Alaska's senator-elect Mark Begich leads by 814 votes


Have to keep you guys updated.

Alaska Senator Now Trails in Votes

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Published: November 13, 2008

Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska fell slightly behind his Democratic rival, Mark Begich, on Wednesday, as ballot counting continued in one of the nation’s most closely fought Senate races.

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In an initial count after Election Day, Mr. Stevens led Mr. Begich, the mayor of Anchorage, by 3,257 votes.

Mr. Begich led Mr. Stevens by just 814 votes after about 57,000 additional ballots were counted on Wednesday. So far, about 279,000 votes have been counted in the Senate race, and about 35,000 more remain to be counted. It could be next week before the count is complete.

Republicans claimed then that traditional voting patterns among absentee voters favored Mr. Stevens’s holding on to win, but Mr. Begich countered that he had made a concerted effort to win early and absentee voters. Initial counts of those ballots appear to be favoring Mr. Begich.

Mr. Stevens, a Republican who has served for 40 years, was convicted eight days before the election on seven felony counts of failing to disclose gifts he had received.

In the House race, Representative Don Young, a Republican, was declared winner on Wednesday, with 50 percent of the vote, to 45 percent for his Democratic opponent, Ethan Berkowitz. It will be the 19th term for Mr. Young, 75.
Last night it was 3. Alaska doesn't seem as "insane" as you thought. Are you going to apologize to them for your emotive remarks before you knew the results?
Well, he's still getting close to 50% of the vote.

So they're 50% insane.
Just a day ago H2O was all how they should be kicked out of the union. I'm thinking that now that there might be a D Senator added he's suddenly far less willing to kick them out...
I know it has to be hard right now on you republicans...

But you do not have to start sounding like a Fox Palintologist.
Well, if I was saying she should run for Senate or President in 2012 or something, then I'd sound that way.

I was asking a specific question of somebody who, just a day ago, was emoting all over about how they should be kicked out of the union. Now, since it isn't you. Quit attempting to spin for him and let him answer the question.
Last night it was 3. Alaska doesn't seem as "insane" as you thought. Are you going to apologize to them for your emotive remarks before you knew the results?

no, he's a convicted felon. it shouldn't be close at all, and in fact, he might still pull it out. it's outrageous. should have been a landslide.
no, he's a convicted felon. it shouldn't be close at all, and in fact, he might still pull it out. it's outrageous. should have been a landslide.
See, uscit? This is how you answer without spin.

And BTW, I agree. I wouldn't have voted for him. Convictions tend to be a sign, IMO, that they shouldn't be in such positions.

I guess I should quantify. If Begich wins, will H2O still want to kick them out of the union because so many voted for Stevens or will he gleefully rejoice in another D win?
See, uscit? This is how you answer without spin.

And BTW, I agree. I wouldn't have voted for him. Convictions tend to be a sign, IMO, that they shouldn't be in such positions.

I guess I should quantify. If Begich wins, will H2O still want to kick them out of the union because so many voted for Stevens or will he gleefully rejoice in another D win?

Ohh you mean like I did respond ?

"I think the issue is a non convicted senator."

Which was my reply to your spinning reply of:

"Just a day ago H2O was all how they should be kicked out of the union. I'm thinking that now that there might be a D Senator added he's suddenly far less willing to kick them out..."
See, uscit? This is how you answer without spin.

And BTW, I agree. I wouldn't have voted for him. Convictions tend to be a sign, IMO, that they shouldn't be in such positions.

I guess I should quantify. If Begich wins, will H2O still want to kick them out of the union because so many voted for Stevens or will he gleefully rejoice in another D win?

are you trying to butter me up for something?
Ohh you mean like I did respond ?

"I think the issue is a non convicted senator."

Which was my reply to your spinning reply of:

"Just a day ago H2O was all how they should be kicked out of the union. I'm thinking that now that there might be a D Senator added he's suddenly far less willing to kick them out..."
Again, your response was basically an excuse for somebody else.

Her response was her opinion, not answering for somebody else, and direct.

Stop whining. You just look more hacktacular when you try to spin out of your own spin. It's a veritable social citizen tornado in this thread.
oh because you usually don't compliment me on my posting style.

i thoguht maybe you were trying to ingratiate yourself, in a sad attempt to save yourself from your daily skewering? that hasn't worked for SF.
Again, your response was basically an excuse for somebody else.

Her response was her opinion, not answering for somebody else, and direct.

Stop whining. You just look more hacktacular when you try to spin out of your own spin. It's a veritable social citizen tornado in this thread.

Such outstanding verbage from such a political hack. sigh.
Almost 50% of them did vote for a convicted Felon. They Love S. Palin. Something is wrong with Alaskans and Texans.
Might as well throw me into that mix as well. I wouldn't have voted for what's his name but I do like Sarah Palin.