Alan Colmes to leave Hannity & Colmes

Oh, watch everyone - now SF will fly into one of his jealous rages over Keith. I bet he is writing it up, fingers furiously flying over his keyboard, face red, as I am hitting send on this.

speaking of fat and loud... you bring up the other idiot. I think that locks it up.... you DO indeed like that type. Maybe hannity should give you a call...
The pundits on the right are far louder and more obnoxious than ANYONE on the left.

I love this right wing tactic of pretending to be disgusted with them both, in order to make the liberals seem equal, when the right is far, far, far dirtier.
I think that living a constant lie, and looking down both barrels at hell must be an incredibly stressful existence. :(
You got that right. Playing second fiddle to a staggering moron like Hannity has to be a soul sucking, life ending experience.

By the way.....who the hell is Colmes and why should I give a rats ass?

Well you have to give Fox news credit. Their certainly an equal opportunity employer for the intellectually impaired. Only on Fox could someone as just plain stupid as Sean Hannity become a star. It says volumes about their viewership.