Air America Bankrupt


Great News!
Air America is bankrupt. Good riddance to a business that was anti-American anti-freedom and anti-capitalistic as you can get.
Gee and they wonder why they had trouble finding sponsors.
Maybe Al Franken can go back to doing his old job of being the least funny guy on Saturday Night Live.

Celebration time!
I'm surprised. I've never listened to Air America though so I don't know if it was good or not.

I've listened to Rush and Savage before and despite the stupidity of their show I can see why people tuned in. Perhaps Air America lacked this quality.
I'm surprised. I've never listened to Air America though so I don't know if it was good or not.

I've listened to Rush and Savage before and despite the stupidity of their show I can see why people tuned in. Perhaps Air America lacked this quality.
Well Air America did have to compete with lefties other pet love in NPR. If only they would support privatizing NPR then more people might have listened to Air America and they could have survived, but oh well.
I'd much prefer NPR die off because they force money from me, even though I never listen to them.
Yeah they should privatize NPR. I'd be willing to have commercials on it or even give them a couple bucks a month.

Although I will say it makes me laugh when people deny that NPR has a liberal slant.
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You idiot, just b/c a company declares bankrupcy does not mean it ceases to exist...

Ford, Kmart, American Airlines, Delta!
You idiot, just b/c a company declares bankrupcy does not mean it ceases to exist...

Ford, Kmart, American Airlines, Delta!

Youre probably right .. Im sure George Soros will write a check and keep them going for awhile ...
Yeah they should privatize NPR. I'd be willing to have commercials on it or even give them a couple bucks a month.

Although I will say it makes me laugh when people deny that NPR has a liberal slant.

I give em about $50.00 a year!
Don't ruin my moment.
I'm sure if Fox News went under, Liberals would be on here cheering.

Oh come on, like that takes the predicting abilities of someone like Nostradamus. My cat could make predictions as dependable as that Danold. ;)

Again? This has got to be the most continually bankrupt business out there that I know...

Soros will give them a ton more cash "to get them through till the next election"...

The thing is, they have a few good shows, if they just licensed the good ones they'd likely actually make money and actually get their POV on the airwaves, instead they force an "all or nothing" choice that kills themselves...
As much as I'd like to celebrate along with you and cheer the demise of Air America, I must advise you all that at least part of the information in this thread is erroneous, that being the case, I would like to see some link or some source for this bit of information. Someone here said they have already been bankrupt so many times etc. Well, that is not legally possible, bankruptsy laws prevent a business from filing more than once in seven years, so it's not likely that they are filing againsince they haven't been in busines seven years yet. In addition, they started out in hock since they borrowed much of their start-up money but at one point they seemed to be finally paying their debts and their way. Peronally except for Al Franken I don't think they have many viable products that they could produce and sell to others, partly because they are already purchasing at least some of their shows from other syndicators. Most of what is on the network, if you can call it that is too far right for me, including that Rush Limbaugh sound-alike Ed Schultz, from Fargo, North Dakota, who was actually doing a story on the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son. I turned it off. But as I said except for Thomas Hartman and Al Franken in small doses "there's nothing, really nothing to turn off....Except Louise and her lover so entwined and these visions of Johanna that conquer my mind."
Yeah they should privatize NPR. I'd be willing to have commercials on it or even give them a couple bucks a month.

Although I will say it makes me laugh when people deny that NPR has a liberal slant.

What does that mean? "They should privatize NPR."?

Npr is funded via private donations by people or foundations for 90%, I thought I had read.....

So, is your problem with the 10% or so that the gvt funds?

If so, where is your objection to the government giving other non-profit organizations tax monies too? (And you probably have had other objections, but I was just wondering your "thinking" on this... :) )

Great News!
Air America is bankrupt. Good riddance to a business that was anti-American anti-freedom and anti-capitalistic as you can get.
Gee and they wonder why they had trouble finding sponsors.
Maybe Al Franken can go back to doing his old job of being the least funny guy on Saturday Night Live.

Celebration time!

They may or may not be declaring bankruptcy, last I read they had not confirmed that yet. Let me guess, Rush "confirmed" it for them.

And, they're not going anywhere it would be, if it takes place, a financial restructuring. What are your Dano, a greeter at Wal-mart? You actually believe that declaring bankrutpcy equals "cease to exist"???

Sorry to burst your balloon but, your celebration is premature, and there is no "good riddance" to be giving.
What does that mean? "They should privatize NPR."?

Npr is funded via private donations by people or foundations for 90%, I thought I had read.....

So, is your problem with the 10% or so that the gvt funds?

If so, where is your objection to the government giving other non-profit organizations tax monies too? (And you probably have had other objections, but I was just wondering your "thinking" on this... :) )


I don't really have a problem with the funding that NPR gets from the government but with your attitude towards our tax dollars going to pay for propaganda, (GWB's message re Social Security Reform is one example I can think of) I am surprised that you do not.

So how do you feel about government funds (your money) being spent on propaganda being beamed into Castro's Cuba, or the kinds of government propaganda that Bush has been using tax payer funds to pay right wing propagandists to write and get published as op-ed pieces in the nation's major newspapers supporting such Bush programs as "No Child Left Behind?"?
BTW--Still waiting for a link explaining exactly what is happening and how drastic this so-called situation really is. As far as I can tell, the network is still broadcasting. Maybe like Mark Twain's own death, "rumor's of [Air America's] death have been greatly exaggerated."
BTW--Still waiting for a link explaining exactly what is happening and how drastic this so-called situation really is. As far as I can tell, the network is still broadcasting. Maybe like Mark Twain's own death, "rumor's of [Air America's] death have been greatly exaggerated."
Exactly. Every few months there is another report of Air America's "Demise" or how George Soros is again giving them money. Hence my semi-fascetious remark earlier...

This constant, "They're bankrupt" thing is getting tired. If they actually file for bankruptcy it would be news but it still doesn't mean that it will go off the air or something.
This is an update from Mike Malloy's website confirming the bankruptsy filing on this Friday, so it hasn't happened yet, but it could happen tomorrow:

We have been overwhelmed by email with rumors that link the termination of the Malloy Show with the possible bankruptcy filing by Air America Radio this Friday. We have no "official" information about this, but if true, it affirms the assertion by management that we were fired for financial reasons.

Speaking of which, we will share all the details of our experiences with Air America once our financial and other mutual business issues are resolved; hopefully sooner rather than later. You deserve to know the truth....

Many thanks,
