Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities

That's the best you can do, Topspin? Heck, my liberties were restricted on several occasions back at my last apartment, whenever someone would decide to help themselves to my belongings. I guess we should just execute people for any infraction of the law, since it invariably infringes upon someone else's liberties when they misbehave like that.
My 8th Grade wrestling t-shirt. Very well-designed (not just another "Property Of XL" crap), undefeated season, full of awesomeness. I used to get really drunk in that shirt (not in 8th grade, but in college). Now some asshole, who doesn't even know what the mascot refers to, is wearing it around somewhere.
of course it's the best sport and only those who participated can understand it's the hardest in HS.
Yeah, I wasn't ready to continue on in HS, but I had so much damn fun in middle school, including the time a guy went ballistic before practice because of the move this other dude used on him, and started attacking, had to be restrained (especially after grabbing a chair, WWF style). At least I have photos, and some video of me while hammered, wearing the shirt and making ridiculous toasts for shots.
ah memories, My Son's hs coach fondly recalled when my son punched him in the face (wrestlers are a diff breed). Though the next words where expelled. Coach said he was too shy and technical, he pushed him hard against bleachers trying to get a rise out of him. Coach smiled and said he hit me.
LOLZ, my coach was so good (and cool), that he was just there for my two years, and then some rich private school bought him out as I was on my way out the door.

Still, in that day/age/place, punching Coach France wouldn't have gone over well. :D
this cat broke his own nose in hs between two books to show his team he was fired up for a big dual meet.
Sick to me but like I said, it's the breed