All religions are anti-science

All religions are anti-science, so why do leftists only single out Christianity?

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I don't recall presenting my opinion as the truth. Can you cite an exact quote?
It's not that you claim your opinion to be the truth, it's that you won't recognize that it is objectively false. You have a sort of cognitive dissonance thing going on with this matter. Neither logic nor overwhelming evidence to the contrary can get you to change your mind, ... and that's where we stand.
You have the floor.

State your case.

Theravada Buddhism says nothing at all to the existence or non-existence of magic sky daddies or "life after death"... It tells you to use evidence and thought to reveal the reality around you. Often Buddha sounds like he was writing an early science book rather than starting a religion.
Theravada Buddhism says nothing at all to the existence or non-existence of magic sky daddies or "life after death"... It tells you to use evidence and thought to reveal the reality around you. Often Buddha sounds like he was writing an early science book rather than starting a religion.

Does the Pāli Canon say that?
I don't recall presenting my opinion as the truth. Can you cite an exact quote?
Your exchanges with people challenging your position throughout this whole thread seem to imply that you believe your opinion to be the truth.

But that's beside the point that your opinion is objectively wrong for reasons already explained by numerous posters within this thread.
Religion is simply a way of addressing that which science is unable to address... It is not inherently for or against science.
Correct, and conversely, science is atheistic, i.e. it is not anti-religion. No science contains any theism, therefore it does not respect any establishment of religion nor does it prohibit the free exercise thereof. Science is very 1st Amendment.
You're still stuck on the invalid assumption that antiscience is nothing more than opposition to science, aren't you?
I've even went by your very own offered up definition of "antiscience" from a source that I typically summarily dismiss on sight.

Where we stand is that your OP is objectively incorrect and you refuse to admit that. I even took the time to type out a long detailed reasoning as to why your OP is objectively incorrect and you don't wish to address it. Numerous other posters have done so as well, and you haven't addressed their argumentation either.

There seems to be nothing more to discuss, as you are unwilling (at least at this point in time) to admit that your OP is objectively incorrect.
Mighty convenient, that excuse.
Logic is not an excuse. It's more like the Pythagorean Theorem in that it is certainly very convenient. It helps those who do not have cognitive dissonance part the clouds to see the true sky.
I've even went by your very own offered up definition of "antiscience" from a source that I typically summarily dismiss on sight. There seems to be nothing more to discuss, as you are unwilling (at least at this point in time) to admit that your OP is objectively incorrect.

My OP is a poll, my opinion, and a question.

All religions are anti-science, so why do leftists only single out Christianity? Select all that apply.
Science is very 1st Amendment.

Doesn't the relevant clause of the first Amendment simply prohibit the federal government from establishing an official religion and persecuting religionists?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof....