Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy and Christianity

I'm curious as to why you, of all people, would post something like this, given the fact that you don't believe in equality of conditions among humans

What posts of his make you think so?

As it is, I see this and a few other threads as intellectual exercises. There's no right or wrong. There's the facts of history, such as the Tocqueville quotes, and there's the considered opinions of those discussing it on this thread. Obviously lesser minds and trolls are free to visit here too.

What is your opinion on the conversation? Anything other than trolling Cypress?
What posts of his make you think so?

As it is, I see this and a few other threads as intellectual exercises. There's no right or wrong. There's the facts of history, such as the Tocqueville quotes, and there's the considered opinions of those discussing it on this thread. Obviously lesser minds and trolls are free to visit here too.

What is your opinion on the conversation? Anything other than trolling Cypress?

sticking up for the leftist element..........typical.

however, almost all of the liberals here express a demand for hours and hours of training, occupational licenses, business licenses.............all of these prohibit those of lesser economic means from participating in the capitalism that makes America a great country. Cypress is one of those individuals............are you? keep your hyperbole to a minimum, please
Nice work.

Tocqueville was writing in 1831, and things have obviously changed a lot.

I think the Cold War got USA to take core scientific research a lot more seriously. We were always pretty good at engineering and applied applications of science.

I think Tocqueville was precient that there is a certain undercurrent of hostility to science and higher education in USA which is unusual in the civilized world

There is no question that Tocqueville was correct that no other nation is less interested in philosophy. On balance, the French, Germans, and Russians have always had more of an affinity for introspection and philosophical-thinking.

Tocqueville's observations are interesting but tainted by his aristocratic upbringing and his Catholicism which, IMO, narrowed his view.

OTOH, being a slave owner and a racist narrowed Jefferson's POV and he turned out okay. :D

Examples: "I studied the Koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself."

"The best laws cannot make a constitution work in spite of morals; morals can turn the worst laws to advantage. That is a commonplace truth, but one to which my studies are always bringing me back. It is the central point in my conception. I see it at the end of all my reflections."
sticking up for the leftist element..........typical.

however, almost all of the liberals here express a demand for hours and hours of training, occupational licenses, business licenses.............all of these prohibit those of lesser economic means from participating in the capitalism that makes America a great country. Cypress is one of those individuals............are you? keep your hyperbole to a minimum, please

Cite a quote or too please. I don't play the high school game of rumor-mongering bullshit about what Mary Sue said about Heather Ann.
Cite a quote or too please. I don't play the high school game of rumor-mongering bullshit about what Mary Sue said about Heather Ann.

given that the DB crash limits us to just a few months, citing anything will be impossible. I understand that this will be both difficult and gleeful for you, since you can then deny anything and everything because there can be no proof
If Christianity leads to democracy then why was the Catholic Church always a tyranny. thread fail
Translation: Just trolling. I have nothing intellectual to add.


BTW, most people can tell the difference between "Christianity" and "the Catholic Church". Trolls and fucking morons can't do it anymore than they can put topics into their own words for discussion. All you do is cut'n'paste then shit on anyone who disagrees....which you are free to do. God Bless America!

given that the DB crash limits us to just a few months, citing anything will be impossible.

Bullshit. Example:

It's dated 26JAN14 and searchable in the database just like this post of yours dated 23NOV15:
or like requiring that every person buying a gun isn't on some terrorist watch list

I understand that this will be both difficult and gleeful for you, since you can then deny anything and everything because there can be no proof
A few months ago in another discussion I pointed out how angry people make mistakes because when a person lets emotion overrule reason, it's inevitable that he will do unreasonable things.

You made a mistake. In your anger you made a stupid statement and compounded that stupid mistake with a lie and a personal attack.

Dude, the only person making you look like a fucking moron is you. Try to smarten up, son.
Bullshit. Example:

It's dated 26JAN14 and searchable in the database just like this post of yours dated 23NOV15:

A few months ago in another discussion I pointed out how angry people make mistakes because when a person lets emotion overrule reason, it's inevitable that he will do unreasonable things.

You made a mistake. In your anger you made a stupid statement and compounded that stupid mistake with a lie and a personal attack.

Dude, the only person making you look like a fucking moron is you. Try to smarten up, son.

then you should easily be able to do a search for cypress and his liberalism instead of attacking me for telling you the truth
then you should easily be able to do a search for cypress and his liberalism instead of attacking me for telling you the truth

Translation: You got me.

No worries, son. I'm about 20 years ahead of you.

So far on this single thread alone, you've made two personal attacks and refused to back them up with your fake claims. In short, both times you lied.

I proved you were lying about the database and the secondary lie that there was proof of your claims. I proved both your lies; if your claims are true, they are searchable.

The fact you immediately went into a defensive posture attacking me with more lies instead of knuckling down like a man by backing your claims is all anyone needs to know about your character, your intelligence and your word.
Translation: You got me.

No worries, son. I'm about 20 years ahead of you.

So far on this single thread alone, you've made two personal attacks and refused to back them up with your fake claims. In short, both times you lied.

I proved you were lying about the database and the secondary lie that there was proof of your claims. I proved both your lies; if your claims are true, they are searchable.

The fact you immediately went into a defensive posture attacking me with more lies instead of knuckling down like a man by backing your claims is all anyone needs to know about your character, your intelligence and your word.

:laugh: sure
Leave what, asshole?

You promise to leave me but you keep coming back, sweetie. You're really a woman just like I thought all along, aren't you, dear?

You fight like an American woman. You're emotional like an American woman. You lack self-discipline. You argue emotionally, not logically. You'll quote logic, but you never use it as exemplified for your habit of posting ad hominems and fake dismissals in reply to an opposing POV to your logical cut'n'paste.

While you could be a teenage boy with a heightened feminine side, my guess is you're a young 20something female by behavior.

Although it's possible you're just a 30something divorced female idiot who drinks wine all day, eats bonbons and watches the View, I do favor the younger scenario since it gives more hope you'll grow out of it. :)
More hatred of women from you. Good. Now everyone sees you are a sexist. Keep going. There may still be a few people on the forum who do not hate you.

I love women. They've interested me very much for over 50 years. Women are one of the reasons I studied psychology in college.