Aftermath is the Problem

The growing concern over Iran's nuclear program has prompted great debate in this country, mainly because of our alliance with Israel and the importance of stability in the Middle East. On the left, we have the pinheads who clamor for us to negotiate with the nutbag in Iran, give him stuff, make promises, whatever it takes, just don't go to war. On the right, we have those who say... nuke 'em into oblivion! As with most things, the reasonable solution lies somewhere in between.

The problem is not how to prevent Iran from launching a nuclear attack on Israel, it is what to do after such an event is thwarted. The Aftermath. You see, Iran is not ever going to be able to strike Israel, it will simply not be allowed by the US. We have a stable strategic point to base our operations from in Iraq, and we have technology which would prevent such an attack from ever coming to fruition. Indeed, we have a secret weapon.

The EMP, or "E-Bomb" is this weapon, although very little is known about it, since it remains highly classified by the Government. Electromagnetic Pulse technology means we can effectively render Iran's electronics and launch equipment into useless junk, just by flipping a switch. We don't need to invade, or put boots on the ground, we don't need to launch air strikes or nukes. We basically need a stealth jet, equipped with this technology, to fly over Iran and render them impotent in a matter of seconds.

No collateral damage, no mechanical explosive damage, and for all intents and purposes, no visible signs of an invading attack to call a "war" by the pinheads of the world. Iran can't show footage of dead babies on CNN and cry out for UN humanity, France and Russia can't try to act like heroes and save the day with a UN Veto. There is no "coalition" required, no cow-towing before the UN, and no lengthy drawn out debate over the cost of traditional US military intervention.

The problem, and the reason it hasn't already been done, is The Aftermath. Once this weapon is revealed to the world, it will be as desired as the Nuclear weapons before it. Other countries are already working on it, but an actual 'live' use of this weapon, would unleash a rush to complete and perfect its development elsewhere, and what do we do about that?

We will also have the problem of what to do about a megalomaniac who has his ego deflated in such a humiliating way. Imagine you are Ahmadinejhad, and you have poured all of your resources and money into this Ultimate Nuking of The Jews, and when the time comes to launch it, ---bzzz--- nothing! Missiles won't launch, electronics go out, power grids go down, and you are left with a whole lotta egg on your face and a pile of useless electronics. Now, any psychologist will tell you, this sort of humiliating trauma, can cause devastating results. No telling what the crazy would do then, maybe he sends tanks into Iraq? Maybe he sets his oil wells on fire? We just don't know.

So, even though we have a tenable solution on what to do about Iran's threat to Israel, we don't have a viable plan of how to handle The Aftermath. It is simply an unknown variable, and we will not fully know until we get there. Do we allow Iran, without any working electronics, fall into chaos and revert to the stone age as they kill each other? Do we attempt to oust the crazy president and try to help Iran establish democracy? Do we leave it all up to the UN, France, and Russia to decide?

These are all questions for the Administration in charge, when such an event happens. And make no mistake, it is going to happen. Iran has not gone this far without full conviction of making it happen. Will it happen soon? No way of knowing, only Ahmadinejhad knows this. It is reasonable to think, our next president will have to deal with this, and The Aftermath. It is clear why McCain and Obama are both sounding so tough on Iran right now, they are both aware that we have a secret weapon and will not/can not allow a nuclear attack on Israel. Whether the US will take action to prevent such an attack, is not in question, and never has been or will be. The real question is how to deal with The Aftermath.
Спасибо сэр для того, чтобы давать меня ваши тайны на вашей американской программе электромагнитного импульса. Я теперь собираюсь возвращаться Владельцу Путину и говорить ему, что американцы имеют успешную версию, как указано Консерватором от Южной части Соединенных Штатов.
Спасибо сэр для того, чтобы давать меня ваши тайны на вашей американской программе электромагнитного импульса. Я теперь собираюсь возвращаться Владельцу Путину и говорить ему, что американцы имеют успешную версию, как указано Консерватором от Южной части Соединенных Штатов.

As indicated by a "conservative" from the Southern part of the United States...
Спасибо сэр для того, чтобы давать меня ваши тайны на вашей американской программе электромагнитного импульса. Я теперь собираюсь возвращаться Владельцу Путину и говорить ему, что американцы имеют успешную версию, как указано Консерватором от Южной части Соединенных Штатов.

Путин может всосать мои шарики. Россия знает этого. Несчастливо, они слишком тупоумны для того чтобы использовать его. Теперь, назад к intercoursing ваша мать.
Путин может всосать мои шарики. Россия знает этого technolgy. Несчастливо, они слишком тупоумны для того чтобы использовать его. Теперь, назад к intercoursing ваша мать.

тайны на вашей американской программе электромагнитного импульса. Я теперь собираюсь.
You could argue that it is the Pentagon that seems to want to "give Iran a lot of stuff."

Iran gets military gear in Pentagon surplus sale

Sensitive weapon, F-14 parts surprisingly easy to acquire at auctions

The surplus sales can operate like a supermarket for arms dealers.

“Right Item, Right Time, Right Place, Right Price, Every Time. Best Value Solutions for America’s Warfighters,” the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service says on its Web site, calling itself “the place to obtain original U.S. Government surplus property.”

'Evidence of a significant breakdown'
Federal investigators are increasingly anxious that Iran is within easy reach of a top priority on its shopping list: parts for the precious fleet of F-14 “Tomcat” fighter jets the United States let Iran buy in the 1970s when it was an ally.

In one case, convicted middlemen for Iran bought Tomcat parts from the Defense Department’s surplus division. Customs agents confiscated them and returned them to the Pentagon, which sold them again — customs evidence tags still attached — to another buyer, a suspected broker for Iran.
Путин может всосать мои шарики. Россия знает этого. Несчастливо, они слишком тупоумны для того чтобы использовать его. Теперь, назад к intercoursing ваша мать.
LOL. Putin can suck my balls... now back to intercoursing your mother.

The way the translator writes it. It is very much not the same picture you get when you are trying them out.
We will also have the problem of what to do about a megalomaniac who has his ego deflated in such a humiliating way. Imagine you are Ahmadinejhad, and you have poured all of your resources and money into this Ultimate Nuking of The Jews, and when the time comes to launch it, ---bzzz--- nothing! Missiles won't launch, electronics go out, power grids go down, and you are left with a whole lotta egg on your face and a pile of useless electronics. Now, any psychologist will tell you, this sort of humiliating trauma, can cause devastating results. No telling what the crazy would do then, maybe he sends tanks into Iraq? Maybe he sets his oil wells on fire? We just don't know.

Dixie every sentence in this post is stupid.
We will also have the problem of what to do about a megalomaniac who has his ego deflated in such a humiliating way. Imagine you are Ahmadinejhad, and you have poured all of your resources and money into this Ultimate Nuking of The Jews, and when the time comes to launch it, ---bzzz--- nothing! Missiles won't launch, electronics go out, power grids go down, and you are left with a whole lotta egg on your face and a pile of useless electronics. Now, any psychologist will tell you, this sort of humiliating trauma, can cause devastating results. No telling what the crazy would do then, maybe he sends tanks into Iraq? Maybe he sets his oil wells on fire? We just don't know.

Dixie every sentence in this post is stupid.


It's truly incredible.
Путин может всосать мои шарики. Россия знает этого. Несчастливо, они слишком тупоумны для того чтобы использовать его. Теперь, назад к intercoursing ваша мать.

Now it would be "Теперь, иметь общение с вашей матью"...
LOL. Putin can suck my balls... now back to intercoursing your mother.

The way the translator writes it. It is very much not the same picture you get when you are trying them out.

I got "Putin can soak up my balls. Russia knows it. It is unhappy, they are too stupid to use it. Now, back to intercoursing your mother."
I got "Putin can soak up my balls. Russia knows it. It is unhappy, they are too stupid to use it. Now, back to intercoursing your mother."

I would have translated it, this way, "Putin can suck my balls. Russia knows of this. They are just too stupid to use it. Now, back to intercoursing your mother."

However the word he used for balls is the word used for kids toys, not the more vulgar term used for male genitalia, hence the picture in the head is very funny indeed.

As for "intercoursing", there is no such word, so the translator did nothing with it.
Путин может всосать мои шарики. Россия знает этого. Несчастливо, они слишком тупоумны для того чтобы использовать его. Теперь, назад к intercoursing ваша мать.

Ti amo, ma mi sono piuttosto appassionata sesso con tua sorella.