Air America Bankrupt

I don't really have a problem with the funding that NPR gets from the government but with your attitude towards our tax dollars going to pay for propaganda, (GWB's message re Social Security Reform is one example I can think of) I am surprised that you do not.


Good one Immie, and how about us paying millions for Bush to run around campaning for senators and such......
The RNC should have to foot those bills for AF1 lodging, extra security, etc...
Same for the domoncrat politicos.
We hire them to run the country, not a political campaign.
Good one Immie, and how about us paying millions for Bush to run around campaning for senators and such......
The RNC should have to foot those bills for AF1 lodging, extra security, etc...
Same for the domoncrat politicos.
We hire them to run the country, not a political campaign.

Personally when I think of this, I think that the President can do his job from anywhere in the world. It is not necessary for him to stay in Washington. The man is on the job 24 hours a day, 365 days a year regardless of where he is. We would pay for the security whether he is in Washington or San Diego.

We do hire them to run the country but that does not mean that they are not doing so or even capable (well capable is a subjective term and may not apply to this President or any President for that matter) regardless of where he/she is.

So am I on call 24/7.

Bush has taken more time off than any other pres I believe.

So it costs the same for us if the pres is campaining for a senator in FL or sitting in the WH ?
Come on now immie surely you can see some difference, I just want to take away a bit of the incumbents edge, whichever party they are in.
So am I on call 24/7.

Bush has taken more time off than any other pres I believe.

So it costs the same for us if the pres is campaining for a senator in FL or sitting in the WH ?
Come on now immie surely you can see some difference, I just want to take away a bit of the incumbents edge, whichever party they are in.

I think the "Bush has taken more time off than any other Pres" statement is a Michael Moore myth. First off, the President doesn't get any time off from the day that he takes his initial oath of office until the time that he becomes an ex-President.

I wish there was a way to level the playing field between incumbents and challengers but I don't see how that could be done even if it were illegal for a President to stump for a party member sitting in Congress.

I am not saying it should be illegal, just that his party should have to cover the expenses for his attending political fundraisers and such.
On the time off, well I have read that in several places that he has spent more time at his ranch and retreat at camp david than any president in recent history.
that is what I count time off. I am on call 24/7 too, but I count time off as time not spent in my office working.
He was on vacation the month prior to 9-11.

He was on vacation the month prior to Katrina.
He was on vacation the month prior to 9-11.

He was on vacation the month prior to Katrina.

In case you didn't realize it. There is no such thing as a Presidential Vacation. He was in Texas. He was not on vacation.

I am not saying it should be illegal, just that his party should have to cover the expenses for his attending political fundraisers and such.
On the time off, well I have read that in several places that he has spent more time at his ranch and retreat at camp david than any president in recent history.
that is what I count time off. I am on call 24/7 too, but I count time off as time not spent in my office working.

The President's office goes with him, even to the john.
