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Obama accuses McCain of 'losing his bearings'

May 8, 9:30 PM (ET)


NEW YORK (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Thursday that Republican John McCain was "losing his bearings" for repeatedly suggesting the Islamic terrorist group Hamas preferred Obama for president.

That brought an angry response from McCain's campaign, which accused Obama of trying to make an issue of McCain's age.

Age is a touchy subject for McCain, who turns 72 in August and would be the oldest person to be sworn in as president if elected.
I couldn't really love that any more. They try the Bush-league tactic of tying him to Hamas, and then get ticked off by a harmless phrase that sometimes is used for the elders.

Obama should throw one of those out there every week; they'll crack eventually....
Hell yeah. Obama better learn to fight dirty. Cause the repukes aren't going to be playing tiddly winks.

If McFossil is going to to claim the Obama is an ally of Hamas, Obama better kick him in the skull
Obama accuses McCain of 'losing his bearings'

May 8, 9:30 PM (ET)


NEW YORK (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Thursday that Republican John McCain was "losing his bearings" for repeatedly suggesting the Islamic terrorist group Hamas preferred Obama for president.

That brought an angry response from McCain's campaign, which accused Obama of trying to make an issue of McCain's age.

Age is a touchy subject for McCain, who turns 72 in August and would be the oldest person to be sworn in as president if elected.

No seriously...they are claiming that Obama is the Hamas candidate and those mf'er are whining about "making an issue of McCain's age"???

Man, they must have been hanging around message boards. That is a typical repub whore trick. Kick somebody in the balls really hard, and then when they fall onto your foot from the pain, start screaming "they're on my foot, thy're on my foot".

Oh, I hate them. Well, maybe Top is right and McCain will keel over before the election anyway.
Obama accuses McCain of 'losing his bearings'

May 8, 9:30 PM (ET)


NEW YORK (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Thursday that Republican John McCain was "losing his bearings" for repeatedly suggesting the Islamic terrorist group Hamas preferred Obama for president.

That brought an angry response from McCain's campaign, which accused Obama of trying to make an issue of McCain's age.

Age is a touchy subject for McCain, who turns 72 in August and would be the oldest person to be sworn in as president if elected.

It will be interesting to see which insult people find more offensive. We need old black people to sound off on this one. The demoblicans never fail to entertain.
I couldn't really love that any more. They try the Bush-league tactic of tying him to Hamas, and then get ticked off by a harmless phrase that sometimes is used for the elders.

Obama should throw one of those out there every week; they'll crack eventually....

They should start hitting McCain with the whiner tag. because he has whined everytime someone has mentioned his name. I'd do a whole, "we're not electing a whiner in chief here", thing, and make it stick. He does sound a lot like a deranged Minnie Mouse, if you have noticed? I have.
The first crack in McCain's armor is showing. They should make comments that COULD if you really squint your eyes think was an age comment so that McCain gets more and more crotchity. I can see him in 10 years. "Where's my green jello! Where the hell is my green jello? What's this? I hate Green Jello!
The first crack in McCain's armor is showing. They should make comments that COULD if you really squint your eyes think was an age comment so that McCain gets more and more crotchity. I can see him in 10 years. "Where's my green jello! Where the hell is my green jello? What's this? I hate Green Jello!

Ten years? Try ten months!
God I have you on ignore. Then everyonce and a while I look at your post and become instantly reminded why I have you on ignore. You drank too much Vietnamese Beer with the formaldehyde.
Obama accuses McCain of 'losing his bearings'

May 8, 9:30 PM (ET)


NEW YORK (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Thursday that Republican John McCain was "losing his bearings" for repeatedly suggesting the Islamic terrorist group Hamas preferred Obama for president.

That brought an angry response from McCain's campaign, which accused Obama of trying to make an issue of McCain's age.

Age is a touchy subject for McCain, who turns 72 in August and would be the oldest person to be sworn in as president if elected.

So, they replayed this interiview on CNN this morning, and guess what? Obama was in no way referencing his age. Blitzer read back what McCain said about Obama being the Hamas candidate, and Obama said, yeah you know, that's offensive. And it's sad because you have Senator McCain out there claiming he doesn't like that kind of campaigning while at the same time, engaging in it. He's lost his bearings here.

And it was so obvious that he meant his moral bearings. Anyone who watchees the entire interview and claims that Obama was slamming his age, is a liar. Period.

On another note, Obama has definintely changed since Tuesday night's wins. He is very formidable.
"This is offensive, and I think it's disappointing," Obama told Blitzer, when asked his thoughts about McCain's comments that the terrorist organization Hamas wants Obama to be president. "Because John McCain always says 'I am not going to run that kind of politics,' and to engage in that kind of smear is unfortunate, particularly because my policy toward Hamas has been no different than his."

"I've said it's a terrorist organization and we should not negotiate with them unless they recognize Israel, renounce violence, and unless they are willing to abide by previous accords between the Palestinians and the Israelis. So for him to toss out comments like that I think is an example of him losing his bearings as he pursues this nomination. We don't need name calling in this debate."
Obama is WAYYYY smarter than Mckeating5. They toss out the gutter slime, and he throws a soft curve ball and they wiff at the pitch like they are blind.
He can make them look like asses without getting his hands dirty.
Obama is WAYYYY smarter than Mckeating5. They toss out the gutter slime, and he throws a soft curve ball and they wiff at the pitch like they are blind.
He can make them look like asses without getting his hands dirty.

And then they sqeal like girls and end up looking like worse than gay metrosexuals.

I mean, if John McCain wins, would we be getting our first female president anyway?
Here was the comment from the Hamas spokesman: """The adviser, Ahmed Yousef, said in a recent interview: "We like Obama and hope that he will win the election.""""

Posters on here have shown polls showing how our European 'alllies' support Obama the most as a sign of the change we need. This is obviously an endorsement that wouldn't really garner the same attention.

McCain's response on the Daily Show: ""It's indicative of how some of our enemies view America. And I guarantee you, they're not going to endorse me."

I obviously view that statement different than some here because I don't find that statement all that offensive.

I will give Obama's campaign props for their response though. By saying we don't need name calling but then doing it themselves with the subtle jab at his age is excellent politics. This is not a knock on Obama as politicians have been doing this since politics was founded but he responded very well. It shows he is obviously no push over.
By saying we don't need name calling but then doing it themselves with the subtle jab at his age is excellent politics.

Hypocricy is excellent politics ?? LOL by whose standards ?