Afghanistan on Fire


The Force is With Me
Afghanistan on Fire

The news out of Afghanistan is truly alarming. This week, Taliban forces staged two of their most complex and audacious attacks of the war. Nearly 100 insurgents killed 10 French paratroopers in an attack near Kabul. At least 10 suicide bombers mounted a coordinated assault on one of America’s largest military bases, wounding three American and six Afghan soldiers. An earlier attack at the base killed 12 Afghan workers.

The number of United States and NATO casualties is mounting so quickly, that unless something happens soon this could be the deadliest year of the Afghan war. Kabul, the seat of Afghanistan’s pro-Western government, is increasingly besieged. And Taliban and foreign Qaeda fighters are consolidating control over an expanding swath of territory sprawling across both sides of the porous Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

Let us be clear about why this is so dangerous. The more territory the Taliban controls, the more money it can raise from narcotics and black-market activities to mount an even fiercer challenge against the foundering civilian governments in Kabul and Islamabad. And the more territory the Taliban controls, the more freedom Al Qaeda will have to mount new terrorist operations against this country and others.

There is no more time to waste. Unless the United States, NATO and its central Asian allies move quickly, they could lose this war. The following steps need to be taken in the coming weeks.

Washington must finally make clear to Pakistan’s leaders the mortal threat they face. The Army must turn its attention from India to the fight against the Taliban. Civilian leaders must realize that there can be no separate peace with the extremists. Sending American troops or warplanes into Pakistani territory will only feed anti-American furies. That should be the job of Pakistan’s army, with intelligence help and carefully monitored financial support from the United States.

More American ground troops will have to be sent to Afghanistan. The Pentagon’s over-reliance on airstrikes — which have led to high levels of civilian casualties — has dangerously antagonized the Afghan population. This may require an accelerated timetable for shifting American forces from Iraq, where the security situation has grown somewhat less desperate.

NATO also needs to step up its military effort. With Russia threatening to redraw the post-Soviet map of Europe, this is not time for NATO to forfeit its military credibility by losing a war. Europe does not have a lot of available ground troops either. But it needs to send its best ones to Afghanistan and let them fight.

Afghanistan’s president, Hamid Karzai, must rein in his government’s rampant corruption that has all but driven his people into the hands of the Taliban and criminal warlords. The international community needs to provide more — and more carefully monitored — resources to build up Afghanistan’s security forces and administrative capacity and accelerate rural development.

These investments will take time to pay off. But seven years have already been wasted, and unless such efforts begin now there will be no safe exit from Afghanistan for the foreseeable future.

Afghanistan’s war is not a sideshow. It is the principal military confrontation between America and NATO and the forces responsible for 9/11 and later deadly terrorist attacks on European soil. Washington, NATO and the governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan must stop fighting it like a holding action and develop a strategy to win. Otherwise, we will all lose.

Another deadly and useless war that the US is blundering deeper into. Afghanistan has the potential to far more dealy and costly then the Iraq war .. only this time it won't be Bush or the right leading the charge into utter stupidity.
I'm heartened by the announcement that we will be drawing down in Iraq. Also by the commitments reiterated in the past week by both France and England. The former taking serious hit to their troops.
I'm heartened by the announcement that we will be drawing down in Iraq. Also by the commitments reiterated in the past week by both France and England. The former taking serious hit to their troops.

We need to follow the advice of the Rand Corporation.

The "war on terror" is a hoax .. and terrorism is best fought by law enforcement.

Let's not follow the Soviets into the same failure that caused their demise.
we never should have invaded iraq

instead we should have strengthened our commitment in afghanistan

but no oil in afghanistan, but plenty of poppies...
Thor is a public school dropout.
Obama needs to withdraw from afgh in his plan.
WTF do any adults think dems can run a war better.
Barry needs to get Back to the anti war dems.
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Thor is a public school dropout.
Obama needs to withdraw from afgh in hi plan.
WTF do anyadults think dems can run a war better.
Barry needs to get Back to the anti war dems.

I never went to public schools, asshole.

I was home-schooled and went to community college when I was 16.

Had a 4.0 GPA for four quarters, before I got lazy and slipped to 3.5 (I started getting mostly B+). And that's without even trying - I basically never studied.

So fuck off. :321:
I never went to public schools, asshole.

I was home-schooled and went to community college when I was 16.

Had a 4.0 GPA for four quarters, before I got lazy and slipped to 3.5 (I started getting mostly B+). And that's without even trying - I basically never studied.

So fuck off. :321:

you sound like some dumb fuck barely qualified for communi college:pke:
How the heck are ya RR?

not well, but still posting

how are you frog

my best to you and yours as always

one of these days we should start another 'spanking' thread just to scandalize some of the more devout

has your daughter fully recovered from her accident