Afghanistan on Fire

I bet every time a solider dies, Blackascoal is first to stand up and applaud.

You know what? FUCK YOU! And you cheer for what? Missionfuckingaccomplished? Is that what this is. BAC and I may disagree on the tactics that should have been used up front, but as the father of a soldier I am sure that BAC cheers not at all for dead soldiers. I, as a former soldier also do not cheer dead soldiers, but this clusterfuck that has gone on since 2003 has accomplished fuck all against terrorist organizations. For years we have been told that MOST of the people we were fighting in Iraq were Iraqis, and when we started paying them to fight for us, they kicked the shit out of the 10% of the fighters that were foreign jihadists.

As for Afghanistan, we through the taliban out of Kabul and then moved most of our troops out of Afghanistan and the Taliban has been on the comeback since then. This is the most fucked up excuse for a war EVER. This makes Vietnam look like a well thought out war. The soldiers are not to blame for Iraq or Afghanistan, the leader of this country and his miserable excuse for a cabinet, including Donald McNamera Rumsfeld are to blame for this goatscrew. They so completely misled us, planned poorly and underestimated the number of troops required to KEEP the peace, they should be tried for treason and for unduly placing soldiers in harms way.

All you are is a fucking cheerleader for the war waiting outside the locker room waiting to blow the quarterback. Well in a few more months he will probably be in Crawford Texas, so buy some extra padded knee pads and buy some blistex and get ready.