Administration scrambled to abort


That's right...all I've got is the same idiotic nonsense the other RightWing Nutjobs use to 'verify" their claims, so rather than admit I'm an angry douchebag without a leg to stand on, I'll just go with another tired fat joke.

A fat joke? Are you fat?
On the original report:
It is possible this account is genuine, although proof to that effect is underwhelming. It certainly conforms to what we know about Obama and Jarrett. If true, it proves that Obama/Jarrett fret that even the assassination of Osama bin Laden might be an evil act of U.S. aggression.

What we know for a fact is that Obama and Jarrett are obsessed with outreach to the Muslim world. Valerie Jarrett gave the keynote address at the 2009 convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), an unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation’s financing of terrorist organizations. Obama bows before their leaders on earth and hopes to take its people on NASA trips through the heavens.

never noticed it before.....why did Biden get a better seat than Obama?.....
WOW...that's a gigantic pile of evidence you've got to back up your ridiculous allegations.

Nothing like unfounded, anonymous third party hearsay to really corroborate a piece of fiction like DY's!

But, it is backed up by this blogger...


"Independent military contacts have confirmed. Stories corroborate one another."

And not one single person is listed by've got two ANONYMOUS SOURCES "corroborating" each other.

No, you're the fat fuck who can't read the thread to see that corroboration was already provided.

Well at least I'm not the clueless little conservaturd who tried to pass off "anonymous sources" as corroboration.


"Anonymous sources"=corroboration?

no one identified...just the same old ridiculous DY stupidity.

And not a one of you who claim to hate trolls calls him on it either.
And not one single person is listed by've got two ANONYMOUS SOURCES "corroborating" each other.

Well at least I'm not the clueless little conservaturd who tried to pass off "anonymous sources" as corroboration.


"Anonymous sources"=corroboration?

no one identified...just the same old ridiculous DY stupidity.

And not a one of you who claim to hate trolls calls him on it either.

and yet another civil post by zappa
And not one single person is listed by've got two ANONYMOUS SOURCES "corroborating" each other.

Well at least I'm not the clueless little conservaturd who tried to pass off "anonymous sources" as corroboration.


"Anonymous sources"=corroboration?

no one identified...just the same old ridiculous DY stupidity.

And not a one of you who claim to hate trolls calls him on it either.

Again, you have failed to read the thread and to respond to the facts presented.
Don't know, but obviously neither is in command.

They are in command, but they are not running the operation. Once he gave the command to proceed, Obama let the pros do what they do. Its one of teh smartest moves he has made since he was elected.
I agree. But if not forcing the abort was the smartest thing that he's done, it doesn't say much for his intellect.
I agree. But if not forcing the abort was the smartest thing that he's done, it doesn't say much for his intellect.

That is assuming the story in the OP is true. With the serious lack of hard evidence, the probability is slim. And if that story is not true (as I suspect) Obama did the right thing by ordering the mission and letting the pros do their job.