Air-Defense Rockets Boom Above Israel as Iran Launches Retaliatory Strike

Good thing we're helping out, then.
Is there a reason or backstory
behind your adoration of towelhead jihadists in the Middle East?

I know that it's the Saudis who actual wear the towels, but I find it to be a convenient term for all jihadists.

That's an odd false assumption/accusation from you. I do not adore towel head jihadists.
So, you oppose US support for Israel.

During the earliest years, it was Czechoslovakia that was Israel's critical ally (the Czechs supplied all the first-line aircraft for the Israeli Air Force for example). They supplied military equipment to the fledgling country when nobody else would. Then it was the French through 1966 that was the primary arms supplier. de Gaulle pulled out of that arrangement when France left their remaining colonial possessions in N. Africa. It was at that point the US stepped in.

By 1975 Israel was well on their way to supplying most of their own military needs internally. They had, or were on the verge of, manufacturing a supersonic fighter aircraft, a first-line battle tank, APC's, small arms, artillery, and then onto PGM's of various sorts.

You can't expect Biden's Pudenda to know that. It was the French that gave Israel the technology to develop nuclear weapons and you can be sure the ignorant fuck doesn't know that either.
You can't expect Biden's Pudenda to know that. It was the French that gave Israel the technology to develop nuclear weapons and you can be sure the ignorant fuck doesn't know that either.

I am neither a pudenda nor an ignorant fuck, but please do keep demonstrating your colossal stupidity with every post you make.
Iran should be turned into glass; this would eliminate 90% of the world's terrorism.

Iran has its fair share of terrorism, but it opposes ISIS and Al Qaeda, so has nowhere near the majority of terrorism.

Interestingly enough, the same would be true if we swap "Iran" for "Israel"

Israel does not care about actions that do not effect it, a tiny country. That means they are not responsible for 90% of world terrorism.