy theory you can pull out of your ass will ever change that fact. You'd better get off the partisan hackery if you don't want to be made a fool of.
LOL! What delicious irony! Your post is completely devoid of fact and at complete odds with what has been presented, up to an including your hero-worship theme. :)
ROFLMAO.... you have to be joking. You are reading into that photo many many things that are not there. If anything, Obama looks extremely focused on what he is viewing. Hillary is the only one who you might be able to proclaim looks 'scared' though I personally wouldn't even go that far. How you can say he is 'outside of the loop' goes beyond reason. It is complete absurdity based on what you WANT to believe rather than based on ANY semblance of reality.

Sure, focused with fear and lose of control:


Now, explain why the world's media isn't all over this, instead of a handful of nutbag blog sites.
Sure, focused with fear and lose of control:


And that's all you've got, isn't it?

A picture...and an anonymous, third party blog which doesn't even have the honesty to name it's sources.

Oh my YES, you got MOUNTAINS of evidence!

Hope yer happy, you've gone from "serious if somewhat intense conservative" to just another lying TROLL who refuses to proviude REAL CORROBORATION to back up your non-existent "evidence"...ROTFLMAO!

And when oh when will your fellow conservatives who claim to hate trolls start labeling you with the same moniker they reserve for any liberal who posts an antagonistic article?
He looks like a focused observer. Perhaps he is worried, as well he should have been.

But the OP is pure nonsense.
this post is exacting in replicating the value that Damn beard burns on his back Yankee brings to the board.
Can't you get one of your web-wives to post a fawning message agreeing with you in this thread?
Your lack of any verifiable source for this moronic rumor is deliciously hilarious. Please, keep it up.
No, that was ridicule in response to ridicule.


That's right...all I've got is the same idiotic nonsense the other RightWing Nutjobs use to 'verify" their claims, so rather than admit I'm an angry douchebag without a leg to stand on, I'll just go with another tired fat joke.
Isn't that the cue for Dumb Yankee's web-wives to chime in and agree with him?

Where are Ice Dancer AKA Ms Damn Stankee and usaloyaltotheend AKA Ms Damn Skankee?

It's not like them to skip a pile-on.